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ThiruvahIndhrapuram RathnAngi Series: Part 64/SrI DevanAyaka PanchAsath : SlOkma 15

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Dear BhakthAs:


Today , let us enjoy the 15th slOkam of SrI DevanAyaka

PanchAsath which pays tribute to the glories of

the beautiful limbs (avayavams) that created

the entire prapancham (universe and its beings

from DevAs to humans ). Special reference is made by

NigamAntha MahA Desikan to Purusha Sooktham in this slOkam ,

where the creation of the prapancham starting from

Brahma Devan from the beautiful limbs of the Lord

through the Purusha Yaj~nam is saluted.


The Fifteenth SlOkam of SrI DevanAyaka PanchAsath


VedhEshu nirjarapathE nikhilEshu adhItham

VyAsAdhibhir-bahumatham Tava sooktham agryam

angAnyamUni Bhavatha: subhagAni adhIthE

visvam VibhO janithavanti Virinja-poorvam


Meaning of the slOkam :


Oh Lord pervasively present in all of Your cerations

befitting Your name as Vibhu (VibhO)! Oh Lord of

the DevAs ( NirjarapathE)! Your Purusha Sooktham

(Tava Sooktham) is recited in all the VedAs ( Tava

Sooktham nikhilEshu VEdhEshu adhitham ). It is revered

by great sages like VyAsA as the most sacred one

among the Veda manthrams.( Tava Sooktham agryam;

VyAsAdhibhi: Bhaumatham).


Why is this Purusha Sooktham found in all the four

VedAs and stands in the front row of Your Veda Manthrams?

It is because it instructs us about those beautiful

limbs of Yours (Bhavatha: subagAni amUni angAni) being

associated with the birth of this universe starting

from Brahma Devan . Grand indeed is the Vaibhavam of

Your most beautiful limbs associated with the birth of

the Universe and its beings as described in Purusha Soktham.


Vedic references to the Lord's creation of the Prapancham


Brahma Soothram (I.1.2) states that the Omniscient ,

Omnipotent and most merciful Brahman is the origin of

the Universe and is responsible for its sustenance and

dissolution in all its myriad and abundant forms ( JanmAdhyasya

yatha:).This soothram is backed up by many Upanishadic reveleations

such as those found in TaitthirIyam , ChAndhOgyam , MahA NaarAyaNam

BrahadhAraNyakam and AitrEyam in the direct and in expanded forms.

The creative power of the Brahman (DevAthma sakthi) is

saluted by SvEthasvatAra Upanishad.Lord is recognized as

the source of the Universe (BhUtha yOni) by Mundaka Upanishad.


This PurushA propounded in Upanishads is celebrated as

the creator of the Universe (PrajApathi, HiraNyagarbha)

with the names and forms (Naama roopa Prapancham ).

The HiraNyagarbha Sooktham of Rg Vedam with the famous

refrain ( kasmai DevAya havishA vidhEma) recognizes

the Lord as " BhUthasya Jaatha: pathirEka aaseeth "

(Creator and the Lord of all created beings).


The dialog between Aniruddha NaarAyaNan and Brahma Devan

regarding the command of the Lord to perform Srushti

Yaj~nam is covered in the Purusha Sooktha samhithai

section of Saakalya BrAhmaNam . Instructions are given

by the Lord to BrahmA for such a Yaj~nam for creation

of the Universe and its beings from the VirAd Purushan.


Purusha Sooktham and Creation


Swamy desikan says in this slOkam that Purusha

Sooktham is housed in all the VedAs and is revered

( VedhEshu akhilEshu Tava Sooktham adhitham).

The choice of the word " Tava Sooktham " for Purusha

Sooktham seems to be relating to the Lord's Vaibhavam

as PurushOtthaman , whose tatthvam is elaborated here.


BrahmA , the Aadhi Jeevan performed a Maanasa Yaj~nam

(Purusha Yaj~nam) through the VirAD sarIram given by

the Lord Himself for creating this Universe at the command

of the Lord .Brahma Devan used DevAs ( his indhriyams )

as the priests (rthviks), Vasantha ruthu as the ghee

for that Yaj~nam, GhrIshma Ruthu ( Summer season)

as the sacred twigs (samith) , Sarath Ruthu as

the Havis , Parama Purushan as Agni and himself (Brahma

Devan) as PoorNAhUthi. The birth of the CharAcharams

arose --as present in previous kalpAs-- from this Maanasa

Yaj~nam. Chandran arose from the mind , Sooryan from

the eyes , Indhran and Agni from the mouth, Vaayu from

PrANan, Anthariksham from the navel , Deva LOkam from

the Siras, BrahmanAs from the face , Kings from the arms ,

VaisyAs from the thighs , the directions from the ears et al.


The ManthradhrashtA , the Veda Rishi declares with profound



Tath-Purushasya VisvamAjAnamagrE

vEdhAmEtham Purusham MahAntham

Aadhithya varNam tamasa: parasthAth

TamEvam vidhvAnamrutha iha bhavathi

Naanya: PanTA vidhyathE ayanAya


(meaning): The visva Rooam of this VirAD Purushan

became manifested at the beginning of creation.

I know this glorious form of the Lord with the radiance of

the Sun and which is on the opposite shore of the darkness

of nescience(Tamas). One who knows this Purushan in this way

reaches immortality and there is no other path for Moksham.


Presence of Purusha Sooktham in all VedAs


Purusha Sooktham is found in the oldest of Vedams

(Rg Vedam) in the tenth ManDalam with 16 manthrams (X.90).

With some variations , it is found in Sukla Yajur

Vedam (VaajasanEya Samhithai: 31.1.16), KrishNa Yajur

Veda Samhithai(TaittirIya AaraNyakam: 3.12.13),

Saama Vedam (4.3) and Atharvana Vedam ( 19.6.3).


This Purusha Sooktham found in all the Veda Samhithais

is considered as the Saaram of all Sruthis:


Idham Purusha Sooktham hi Sarva VedhEshu PaDyathE

aTa: Sruthibhya: SarvEbhyO phalavath samudhIritham

--MahA BhAratham: Moksha Dharmam section


" VyAsAdhibhir Bahumatham Tava Sooktham agryam "


Swamy Desikan states that the Purusha Sooktham

dealing with the PurushOtthama Tatthvam of the Lord

is revered on top of all the Veda Sookthams by

Sages from VyAsa onwards. Sounaka Rishi, Aapasthambhar

(Soothra karthA), BhOdhaayanar (Vrutthi kArar)and

other sages established the ways to perform Purusha Sooktha

Japam , Homa Vidhi, AarAdhana kramam (PoojA VidhAnam),

ManthrArTa NirUpanam of Purusha Sooktham for our benefit .


" Bhavatha: angAnyamUni Virinja Poorvam visvam janithavanthi "


In the second half of the 15th slOkam of SrI DevanAyaka

PanchAsath, Swamy Desikan salutes the creation of the Universe

starting from BrahmA from the limbs of this VirAD Purushan

through a maanasa Yaj~nam .


" TasmAth VirADajAyatha , VirAjO adhi Poorusha:

Sa JaathO athyarichyatha, PascchAdh BhUmimaTO pura: "


Regarding this above manthrA passage , Saayana comments

on the origin of the VirAD Purushan from the ParamAthmA

this way : " TasmAth Aadhi PurushAth VirAd ajAyatha BrahmANDa

dEha uthpanna:, ---yOyam Sarva vedAntha vEdhya: ParamAthmA

Sa yEva svakeeyayaa maayayaa dEham brAmANDam srushtvA

Tathra jeeva roopENa pravisya VirAD BrahmANDObhimAni

DevathAthmA jeevObhavath " .


SrI RangarAmAnuja Muni, the Upanishad BhAshyakArar describes

this VirAd Purushan as the One shining in different ways

in the Tatthvams like Mahath and links VirAd to Prakruthi:


" MahathAdhi roopENa raajatha ithi virAd, VirAdithi

PrakruthiruchyathE "


Purusha Sooktham continues with the performance of

the Yaj~nam with VirAd Purushan :


" Yath PurushENa HavishA , DEvA Yaj~namatanvatha

VasaanthO asyAseedhAjyam , greeshma idhma: saraddhavi: "


Emphasis on Purusha Sooktham by Swamy Desikan


This Sooktham linked to Srushti Yaagam is vital

because it instructs us on the path to MOksham.

Hence Swamy Desikan makes special mention of

it in his DevanAyaka panchAsath SlOkam .


Let us conclude this posting with the salutation

to ParamAthmA , SrI Deva Naayakan:


(praNavam) namO vedavEdhyAya prasannAya MahAthmanE

prabhOdhAnandharoopAya VishNavE ParamAthmanE


SrI DevanAtha Para BrahmaNE nama:

Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan


P.S: adiyEn invites Your participation in the RathnAngi

Kaimkaryam for SrI DhaivanAyakan of ThiruvahIndhrapuram

with anjali-bhaddha hastham . It is scheduled for poorthi

with His anugraha sankalpam on October 5, 2003

(PurattAsi SravaNam day).We are but little instruments

in His hands.


There are just 136 days left before the planned samarpaNam of

the RathnAngi for the Lord. Wont You please join in this

kaimkaryam , support it and recieve the paripoorNa

anugraham of Lord DevanAthan and SrI HemAbhja Valli ThAyAr?

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