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Thiruvaheendhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimakryam: Part 124 ( Desika Prabhandham-- XV: Paasurams 88-89

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Dear Swamy Desika BhakthAs:


In this posting , adiyEn will cover two Paasurams( 88-89) of

Desika Prabhandham , which is the 49th and the 50th Paasurams of

AdhikAra Sangraham.


88) Hesitation of ChEthanam to seek Moksham


The key passage in this Paasuram is about Lord's laughter about

our putting off our desire to seek His Supreme abode and wanting to

hang on to this SamsAric world instead to enjoy its persihable " pleasures " :


" Mutthi tara munnE tOnRi nall ninaivAl nAmm isayum kAlam

inRO naaLayO yenRu nahai seyhinrAn "


Our Lord has incarnated in many forms to grant us Moksham

and is waiting for us to seek His protection .While waiting for us

to gain the auspicious Jn~Anam to seek the journey to His Supreme

abode , He is making fun (parihAsam) of our indecision to take

that decision and questions with humor : " Is it today or would that be

tomorrow that you will decide to perfom the upAya anushtAnam ? "


(Meaning of the entire Paasuram ): No one can overcome the will

(sankalpam) of our Lord. He creates all kinds of desires in those

who do not try to reach Him and display enimity towars Him .

He interferes with their ability to enjoy those bhOgams that

they desire . Our Lord of this disposition has showered

His grace on us already and destroyed our longing for

SamsAra BhOgams .He has now accepted us as objects of protection

to enjoy the shade of His sacred feet. He has banished

His earler anger over our previous trespasses. He has taken

many avathArams to mix with us as Parama soulabhyan and to

grant us mOksha sukham . Inspite of all these special efforts on

His part, we who do not recognize His extraordinary grace

and compassion keep postponing the performance of SaraNAgathy

to realize Moksham from one day to the other . Our Lord laughs over

our ignorance , procrastrination and ineptitude .


For His enemies that do not cherish Him ( Tannai NaNNAthAr) ,

He creates all kinds of desires in them ( ninaivu anaitthum Taann

ViLayitthu) and then prevents them from enjoying those desires

that they covet ( Taann viLaitthum vilakkum NaaTan). For us

whom He has decided to protect from the SamsAric horror ,

He has eliminated our taste for the non-lasting and pain-yielding

SamsAric " pleasures " ( ibbhavatthil yemm ninyaivai mARRi )

and has placed us as objects of protection under His sacred

pair of feet ( iNayadikkeezh adaikkalam yenRu yemmai vaitthu).

He has now forgotten or gotten over His anger over our previous

trespasses and is ready to grant us His protection (munn ninayivAl

yAmm muyanRa vinayAl vantha munivu ayarnthu). He waits to see

when that day would be for us to elect to seek His rakshaNam .

He has taken many avathArams already to grant us Moksham

( Muthti tara munnE thOnRi) and He is amused at our

delay/procrastrination and makes fun of us by asking whether

He has to wait until today ( the end of the day) or until tomorrow

for us to make up our mind as a result of the dawning of the clear

Jn~Anam that would propel us to perform the SaraNAgathy

( Mutthi tara munnE thOnRi , nall ninayvAl nAmm isayum

kAlam inRo nALayO yenRu nahai seyhinRAn ).


The Lord laughs over the thought that He has rushed

to grant Moksham to the chEthanam and that chEthanam

does not wish to forsake the SamsAric pleasures toseek

the Moksham. That chEthanam keeps on postponing

the day for seeking Moksham from today to tomorrow

and onwards. Our Lord laughs over the ineptitude and

ignorance of the ChEthanam , which can not make up its



89) The help of the Mudhal AzhwAr


During DhvApara Yugam , our Lord indirectly provided

additional help to the chEthanams to rush towards Him

to seek Moksham from Him . During the course of a rainy night

at His dhivya dEsam of ThirukkOvaloor , Our Lord got Poygai,

BhUtham and PEy AzhwArs together in the tight space of

an idaikazhi (dEhaLi) and pressed them there to have

their physical contact ( dEha sambhandham ) and for witnessing

the birth of the three AndhAthis from the three AzhwArs .

The andhAthis of the AzhwArs lit the lamp of true knowledge

(Sathya dheepam) to chase away the darkness of aj~nAnam

that had enveloped the world. The lamp lit by the AzhwArs

in front of the Lord and His divine consort glorified

the UpAyams of Bhakthi and Prapatthi yOgams

celebrated by the Vedams.


This Paasuram is about AchArya KruthyAdhikAram

Topic of the 30th Chapter of SrImath Rahasya Thraya Saaram ).


This 89th Paasuram should be remembered especially

on this Iyppasi Satabhishak day , the day of avathAram

of PEy AzhwAr:


Paattukku-uriya pazhayavar moovaraip-paNDu-oruk-kaal

Maattukku aruL tarum Maayan malinthu varutthathalAl

nAttukku iruL seha nAnmaRai anthi nadai viLanga

veettukku idaikkazhikkE veLikAttu,ammeyviLakkE


(meaning): SarvEswaran caused the Mudhal AzhwArs

to sing their ThiruvandhAthis to banish the nescience that shrouded

the world and through their andhAthis instructed us on the UpAyams

like Bhakthi and Prapatthi for our upliftment from SamsAric sufferings .


" Paattukku uriya Pazhayavar moovar " are the triad of AzhwArs ,

who are the most qualified for singing the Lord's vaibhavam .


" mAttukku aruL tarum Maayan " is the Lord of wonderous deeds ,

who showers His grace on His property, the ChEthanams .


" nAttukku iruL seha " describes the purpose of the Lord

empowering the Mudhal AzhwArs to sing their Prabhandhams :

it was to destroy the darkness of ajn~Anam that prevailed in

the world .


What did the Mudhal AzhwArs do and how did they banish

the surrounding darkness? They lit a lamp of Sathyam to

eliminate the darkness of nescience.


What did that lamp do besides chasing away the darkness of

ajn~Anam ? It shed light all around and glorified the means

(upAyams) for the performance of SaraNAgathy (Bhakthi & Prapatthi

yOgams) at the sacred feet of the Lord (nAnn muRai anthi nadai

viLanga veLikkAttum).


Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan


Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

SrivaNN Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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