Guest guest Posted October 25, 2003 Report Share Posted October 25, 2003 - Sadagopan Ponnappan ; Swami ; Sgt ; Iowa ; acharya ; Asiasri ; Ramanujamission ; SG ; Rajeev ; DS ; srivaishnavam_update-owner ; muscat_iyengars ; srinrhari Friday, October 24, 2003 7:34 PM DhIpAwaLI Dinam Appeal for the Thiruvaheendhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimakryam : Final Phase Dear BhakthAs: Trust every one of you had a wonderful celebration of DhIpAwaLi Festival . Coming Monday , the Goldsmith , who is expert in RathnAngi creation should start his long delayed work at Chennai because of his schedule problems. Plans are to start with the Sacred feet of the Lord as instructed by AchArya RaamAnujA .Our AchAryan said : " Hold on to the Lord's sacred feet first and as a result , He can not shake us off and agree to grant us our prayers " . We have implicit faith in the Lord's sacred feet and therefore will initiate as Phase 1 , the construction of the gem- encrusted holy feet and move upward in the RathnAngi Kaimkaryam for Lord DevanAthan of Thiruvaheendhrapuram . We need just 5,000 $ more to conclude the fund raising required to cover most of the costs of construction of this RathnAngi and plan on the SamarpaNam date of SankarAnthi day .Thnaks to all of your support , SrI DevanAtha Rathnangi Kaimakryam Committe of Chennai has raised sofar 8 laks of Rupees . Please help with the final phase of this Kaimakryam to get started . Ten BhakthAs contributing $500 each or 20 BhakthAs helping with $250 each would let us concentrate on the construction of the New AabharaNam and get it ready for the January 14, 2004. Any amount will help to get to the remaining target . On this DhIpAwaLi day , I beseech Your help with folded hands to come forward and support this once-in-a life time Kaimkaryam and recieve the dhivyAnugraham of both the dhivya dampathis of ThiruvahIndhrapuram and Swamy Desikan . All contributions are Tax free both in USA and in India. Please contact me for details on where your support funds can be sent in USA and in India for Tax deduction purposes. Let us remember that the following magnificent SrI Sookthis of Swamy Desikan would not have arisen but for the Dhivya dEsam of ThiruvahIndhrapuram : 1.SrI HayagrIva SthOthram 2.SrI GopAla Vimsathi 3.SrI Raghu Veera Gadhyam 4. Para Matha Bhangam 5. SrI Deva Naayaka Panchaasath 6.SrI Achyutha Sathakam 7. MummaNikkOvai 8. Nava Mani Maalai The write ups on the above sthOthrams are available in the List archives of Oppiliappan , SaranAgathy Parakaala Matam and Thiruvenkatam. Please enjoy them . On this DhIpaawaLi day , May MahA Lakshmi bless You to particpate yathA sakthi in this Mahaa Kaimkaryam to our AchArya Paramparai . Some Thirty Five years ago, HH SrImath Thirukkudanthai AaNDavan created and presented the RathnAngi for Swamy Desikan. Today all of us are joining together to create and present the RathnAngi for the Uthsavar , Lord DevanAthan at Thiruvaheendhrapuram on behalf of our individual AchArya Paramparais.. Please come forward and join in this Kaimakryam and make a difference . Thank you all ! Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam , SrI HemAbhjavalli SamEtha Sri DevanAthAya NamO Nama: Daasan, Oppiliappan KOil VaradAchAri Sadagopan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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