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Thiruvaheendhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimkaryam: Part 110 (Desika Prabhandham : Paasurams 12-25: Amrutha Ranjanai)

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(12) The clarity obtained from AchArya UpadEsam


This Paasuram is from the ChillaRai Rahasyam of Rahasya Maathrukai


In this world , the Moon chases away darkness with his rays. In a similar

manner, our AchAryAs banish the darkness of our aj~nAnam through

their upadEsams on VedAnthams. adiyEn is revealing those upadEsams

recieved from my AchAryAs in the same way they did on the prAkArams

(aspects) of EmperumAn , which are beyond our direct comprehension .


(13) The powerful Meanings , which nourish & uplift the Aathmaa


This Paasuram is from the ChillaRai Rahasyam of Rahasya Maathrukai also.


We stand blessed with the sacred feet of the servants of the servants of Lord

RanganAtha on our head , whose chest is the permanent abode of MahA Lakshmi

(SrI RanganAyaki) with Her golden Thiruvadis.Empowered by this bhAgyam , we

revealed the meanings of the three rahasyams , which are the embodiment of

Aanandham (Bliss). These 51 meanings will not only protect the body (sarIram)

like nectar but will also protect the uyir (aathmA).


(14) The Svaroopam of the JeevAthmA


This Pasuram is from Rahasya SandEsam


I , the JeevAthmA recognize other vasthus with my dharma bhUtha Jn~Anam

(attributive knowledge) and do not need the help of any other Jn~Anam to know

me and shine as Jn~Ana Svaroopan .I am thus different from the insentients(achEthanam).

I am the servant of SrIman NaarAyaNan at all times , places and states. I do not

claim properitorship over any vasthu. I have performed SaraNAgati at the nectarine

feet of the Lord propelled by my desire to serve Him at SrI Vaikuntam without

interruption (Nithya kaimkaryam) .


(15) The Glories of Prapatthi


Swamy Desikan 's own commentary on this Rahasya Sandesam Paasuram

is housed in Rahasya SandEsa VivaraNam .


Our AchAryAs are filled with SadAchAram and auspicious attributes.

With the power and glory of Prapatthi , our limitless bundles of sins have

been burnt to ashes like the bales of cotton thrown into the fire. We stay waiting

for the falling of this karma sarIram that grows ajn~Anam more and more

until we reach Parama Padham at the time ordained by our Lord so that

we can commence our nithya kaimkaryam to Him at His Supreme

abode.We are convinced that we will never ever be born in this

karma bhUmi again .


(16) The gains arising from the UpadEsam of our AchAryAs


This Paasuram is from Tatthva RathnAvaLi .


The most merciful SarvEswaran is filed with DayA to confer on the Jeevan

limitless fruits in response to our Prapatthi. We have banished our ignorance

(ajn~Anam) through the upadEsam of our AchAryAs , who have clear comprehension

about the Svaroopam and SvabhAvanm of our Lord.We have chased away the lowliness

associated with us until the UpadEsams of AchAryAs happened and have gained now

the glory of knowledge about the Tatthvams.


(17) The Eternal Truth spoken by VedAnthams


This Paasuram is also form Tatthva RathnAvaLi


VedAnthams declare with one voice : (1) SrIman NaarAyaNan is Superior

to every one (2) We are His eternal servants (3) We as ChEthanams and

the Prapancham as achEthanms are His body. Our AchAryas instructed us

on these enduring and unassailable truths and blessed us to lose our

ajn~Anam and gain VisEsha Jn~Anam about these Tatthvams .


(18) The Removal of the burden ( Bharam ) from Prapannan


This Paasuram is from Rahasya RathnAvaLi.


Our AchAryAs , who clearly understand the doctrines of ArTa Panchakam ,

SareerAthma BhAvam and the knowledge about SrIman NaarAyaNan being

the sole means (upAyam ) for our protection instructed us on these doctrines

and placed our AathmAs at His sacred feet. Our Lord out of His infinite compassion

responding to the recommendation of His Divine consort accepted immediately

the responsibilities for protecting us. If we want to gain Moksham today , He is

willing to bless us with that boon.We will never have another birth.There is nothing

for us to do anymore for upliftment ( We will only continue to do our nithya karmAs

assigned to us by our SaasthrAs; beyond that there is nothing to be done for

our upliftment). All the happines and sorrows that come our way during

the post-prapatthi days are for our benefit (anukoolam).


ArTa Panchakam represents the Five meanings about : (1) EmperumAn

(2) Jeevan (3) UpAyam for Moksham (4) Phalan of Moksham and (5) the enemy

of that Phalan.


SareerAthmabhAva Sambhandham: The relationship between the Bhagavan as

the indweller ( AathmA) for the ChEthanam and AchEthanams and the latter two

serving the SarIram (body) for the Lord.


(19) Prapannan comforting his mind


This Paasuram is also from Rahasya RathnAvaLi .


Oh My Mind! Our AchAryAs do not seek insignificant fruits ( alpa Phalan).

They can not bear with the sufferings of others and rush to erase those

sorrows .They have placed our AthmAs at the sacrd feet of our Lord for

protection .He has responded speedily and accepted that plea .He will

prevent us from rebirths in the karma bhUmi and assure our stay in

His eternal abode of SrI Vaikuntam. Oh My Mind! While all these good fortunes

are coming your way , why are you not happy ? Please listen carefully what

I am going to say to you that is good for you as long as you are going to

be here on this karma bhUmi.If you cultivate the thinking that al the kaimkaryams

done until your body falls down is not in waste , then you will gain the fruits of

kaimakryams in Parama padham will be enjoyed right here .If you perform

these kaimakryams prescribed by SaasthrAs with sraddhai, then you will not be

exposed to trespasses like BHaagavatha apachAram. VisEsha Jn~Anam

will also grow.


(20) Criticism of the other SiddhAnthams


This Paasuram is from Rahasya RathnAvaLi Hrudhayam.


In this rahasyam with 30 sentences , we have described the essence of

all VedAnthams.From here on , the distortions caused by other incorrect

philosophies associated with BhouddhAs , JainAs , ChArvAkAs , SaankyAs ,

SaivAs , TaarkikAs will not raise their head.Please incorporate this rahasyam

firmly in your minds and banish your aj~nAnam.


(21) Destruction of the other ( Veda-Baahya) Mathams


This Paasuram is also from Rahasya RathnAvaLi Hrudhayam.


In this world , a mother would only seek the well being of her

son , even if the son hates her.She wont abandon her child.

Similarly , our Lord protects us out of His sahaja (natural)

kAruNyam even if we push Him away .He takes His abode in

our hearts and protects us from there . We have released

in this rahasya grantham the svaroopam and SvabhAvam of

SarvEswaran as we heard them from our AchAryAs.If any one

who contests our siddhAntham with our AchAryAs as the thorn

in the flesh , then they will be defeated and will be helpless

to defend themselves like the helpless fox caught in the middle of

a great flood.


(22) The tranquility of the mind that has recieved AchAryan's UpadEsam


This Paasuram is also from Rahasya RathnAvaLi Hrudhayam.


Our Lord , who has accepted the responsibility of destroying

the enmies of His BhAgavathAs has adorned Sudarsana chakram

in His hand for that purpose.For those BhagavathAs , AchAryan performs

upadEsams on staying away from committing sins.That helpful AchAryan is to be

recognized as the well meaning Father.The upadEsams on the rahasya

arTams are like the treasures saved for the BhaagavathAs.The mind of

the Bhaagvathan housing the eight guNams based on the meanings of these

rahasyams is like his caring , beloved wife.The enemies for that mind are

SarIrAthma Bramam ( confusion over body and soul) , SvatanthrAthma

Bramam ( confusion that the jeevAthmA can take care of its own protection).

The 11 Indhriyams under the control of the mind are the weapons for

the destruction of the above two Bramams.


The descriptions of the 8 guNams of the mind and the 11 Indriyams

are given in Desika Prabhandha Paasurams 51, 84 and 145).


(23) The way the AchAryans blessed us with VedAntha Saaram


This Paasuram is from Tatthva Thraya chuLakam: AchEthnAdhikAram


The entire body of waters destroyed by the Lord during the time of

deluge and later released by the Lord during srushti kaalam was

taken up in the cupped palm of Sage Agasthya and consumed in one sip.

Similarly , our AchAryAs housed all the essence of VedAnthams

in their minds.They took interest in us and performed upadEsams

on these VedAntha Saarams for the removal of our bonds of KarmAs

and for our upliftment through such upadEsams.


(24) Description of AchEthanams


This Paasuram is also from Tatthva Thraya ChuLakam: AchEthanAdhikAram


Prakruthi, Kaalam , Suddha Satthvam are the three achEthnams.In this triad ,

the Moola Prakruthi with its three guNams of Satthvam, Rajas and Tamas

enters and subdivides them in to Prakruthi, Vikruthi and Prakruthi-Vikruthi

first and then in to 24 further divisions based on the latter. Kaalam however

does not possess the three guNams ( Sathva, Rajas and Tamas).It splits in

its own way in to many units of Time. The variations of Sudha Sathvam appear

as SrI Vaikuntam and the objects found there.All these three achEthanams

( insentients) are the body of the Lord and do not have Jn~Anam of their own .


(25) The actions to be taken by the Jeevan for its upliftment(Salvation)


This Paasuram is fromTatthva Thraya ChuLakam: JeevAdhikAram.


MamakAram is the feeling state, when identifies an object as his own.

He says this is mine.The feeling state that identifies the aathmA as

the same as SarIram is ahankAram.The thought that one is an independent

entity with power to protect oneself is known as the delusion of

SvatantrArTa Bramam.All of the above three feeling states have to

be destroyed utterly , if one desires salvation.One should present

the three items( One's Svaroopam , the burden of protecting oneself

and the fruits of such protection ) to the Lord and utterly cut asunder

the relationship to the three with the jeevan for one's Moksham.


(To Be Continued )


Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Oppiliappan KOil VaradAchAri Sadagopan




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