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Thiruvaheendhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimakryam: Part 122 ( Desika Prabhandham-- XIII: Paasurams 84-86

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Dear Swamy Desika BhakthAs:


In this posting , adiyEn will cover 4 more Paasurams( 84-86) of

Desika Prabhandham , which are the 45th to the 47th Paasurams of

AdhikAra Sangraham.


84) Thirumanthiram granting all Phalans


Those who recite and reflect on the deep meanings of

Moola Mathram ( Thiru Manthiram/AshtAksharam) will be

blessed with every phalan that they wish to have.

This includes the acquisition of the eight GuNams of

the Lord , the eight traits of one's Buddhi (intellect) ,

the eight aathma guNams ( eight flowers ) , the eight

attainments (siddhis) , the eight kinds of devotion (Bhakthi) ,

the mastery over the eight limbs of Yogam , the eight kinds

of Iswaryams ( wealth) and the mastery over the 64 kinds

of arts and sciences ( Kalais).


The key passage of this Paauram is " YeNN guNatthOn

yettu yeNNum yeNN guNamathiyOrkku , yeNN patthi--

yettu guNamum mElathuvum yettina " ( For the vivEkis with

eight kinds of Aathma GuNams reciting and reflecting on

the AshtAksharam of the Lord with the eight auspicious

guNams , the eight kinds of Bhakthis , eight kinds of

wealth and much more are readily attained ).


Additional notes by Swamy SrIraama DesikAcchAr:


The eight auspcious guNams of the Lord are: (1) Freedom from

the influence of karmaas (2) Freedom from old age /nithya youvanam

(3) freedom from death (4) freedom from sorrow (5) Freedom

(6) Freedom from Hunger (7) possesion of BhOga vasthus ,

which are imperishable and (8) Power to execute desired actions.


The eight guNams of the Intellect are: (1) ability to comprehend

material presented (2) power to hold the recieved material

firmly (3) ability to recall material learnt and held (4) power to

describe them to others (5) ability to grasp things not explained

by others (6) discriminatory skills to reject unwanted things

told to them by others (7) power to comprehend doctrines

with clarity and (8) ability to understand the true meanings

of the tatthvams .


The eight aathma guNams of the human beings acquired through

anusandhAnam of AshtAksharam are : (1) nonviolence/ahimsai

towards others by speech, body or mind (2) Control of senses /

Indhriya nigraham (3) Mercy towards all (4) Patience towards all/

poRumai (5) Jn~Anam/true wisdom about Tatthva thrayams

(6) Tapas / penance (7) DhyAnam and (8) Sathyam/Truthfulness.


The eight kinds of Bhakthis are: (1) Love towards BhAgavathAs

(2) Joy in worshipping the Lord (3) Eagerness to hear about

the Lord's charithram (4) thickening of the voice and horripulation on

hearing about the Lord,, thinking about Him or speaking about Him

(5) attempts to perform aarAdhanam for the Lord (6) freedom from

ego during the performance of Kaimkaryams for the Lord (7) thinking

about Him alone (8) not asking the Lord trivial and perishable boons

from the Lord.


85) Explanation of the Meaning of Charama SlOkam: Part I


Our Emperor of Emperors (SarvEswaran) incarnated as the son

of VasudEvan so that the citizens of DhwArakai can be blessed

with the ultimate PurushArTam of enjoying His company . He sat in front of

Arjuna's chariot as His Saarathy and revealed the height of His soulabhyam.

This Lord along with His Devi undertook the sankalpam to uplift

the created jeevans from all sufferings and used Arjuna as the excuse

to instruct the world on His Charama SlOkam . He stood as the SiddhOpAyam

in His Charama slOkam and took upon Himself the burden to protect those,

who sought His protection.He removes the effects of Prakruthi which stands

in the way of developing Tatthva Jn~Anam and assures us freedom from

sorrows and Moksham at the end of the Prapannan's bodily existence

on this earth.


The key passage of this Paasuram is " TaNN tuLava malar mArbhan ,

oNN thodiyAL ThirumahaLum thAnum aahi , oru ninaivAl eenRa

uyir yellAm uyya , tAnE sonna tani dharumam yemakku tAnn aay ,

Tannai yenRum kaNDu kaLitthu adi sooda , vilakkAi ninRa

viLayAttai kazhikkinRAn "


" TaNN tuLava malar mArbhan " is the Lord wearing the cool

TuLasi garland interwoven with the fragrant flowers . " oNN

thodiyAL ThirumahaLum TAnum aahi oru ninaivAl eenRa

uyir yellAm uyya " refers to the Lord with Periya Piratti

propelled by their unified sankalpam to uplift he jeevans

created by Them . How did the Lord do it ? He became

the matchless means (upAyam) for those who performed

Prapatthi unto Him and stood as SiddhOpAyam for them

as revealed in His Charama slOkam . Thus , He lifted those

fortunate ones up from the mire of samsAram so that they

can enjoy Him in His Prama Padham and wear His sacred

Thiruvadis on their heads and become filled with bliss.Through

this MahOpakAram , the Lord removes all the interferences

created by His own Moola Prakruthi .


86) Explanation of the Meaning of Charama SlOkam : Part II


The Charama slOkam has a key paasage , " Sarva DharmAn

Partithyajya " . This paasuram focuses on the Six meanings of

the two words : " Srava dharmAn " .


The meaning of this Paasuram is expanded in the 316th Desika Prabhandham

Paasuram housed in the SrI Sookthi of " Charama slOka churukku " .


The extended meanings of this Paasuram will be covered , when we

arrive at the 316th Paasuram. Briefly , these six meanings are

quoted as: (1) asakthAdhikArithvam (2) aakinchanya puraskriya

3) ananga bhAvam (4) dharmANAm asakthyArambhavAraNam

(5) TathprathyAsA prasamanamand (6) BrahmAsthra nyAya Soochanam .

adiyEn will share the detailed commentary of Swamy SrIrAma

DesikAcchAr , when we arrive a tthe 316th Paasuram.


The six meanings of " Srava DharmAn Partithyajya " are :


(1) Do not continue with difficult-to-practise upAyams for

Moksham any more , even if you have been active in pursuing them.


(2) It is the best act to banish desire in practising such upAyams.


(3) The act of SaraNAgathy does not need the help of any thing

else except its five angams.


(4) If other acts are undertaken , then SaraNAgathy will be fruitless .

In such a case , ti is like BrahmAsthram that can not co-exist with other

asthrams .


(5) and (6) You who is engaged in the ancient upAyam of Bhakthi yOgam

fit for great Jn~Anis will feel powerless to practise this upAyam . Keep


helpless state as help and seek My Thiruvadi (sacred feet) as the sole


and I will banish Your sins and grant You Moksham.


The brief comments however regarding the context of this Paasuram are:

" Sarva DharmAn Partithyajya " has the meaning to abandon all

upaayams.Dharmam is a phalan-yielding practise (saadhanam)

that can be understood only with the help of the Lord's Saasthrams.

When the Lord uses the plural of dharmam (DharmAn) in Charama

slOkam , He referes to the many kinds of dharmams . The " Sarva "

padham selected by the Lord refers to the nature of the dharmams

having many angams (limbs). Dharma padham generally connotes

UpAyam; here in the context of the Lord's upadEsam refers to

MokshOpAyam such as Bhakthi yOgam with its 8 angams.


Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan


Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

SrivaNN Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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