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ThiruvahIndhrapuram RathnAngi Series: Part 60/SrI DevanAyaka PanchAsath (Continued): SlOkma 10: Part III

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Dear BhakthAs:


In the previous postings , the focus was on the extended

meanings of Milky Ocean (ThiruppARkkadal/Jalanidhi )

and SrI Vaikuntam as two of the preferred places of

residence of EmperumAn.


In this posting , we will continue with the other FOUR


SrI Vaikuntam and Milky Ocean as revealed by NigamAntha

MahA Desikan in the tenth slOkam.


The Tenth SlOkam of SrI DevanAyaka PanchAsath


dhivyE padhE jalanidhou nigamOtthamAngE

svAnthE sathAm savithru-maNDala-madhya-bhAgE

BrahmAchalE cha bahumAnapadhE muneenAm

vyakthim Tava ThridasanATa vadhanthi nithyAm


Lord's presence on top of Veda Siras


Swamy Desikan salutes EmperumAn here as " Nigama

utthama angE Tava vyakthim nithyAm vadahanthi " .

Nigama means VedAs. Utthama angam is the head or Siras.

The Utthamangam of Nigama is constituted by Upanishads,

which are the end portions of the VedAs. They are visualized

as prostrating at the sacred feet of the Lord (Thiru adivAram)

and are eulogizing His glories.


The MahA NaarAyaNa Upanishad salutes HIm and says that I know

this Purusha, SrIman NaarAyaNan , who is immense/great (mahAntham),

who is radiant like the Sun and is beyond and above the primordial

matter . The blessed one who knows this ParamAthman becomes

immortal in this birth itself (iha amrutha: bhavathi). There is

no alternative path fr Moksham :


" vEdAhamEtham Purusham mahAntham , Aditya varNam tamasa: parsthAth

TamEvam vidvAn amrutha iha bhavathi, nAnya: panTA: vidhyathE ayanAya "


Taittiriyam joins in and defines Him " Sathyam Jn~Anam Anantham

Brahma "


( The Brahman that I am eulogizing is True ,uncontracted

Consciousness and is infinite in dimensions and is not

limited by place, time or substance).


IsAvasyOpanishad adds to the chorus of salutations as part

of the veda Siras and hails that all this whatsoever is

in the Lord's Universe is pervaded by Him (IsAvAsyamidham

Sarvam yath kincha jagathyAm jagath).


KatOpanishad as One of the Veda Siras is blessed by

the contact with the Lord's Sacred feet and declares:


yathaschOdEthi SooryOastham yathra cha gacchathi

Tamm dEvA: sarvE arpithA: tadhu nAthyEthi kascchana


( All gods without exception are established in Him from

whom the Sun rises and in whom the Sun also sets. None can

transgress this omnipotent Brahman, who is the Self of ALL).


Lord's presence inside the minds of Saadhu Janams


SaasthrAs and PurANAs aver that the Lord enjoys as

One of His preferred residence , the minds of His BhaagavathAs .

MahA NaarAyaNopanishad points out this MahA Purushan

moves within the caves of the minds of the wise(DheerA:)

as the inner controller. Although He has no birth to

speak of(ajAyamAna:), He is born in many forms (BahudhA

VijAyathE) out of His own dhivya sankalpam (divine will).

The Yogins in whose minds the Lord resides yearn to attain

the eternal abode of the nithya sooris through ceaseless

dhyAnam :


PrajApathisccharathi garbhE antha:

ajAyamAnO BahudhA vijAyathE

Tasya DheerA: parijAnathi yOnim

marIcheenAm padham icchanthi vEdhasa:


These blessed souls, whose minds the Lord seeks as

the preferred place of residence are saluted by one

manthram of SvEtasvatara Upanishad:


yunjathE mana utha yunjathE dhiyO viprA-

viprasya BruhathO vipascchitha:

vi hOthrA dhadhE vayunAvidhEka ith

mahIdEvasya Savithu: parishtuthi:


These saadhu janams (viprA:) unite their mind , where

the Lord resides with that ParamAthman (YunjathE). Through

their ParamAthma-centered meditation , they comprehend

that the Lord inside their minds is Omniscient , embodiment

of perfection , PoorNan , Controller of all (niyanthA) and

associated always with His divine consorts of SrI and BhU devis.

They also come to know that this ParamAthman relishes kaimkaryams

of those knowers of His essential nature (Brahma Vidhs).


Lord's presence in the middle of the Soorya MaNDalam


MahA NaarAyaNOpanishad salutes Him as the One in the middle of

the orb of the Sun as the Golden-hued Purusha:


" ya yEshOantharAdhithyE HiraNmaya: Purusha: "


The entire Soorya NamskAra Prasnam also instructs us

on this truth of the Lord residing in the middle of

the Orbit of the Sun.


In the PrAtha: sandhyA vandhanam , after UpasthAnam ,

we recite a prayer as a part of the dhig vandhanam:







( Sriman NaarAyaNan dwelling in the middle of the orb

of the Sun having a golden hue, seated on a lotus ,

adorning oranments of exquisite beauty such as shoulder

bands, ear rings , crown, garlands , holding Sudarsanam

and Paanchajanyam as dhivya aayudhams is the Parama Purushan

to be meditated upon always). This prayer ends up with

SaraNAgathi (Govindha PundareekAksha Raksha Maam SaraNAgatham).

This prayer has been pointed out to us by our AchAryAs

as the essence of SandhyA vandhanam.


Lord's presence as ArchA at BrahmAchalam/ThiruvahIndhrapuram


The final permanent place of residence of the Lord besides

SrI Vaikuntam , Milky Ocean, Veda Siras, Minds of Saadhu Janams

and the center of the Sun is pointed out by Swamy Desikan

as BrahmAchalam(Place of penance of Brahma Devan /

ThiruvahIndhrapuram ):


BrahmAchalE cha bhaumAnapadhE munInAm

vyakthim Tava ThridasanATa vadanthi nithyAm


At BrahmAchalam revered by the Sages, Oh DeavanATaa ,

You manifest Yourself permanently says Swamy Desikan

in this slOkam.


NigamAntha Summary of the places of Lord's residences


This powerful slOkam of Swamy Desikan eulogizing

the Lord of ThiruvahIndhrapuram is a summation of

the renowned MahA NaarAyaNopanishad manthram:


ambhasya pArE bhuvasya madhyE

nAkasya prushtE mahathO mahIyAn

sukrENa jyOthigumshi samanupravishta:

PrajApathisccharathi garbhE antha:


Here the Lord's residences at the Milky Ocean

(ambhasya pArE) , inside the Sun's orbit(Bhuvanasya

MadhyE)are saluted. At the Milky ocean , He resides to be

accessible to BrahmA and DevAs. In the middle of Adithya MaNDalam,

(Bhuvanasya madhyE) He resides to enable the bhakthAs

to meditate upon Him during the SandhyA Kaalams.He resides

in SrI Vaikuntam (nAkasya prushtE), a world free from any sorrow ,

to recieve the Nithya Kaimakryam from the MukthAs and nithya Suris .

He resides in the minds of the Saadhu Janams to make Himself

readily accessible to those UpaasakAs.He is present as the inner self

in all beings as their controller. He is the Supreme Lord

(at ThiruvahIndhrapuram) with infinite Isvaryam and VyApthi.


In the next posting , the abundance of the PuNya Theerthams

(Sacred assemblies of waters) at ThiruvahIndhrapuram

is saluted by Swamy Desikan.


NamO SrI DevanAtha MahA PurusAya

Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan

inviting Your participation in the RathnAngi

Kaimkaryam for SrI DhaivanAyakan of ThiruvahIndhrapuram

scheduled for poorthi with His anugraham on

October 5,2003(PurattAsi SravaNam day).

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