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Thondaradippodi AzhwAr's ThirupaLLIyezucchi: Part I( Introduction)

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Dear SrI RanganAtha BhakthAs:


ThoNDardippodi AzhwAr's Pranhandham of ThiruppaLLIyezucchi

is the Seventh of the 24 Dhivya Prabhandhams and is housed

under the Mudalaayiram .


In this Prabhandham, the great devotee of Lord RanganAtha

awakens the Lord of SrIrangam by pointing out the signs of

day break . The AzhwAr requests the Lord to wake up from

His yOga nidhrA and bless the huge gathering of DEvAs,

Sages, BhAgavathAs assembled in front of His sanctum

sanctorium with all soubhAgyams . The Darsana SoubhAgyam

of the Lord of SrIrangam is the highest among these requested

soubhAgyams . During this awakening process , AzhwAr recalls

the many auspcious deeds performed by Him during His avathArams.

The description of the signs of the breaking of dawn

over SrIrangam is most beautiful and reminds us of

(1)the Ushas Sookthams of Rg vedam and (2) the day break

at SrIvilliputthur , where AndAL woke up another

resting archA Moorthy(Vadapathra Saayee) and reminded Him of

His sworn duties.


The Divine Dawn at SrIrangam , the BhUlOka Vaikuntam


Let us recall two Rg veda manthrams relating to Ushas

(the Vedic Dawn)in this context of the breaking dawn

at SrIrangam :


vayam hi tE amanmahy aantAdhA paraakAth

asvE na chithrE arushi---Rg Vedam: I.30.21


Here the sacred dawn is visualized as a beautiful

girl , who is many-hued and brilliant and also as One ,

whose glories and the limits are not fully known to

the eulogizer , whether those glories are near

or far away. (Dawn dazzles and overwhelms

the eulogizer, the Manthra dhrashtA ).


The Divine Dawn & Revathi Samudhbhavan, Lord of Rangam


RuthAvaree dhivO arakairaBhOdhyA

REVATHI RhOdasi chithramasTAth

aayathImagna Ushasam vibhAtheem

vaamamEshi dhraviNam bhikshamANa:


--Rg Vedam : III.61.6


The reference here to Lord RanganAtha " s

Thirunakshathram of Revathi along with Ushas

in this Veda Manthram is very relevant

for ThirupaLLiyezucchi Prabhandham.


Revathi also represents the Vedic Speech

(Rg Vedam :I.30.13) as endorsed later by Satapatha

BraahmaNam : " Vaagvai Revathi " . Rg Veda manthram I.30.13

prays in this context to the Lord and requests: " May we

live in perfect bliss in union and harmony with You " .

Lord RanganAtha responded to a similar request

with the benedcition: " athraiva SrIrangE SukhamAsva " .

ThoNDaradippodi sang the ThirupaLLiyezucchi

and reamined until the end of his life right

there in Srirangam as SrI RanganAtha Pathivrathai

and performed MaalA Kaimkaryam to the Lord like

PeriyAzhwAr and Andal before his time.


Rg Veda Manthram:(III.61.6) Divine Dawn Continued


Aurobindo " s translated the above Manthram

this way :


" By Heaven's illuminings , one percieved Her ,

a bearer of the truth and raptourous She comes

with its varied light into the two firmaments.

From Dawn as She approaches shining on Thee ,

Oh Lord , Thou seekest and attainest to the substance

of delight " .


The other version of the translation of the above

manthram fitting more with Sayana's commentary is:


" The upholder of eternal order , the Dawn , is recognized

in the sky by Her radiance: bearing the richness of light

She has taken a marvellous station in earth and heaven.

Oh enlightened worshipper , soliciting splendid riches,

May You proceed to the radiant advancing dawns ! " .


The splendid riches sought from the Lord of SrIrangam

alluded by the above Veda manthram can be grouped as

Tatthva Thraya Jn~Anam, asanchala Bhakthi, dhruDa VairAgyam ,

exquisite SadAcharya Bhakthi and sath sampradhAya anushtAnam.


The spreading of the radiance of the Dawn


The next Rg Veda Manthram ( III.61.7) visualizes

the mighty Dawn reflecting the radiance of cosmic

light and cosmic plasma spreading Her splendour

everywhere in different directions in the most enchanting



The Vedic Dawn (USHAS) is not exactly the Physical dawn

although symbolically , it is related to Brahma

MuhUrtham , when the ThiruppaLLiyezucchi is sung.


The Vedic Dawn (Ushas) is the servant maid of

the Lord and is associated with the Cows, Horse,Light ,

Cattle , Gold , Food , Progeny and extends beyond

that soubhAgyams of the physical realm to that of

mental and spiritual realms with its own deeper



Ushas (Dawn ) , when the ThirupaLLiyezucchi songs

are sung is also saluted as Gomathi meaning light

and radiance of a supernatural kind. Gomati is

the radiant vital force that unshackles the bhaddha

Jeevan from dark nights of slumber .


Rg Veda Manthram : III. 61.7/The break of the day


rithasya Bhudhna ushasAm ishaNyan

vrishA mahI rOdhasi aa vivesa

mahI mithrasya VaruNasya mAyA

chandravE bhAnum vi dhadhE puruthrA


(meaning): The power behind the rain ( the Sun)

urged by the dawn (Ushas) at the break of

the truthful day is pervading the realms of

vast heaven and earth. The most beautiful

and energetic dawn as precursor for the Vedic

day reflects the radiance of the cosmic light

( ParandhAmAn) and spreads her splendour

in all directions .


What is the Vedic Dawn ?


It is the dawn for the worship of SandhyAs

and performance of Vaidhika anushtAnams

(pancha PrakriyA)that follow.It is the time for

Gayathri manthra Japam ( Rg.Vedam: III.62.10). It is

the dawn for japam of Moola manthram and dhvyam

as well as reflections on the deep and comforting

meanings of the third rahasyam (Charama slOkam).

It is the time to celebrate our AchAryA's and

their limitless Daya towards us to intercede

with the Dhivya Dampathis on our behalf .


Dawn, the time for thankful prayers for Lord's Daya


The Rg Veda Manthram ( I.31.1-2 ) and the additional

Rks ( III.62.8-18) extend these prayers at Dawn.

Here are some excerpts:


1) ThvamagnE praTamO angirA rishir-

dEvO devAnAm abhava: Siva: sakhA

Tava vrathE kavayO vidmanaapasO-

jayanta maruthO bhrAjadhrishtaya:


---Rg Vedam.I.31.1


Extended Meaning): Oh most enchanting and revered Lord!

Thou art the first and foremost saaram/essence of life.

Thou art the grantor of the boon of bliss to the enlightened

ones and the revealer of the esoteric knowledge about Yourself

( Brahma VidhyA and Your avathAra rahasyams).

Thou art the true and never failing friend (sakhA)

to Your BhakthAs , who conduct their lives in

consonance with Your eternal laws. Under Your

devotd care and supervision , the fortunate

righteous ones acquire dhivya Jn~Ananam and

transform themselves from mere mortals to

Seers rich in Vedic wisdom.


( Angirah here has been intrepreted here as the essence of

the entire cosmic creation ; Rishi stands for the instructor

of all the VedAs ,(i-e) Lord HayagrIvan.maruth stands for

the assembly of well instructed people).


Addiitonal Vedic prayers to the Lord at Dawn


The MahAnAmni and Raivata Saamans celebrate this

Lord with their own prayers. Atharva Vedam and

Yajur Vedam have such unique prayers seeking

auspiciousness , enlightenment and bliss.


We will focus here however on few more Rg Vedic Rks found

at the end of the Thiurd Canto of Rg Vedam :


1) thAmm jushasva giram mama vaajayantheemavA dhiyam

vadhuriva yOshANAm.....III.62.8


Oh adorable Lord ! May Thou be pleased with this eulogy

of mine and be receptive to these earnest thoughts as a devoted

and caring bridegroom (Azhagiya MaNavALan) would be to

His bride !


2)Gaayathri Manthram : Rg Vedam III.62.10


" May we imbibe in ourselves the choicest effulgence .

of the Divine Creator , that He evokes our intellects " .


Sir William Jones has translated the vry same Gaayathri

manthram this way: " Let us adore the Supermacy of that

divine Sun , the God-head, who illuminates all , who

recreates all, and from whom all proceed to , to whom

( Soorya MandalaantharyAmi , SrIman NaarAyaNan) all must

return, whom we invoke to direct our understandings

right in our progress " .


3)dEvam nara: SavithAram viprA Yagnai: suvrukthibhi:

namasyanthi dhiyEkshithA: (Rg Vedam: III.62.12)


Propelled by pious thoughts , wise BhaagavathAs adore

and eulogize the Divine creator of the Universes with

devotional songs and follow through with actions

dedicated to Him in a spirit of Saathvika ThyAgam.


4) UrusamsA namOvrudhA mahnA dakshasya rAjaTa:

dhraghishtAbhi: suchivrathA ....Rg Vedam: III.62.17


Oh adorable Lord ( of SrIrangam)! As the Yaj~nakruth

(performer of benovolent deeds) , as the One who is

celebrated and glorified by all ( the three kinds of

Jeevans) , as the One who enjoys their adoration as

Sthuthi priyan and as the One whose limitless auspicious

attributes are marked by sustained praises in the VedAs,

May Thou reign Supreme displaying Your majestic and

matchless valour !


On the break of dawn one day in SrIrangam , Our ThoNDaradippodi

AzhwAr hailing from ThirumaNDamkudi stood before Lord RanganAtha

with a basket of TuLasi and Flower garlands on His shoulders

and requested the reclining RaajAthi Raajan as Vandhi and VaithAlikar

to awaken and bless the worlds with His MangaLa dhrushti.


In the next posting , adiyEn will cover the two Taniyans

for the Prabhandham of ThiruppaLLiyezucchi.


NamO SrI RanganAthAya,

BhakthAngri rENu Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan

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