Guest guest Posted June 12, 2003 Report Share Posted June 12, 2003 SWAMY NAMMAAZHWAR BIRTHDAY : SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ************************************************** SrI: Dear BhakthAs: As of June 17 , 2003 adiyen will be making some changes in the three groups that adiyen moderates. June 17 is the Aani Sravanam day . COPIES TO OTHER LIST GROUPS WILL NOT BE CONTINUED THEREAFTER TO SAVE THE LIST MEMBERS FROM " THE PAIN " OF OPENING MULTIPLE MAILS AND " THE PLEASURE " OF DELETING THEM . Here are some changes adiyen is planning to implement in the THREE groups (Oppiliappan ,Saranagathy and Rama Bhakthi ): 1.RAAMA BHAKTHI LIST ********************* Rama Bhakthi will deal only with the bhakthi-filled krithis of Saint Thyagaraja , Bhadrachala Ramadas and Saint Annamayyaa. None of these postings , which examine the deeper meanigs of the Krithis composed by these NaadhOpAsakAs will not be cOpiesd to anyother lists. If you wish to to this list as a SangItha AbhimAmaani /NaadhOpAsaka , Please to this group by sending mail to: RamaBhakthi- The keerthanams that to be covered in the RaamaBhakthi list during 2003 are: 1. Etula Brothuvo--Raagam : ChakravAham 2. Prakkala Nilapadi--Raagam: Karahara PriyA 3. Manasa Etulorthune--Raagam : MalayamArutham 4. Nijamarmamulanu--Raagam: UmAbharanam 5. Daasarathy nee runamu theerpa Tarama--Raagam: ThOdi 6. Mari Mari Ninne Moralida neemanasuna dhayarAdhu--Raagam: KambhOJi 7. Emichesithemi Sri Ramaswamy karunaleni vaarilalo--Raagam Thodi 8. Raama kathA sudha rasa paanamu--Raagam: MadhyamAvathi 9. Lakshanamulu Raamauniki--Raagam: Sudhda SaavERi 10.Eti Jnamamidhi Oh Raama --Raagam: VarALi 2. OPPILIAPPAN LIST ******************** This list will be the one for main communication on the SrI Sookthis of AzhwArs, AchAryAs , Temple related fund raising in general and THIRUVAHINDRAPURAM RATHNAANGI KAIMKARYAM in partciular.The samarpaNam dates have been shifted forward to Kaarthigai SravaNam ( November 28) from PurattAsi SravaNam ( October 5). PurattAsi SravaNam is a busy day at ThiruvahIndhrapuram , when Swamy Desikan's birthday celebrations ( Padi Uthsavam) take precedence. By the way , it will give us a breather to raise the needed funds for the Kaimakryam. Areas of coverage for the near future in OPPILIAPPAN LIST: *********************************************************** 1. Sri DevanAyaka PanchAsath 2. Achyutha sathakam 3. SrI Sudarsana Sathakam of SrI Koora NaarAyana Jeeyar. 4. Contributed articles from list members Those who wish to are requested to send mail to: Oppiliappan- 3. Saranagathy List ******************** This list will revert to its former status as a JOURNAL and will be exclusively devoted to special and rare SrI Sookthis of Swamy Desikan and all SrI sookthis dealing with SaraNAgathy doctrine and its anushtAnam. The anticipated SrI Sookthis to be covered in THE REACTIVATED SARANAGATHY JOURNAL ( VOLUME 4) are: 1. DramidOpanishad Saaram --V.Sadagopan 2. DramidOpanishad Taathparya RathnAvaLi--V.Sadagopan 3. ChillaRai RahsyangaL--V.Sadagopan 4. Desika prabhandham--S.Rengarajan 5. Other SrI Sookthis of Swamy Desikan,Kuresar (Pancha Sthavam) and other AchAryAs...V.Sadagopan 6. Contributed articles from Scholars and AchAryAs from India. Those who wish to join the new SaranAgathy Journal can by sending mail to: Saranagathi- Once the current web pages are reconfigured to present and archive the new articles , adiyEn will stop copying specific articles to the current Saranagathy List and keep it open for Q & A on items of interest on anushtAnam and doctrines of SrI Vaishanava SampradhAyam that are not covered in the Oppiliappan List. PLEASE REFER TO THE SARANAGATHY JOURNAL BACK ISSUES (39 POSTINGS) AND SDDS BACK ISSUES (57 POSTINGS). THE URL IS: http://www.srivaishnava,org/sgati SDDS was started on October 1996 by SrIman Anbil Ramaswamy, who is doing yeoman service to advance our SampradhAyam . This was the birthday of Swamy Desikan in 1996. Saranagathy Journal was started on October 11, 1997 . This was also the birthday of Swamy Desikan in 1997. The last issue of Saranagathy Journal(Volume III) was in June 2000. With bagavath-BhAgavatha-AchArya anugraham ,we will restart the SaraNAgathy Journal on June 17, 2003 after a hiatus of three years. May the AchAryans bless this Kaimkaryam ! The subjects covered in the three volumes of Saranagathy Journal sofar by a group of authors are: 1. AchArya Vamsa Vruksham 2. Prapanna PaarijAtham of SrI NadAdhUr AmmAl 3. Gadhya Thrayams 4. PradhAna Sathakam of Swamy Desikan 5. UpakAra Sangraham of Swamy Desikan 6. AdhikaraNa SaarAvaLi of Swamy Desikan 7. NikshEpa RakshA of Swamy Desikan 8. Doctrine of SaranAgathy: 17 parts 9. Ubhaya Lingham 10. Tatthvamasi : VisishtAdhvaithic and Adhvaithic intrepretations 11. Adaikkala Patthu of Swamy Desikan 12. NyAsa Dasakam of Swamy Desikan 13. Role of AchAryan in Saadhana 14. Parama Padha SopAnam 15. GodhA Sthuthi 16. Sudarsana Vaibhavam: 17. PaancharAthra Aagamam 18. BhIshma Sthuthi of MahA BhAratham SrI BhUmi Devi SamEtha SrI ThiruviNNagarappan ThiruvadigaLE Saranam , Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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