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Fw: ThiruvahIndhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimkaryam 106: Desika Darsana Saara Sangraham-- Part IV

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Dear Swamy Desika BhakthAs: Here is the Fourth and concludign

Part in the series.


Iswara Tatthvam


Iswaran is the third of the three Tatthvams after chEthanam and achEthanam.

SrIman NaarAyaNan is indeed the SarvEswaran. He is the Jn~Ana Svaroopan.

He can not be defined by time, place or vasthu. He remains in all places

and at all times as well as in the form of all vasthus.He is

of Bliss (Aanandha) svarUpam. No blemishes(DhOshams)

are to be found in HIm.All the Universe (prapancham) stands

as His body. This includes all chEthanams and achEthanams.

He remains as the means and the fruits for all. He is the Creator,

Protector and Destroyer of all.He is the Supreme most God.He is

the basis of every one and He rules them all , as well as , enjoys them .

He is the One , who destroys all the sins of those , who seek His refuge.

He is eulogized by all VedAs.He is worshipped by all karmAs and blesses

the worshipper with the fruits of such karmAs.He creates Brahma and

all the DevAs and they follow His commands without fail. Through

His Svaroopam and divine Suddha Satthva Body , He stands far above

every thing else in His creation.His auspicious attributes are natural to Him.

There is nothing that one can not get by approaching Him. He is not away

from His divine consort even for a moment.


His ThirumEni (Divine Body ) is of five forms: Param , VyUham , Vibhavam ,

AntharyAmi and Archai. Para Roopam is is the Roopam of Para VasudEvan

residing at SrI Vaikuntam. VyUha forms are four in number : VaasudEvan,

SankarshaNan , Pradhyumnan and Aniruddhan. In Vibhava form , He incarnates

as Mathsyam , Koormam , Narsimhan , Raaman , KrishNan et al. AntharyAmi is

the state , where He appears as the indweller of the heart cavities of chEthanams.

ArchA form is the one , where He blesses us at the various dhivya dEsams

and takes on the forms desired by BhakthAs , Rishis et al.


Periya PirAtti also belongs to the Iswara vrgaam. All except this Divine couple

belong to the Jeeva vargam. PirAtti like Her Lord is present in a pervasive form

with Him everywhere. She stays as the means and the fruits like Her consort.

They are like the parents desiring the well being and happiness of their children

and divide their respective duties for our benefit. With their own sankalpam ,

they divide their complimentary duties to protect and bless us. It is beyond

us to understand their sankalpam and how they divide their respective duties.

When one observes Prapatthi , We should seek Her intercession (PurushakAram)

and perform Prapatthi to Her and then perform Prapatthi before both of Them.




Hitham is the UpAyam (means) usd to gain Moksham . Both Bhakthi and Prapatthi

Yogams are the hithams(means) for realizing Moksham.


Bhakthi Yogam is of many forms. This has to be observed continously until

Moksham is gained.A significant interval of time would go by before gaining

the fruits of Moksham.It is very difficult to observe Bhakthi yogam with all its

parts. At this time, the qualified people to practise Bhakthi Yogam are limited

in number. MahAns like AchArya Naathamuni are the exemplary adhikAris

for practising Bhakthi Yogam .


Prapatthi Yogam is observed by those , who find it extremely difficult to practise

Bhakthi Yogam as the means for Moksham . Prapatthi Yogam is also known by

other names such as Bharan-nyAsam , SaraNAgathy , Bhara SamarpaNam and

UpAya anushtAnam. SaadhAraNa adhikAris call it adhrushtam also.


Praptthi is of four kinds: (1) Sva-Nishtai (2) Ukthi Nishtai (3) AchArya Nishtai

and (4) BhAgavatha Nishtai. Sva-nishtai is extremely rare these days and is

observed by very few. Ukthi Nishtai and AchArya Nishtai are practised by

SrImath Azhagiya Singars of AhObila Matam. Mostly AchArya Nishtai and

BhAgavatha Nishtai to a minor extent are practised by the AchAryAs of

Muni Thraya SampradhAyam.It is our PoorvAchAryAL's firm opinion that one of

the four kinds of Nishtais has to be obseved to realize Moksham in Desika



When one observes once Prapatthi for a specific goal , one can gain the desired

phalan at the desired time. For instance , If one prefers to enjoy the karma phalans

and wishes to have Moksham at the time of leaving this body , one can realize that

Phalan .This is called Dhruptha Prapatthi. There are instances when one can not

stand samsAric bonds any more and wish to realize Moksham immediately ; if that

person performs Prapatthi with that goal, he can gain that desired result. There is no

doubt about that. This type of Prapatthi is known as AaarTa Prapatthi.This Prapatthi

has the full power to grant different kinds of fruits immediately .There is no

restriction based on Jaathi for observing Prapathti.There is no gender restrictions.

All Janthus can practise Prapatthi Yogam and perform SaraNAgathi/Prapatthi

to gain Moksham .


The Duties of Prapannan


One who observes Prapatthi is known as Prapannan. There is no other UpAyam

that he needs to observe for securing MOksham. He can rest free expecting Moksham

without any anxiety whatsoever. However , He should not ever abandon his nithya

and naimitthika karmAs . He should not perform them with some goal in mind.

They are to be done to please the Lord.He should not seek any other fruits other

than Bhakthi and Jn~Anam during the post-prapanna life on this earth.He should

perform Bhagavath Kaimkaryams as per his capacity.He should study the SrI Sookthis

of his AchAryAs and worship the Lord and His PirAtti at the dhivya dEsams.He should

not fret about the time wasted until the time of Prapatthi and celebrate his good

fortune in attaining a SadAchAryan and his blessed KatAksham.He should partake

Saathvic food to gain the ascendancy of Satthva guNam.He should never consume food

at his home without performing Bhagavath AarAdhanam.He should consider himself as

the dAsan of AchAryAs and BhaagavathAs and serve them as much as he can. He should

not boast about himself. He should recite Dhvyam always. He should reject the loka

Sukhams and seek the dhivya dampathis always. He should reflect often on the great

help (MahOpakAram) to him by the SadAchAryan . He should not ever commit any

apachArams (offenses) by mind , speech or body to BhAgavathAs. He should not

have any links to Gods other than SrIman NaarAyaNan. When during the last moments of

incapacited period of life , he should not permit his relatives or friends to seek the help

of any gods other than SrIman NaarAyaNan.DevathAnthara Sambhandham and

BhAgavatha apachAram will destroy the glories of Prapatthi. One has to be extremely

careful on both these fronts to gain the full power of Prapatthi.


Sinlessness of Prapannan


The Prapannan who knows trhe glories of Prapatthi and has practised it as

an UpAyam has the greatest reverence and affection for the Lord and will not

committ any sins consciously.Those sins accumulated without his knowledge

will not stay with him.The power of Prapatthi will chase such sins away.

If he were to committ any sins knowingly due to desa-kaala-nimittha dhOshams ,

they will be destroyed if he repents over them and does not commit those

sins again and performs appropriate PrAyascchitthams. For the one , who can not

perform the big PrAyscchitthams prescribed by SaasthrAs , performance of Prapatthi

itself is the PrAyascchittham. Even those PrapnnAs , who do not perform such

PrAyscchittham , our Lord offers light punishmnets on this earth and makes him

pure again.The Prapannan is guranteed of Moksham and he never enters Narakam.


Prapannan and Death


There is no requirements for the Prapannan to be at a holy site or leave

his body in UttharAyaNam or Sukla paksham or day time for assurance of

Moksham. All of these requirements/impediments are for non-prapannas .

Prapannan can meet death at any place or time without impediments

to Moksham .


The Exit of the Jeevan form the Body


When the Lord helps to exit the Jeevan from the body , He unites the Speech

and other KarmEndhriyams as well as Eyes and other Jn~Endhriyams with

the mind ( manas). Then He unites that Manas to PrANa Vaayu and latter

with the Jeevan.Next, He churns the ThristhUNam ( three pillar like bones

in the back of the body) and releases the subtle essence of the Pancha

BhUthams. When He churns the ThristhUNams, the pain experienced by

the Jeevan is deep and our Lord embraces the Jeevan to comfort it. Upto

this point , the experience of Prapannan and non-prapannan at the time of

death is the same.There are 101 nerve centers (naadi sthAnams) in our

body . For Prapannan , our Lord facilitates the exit of the Jeevan by

the 101st Nadi known as Sushumnai or Brahma Naadi or Moordhanya

Naadi and guides the Jeevan via ArchirAdhi Maargam to SrI Vaikuntam .


ArchirAdhi Maargam


This Maargam is known as the path of light . The Jeevan that exits out of

Brahma Naadi is recieved successively by Agni Devathai, the devathai for

the Day , Sukla Paksha Devathai, UttharAyaNa Devathai , Varsha Devathai,

Vaayu Devathai, Sooryan , Chandran, Lightning Devathai , VaruNan , Indhran

and BrahmA . They welcome the Jeevan to their regions of authority and

escort the jeevan to their boundaries and then hand the jeevan for the next

Devathai to take care of . This mode of travel with the respectful help of

the above Devathais to SrI Vaikuntam is known as the travel by

ArchirAdhi Maargam.


PURUSHAARTAM ( Reaching Parama Padham & ParipoorNa BrahmAnubhavam)


At the end of the journey by ArchirAdhi Maargam , the Jeevan approaches SrI Vaikuntam.

To enter the Supreme abode of the Lord , He will give up the Sookshma sareeram

that was maintained so far due to the power of Prapatthi .The jeevan will now cross

the nectarine VirajA river by the power of his sankalpam. Once that is finished ,

Lord will confer the Suddha Satthva maya Sareeram (without any admixture of

Prakruthi) to the Jeevan . The Jeevan will continue the journey and cross the pond

known as Irammadheeyam and approach the divine pupil tree (asva Maram)

with the name of Somasavanam. There 500 divine damsels (apsaras) will be

waiting for the Jeevan with garlands , fragrant powder and other UpachAra Vasthus.

They will welcome the Muktha Jeevan and make him gain fragrance and radiance

arising from Suddha Satthva maya dEham. This help by the apsaras is known as

BrahmAlankAram. The Nithya Sooris will next welcome the Jeevan and in

their company , the jeevan will approach the Gopuram of SrI Vaikuntam .

There the dhvAra PaalakAs will offer their salutations ; the Maharishis will

welcome the jeevan there with PoorNa Kumbham and the ladies will have

lamps in their hands to join in that welcome. Now the Jeevan guided by them

will enter the Aanandha Maya Thiru MaNTapam , where the assembly of

the Nithya Sooris and MukthAs will be singing the glories of the Lord . In that

assembly would be the AchAryAs of the Jeevan, who will express their joy

over the success of their efforts.The Jeevan will offer his salutations to his

AchAryan and he will now enjoy the sevai of the Lord on the throne of AdhisEshan

in the company of His divine consorts.The darsana soubhAgyam of the Lord

wtih SrI Devi, BhUmi DEvi and NeeLA Devi will thrill the Muktha Jeevan.

He will climb over the throne and engage in intimate conversation with

SrIman NaarAyaNan /SrI Vaikunta NaaTan to his heart's content .

The Lord will embrace Him and bless him with the GuNams like Him

and eternal Kaimkaryam to Him (ParipoorNa BrahmAnandham and

Nithya Niravadhya Kaimkaryam) . The Muktha Jeevan will now join

other MukthAs and Nithyasooris and perform Kaimkaryams to the Lord

in all states and places . The Muktha Jeevan will never return to

the SamsAric world . Even if the Muktha Jeevan returns to SamsAric

MaNDalam out of its own will or because of the Lord's temporary

assignmant , he does not experience any interruption in his Bhagavath

anubhavam . That is why , it is said that the Muktha Jeevan never

"returns" to this SamsAric world of sorrow. This kind of blissful experience

is named ParipoorNa BrahmAnubhavam and this is indeed the Supreme

PurushArTam coveted by a Jeevan through the performance of Prapatthi .


SrI Desika Darsana Saara Sangraham SampoorNam


SrImathE NigamAntha MahA DesikAya Nama:

SrImath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SaThakOpan

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