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Thiruvaheendhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimakryam: Part 132 ( Desika Prabhandham-- XXIII: Paasurams 110-114

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Dear Swamy Desika BhakthAs:


We will now enjoy the Five Paasurams of Amrutha SvAdhini

Prabhandham next . These Desika Prabhandha Paasurams

( 110-114) deal with the ChillaRai Rahasyam of Abaya PradhAna

Saaram .


Previous detailed postings on this SrI Sookthi of

Abhaya Pradhana Saaram by adiyEn are archived in :




Please search under the key words , Abahaya Pradhana

Saaram . There is a wealth of information on this important

SrI Sookthi relating to the Lord assuring the SaraNAgathAs

freedom from every kind of Fear .


(110) SrIman NaarAyaNan is the only UpAyam


Our AchAryAs have stored the esoteric meanings of the three

Rahasyams (RahasyArTams) without giving them away as upadEsams

to the unqualified seekers . When sishyAs like us approach

the AchAryAs with reverence and pray for these upadEsams ,

they bless us copiously with these rahasya arTams .They

do this not because they want their fame to be spread or

for amassing wealth for themselves but out of their

compassion for us just as the mother cow KaamadhEnu

gives copious milk to her calf happily .


AchAryas are saluted here as " Kaakkum karutthudai

Desikar " ( AchAryAs who wish to keep rahasyArTams as

Rahasyams so that they do not fall in the hands of the unfit).

" nammai kanRu yena yeNNi surakkum suravikaL pOl

soll amudhu sorihinranar " ( When we approach them with

earnestness and reverence , they shower us with

the esoteric meanings of the rahasyams just as KaamadhEnu

pours forth milk out of Her full udders for her little one ).

The AchAryAs do not shower these blessings for gaining money

or for advancing their fame ( Ivai eenthAl parakkum puhazh

varum , paimporuL vaaytthidum yenRu iyampAr).


111) The granting of Abahyam by Lord Raamchandra


In this Paasuram , Swamy Desikan covers the famous slOkam

found in SrImath RaamAyaNam enshrined as the direct words

of Lord Raamachandra:


SakruthEva PrapannAya tavAsmeethi cha yAchathE

ABhAYAM SARVA-BHUTHEBHYO dAdhAmyEthath vratham Mama


When accepting the plea for SaraNAgathy from VibhIshaNan ,

our Lord expressed His thoughts this way: " I will grant the boon

of freedom from fear of every kind for all janthus , once they seek

My protection even once and declare that they are My Daasans .This

is Vedam , Smruthi , SadaachAram and my thoughts . My offer of

Abhaya PradhAnam to prapannAs is the vow that I practise at

all times " . Swamy Desikan states in this Paasuram that his mind

has become tranquil as a a result of the reflections over

the firmness of the Lord's assurance in the charama slOkam to grant us

freedom from fear .


The key passage of this Paasuram is " NeRi uraitthAr nilai

uNarnthu nilai peRROm " ( Our mind is tranquil after knowing

the firmness of purpose of the Lord , who instructed us on

His SaraNAgatha RakshaNa vratham).


112) Determination not to seek lower (alpa, asTira) Phalans


It is worldly matter for the animals to reject gold found in

the fields and go after their own food (viz) ., the blades of grass.

On the other hand , the kings will collect that gold with

relish and ignore the grass. Similarly , the insignificant people ,

who have no idea about the glories of the Lord's sacred feet ,

will run after the evanescent and valueless phalans. There is no loss

to us from such behavior by the deluded. We have chosen

the holy feet of the Lord for our protection . He stands

to protect us all , who sought His feet for their rakshaNam

and is ready to grant them that boon of protection.


The key passage of this Paasuram is: " Tannai adainthida

Taann aruL seyyum TanicchilayOn ponn adi nAmm

adainthOm ; aarr puRam seythidin yenn koll ? " ( When

our Lord with His Unique bow of KodhaNdam stands there

to grant us SaraNAgathy , what do we care about those ,

who do not seek the Lord's anugraham? We have chosen

the beautiful feet of Lord Raamachandra as our protection ).


113) Prapatthi's help to other Yogams


Our merciful AchAryAs , who fully understand the meanings of

Veda-VedAnthams reveal to us the Svaroopams of

Karma , Jn~Ana and Bhakthi yOgams.When one follows

any one of the above three yOgams and yet find it difficult to

practise some of their requirements , the practise of

Prapatthi would overcome those deficiencies in fulfilling

the total requirements of all the other Yogams as means

to Moksham.Thus Prapatthi yOgam has the power to

accomplish all Phalans. Please recognize Prapatthi's

unique power to stand on its own to grant all phalans

through developing a clear understanding of the meaning of

PraNavam .


114) The legendary forbearance of Lord Raamachandran


Kaakusura SaraNagathy is the topic of this Paasuram .


When KaakAsuran committed a major offense againt

SitA PirAtti , Lord Raamachandra sent a BrahmAsthram

against him to destroy him . The asuran was chased by the powerful

asthram and circled the universe and begged the gods to

save him from the power of that asthram . The sages and DEvAs

were appaled at his offense and chased him away. After

circling the universe without no one to help him , the asuran

was exhausted and fell at the feet of Lord Raamachandra

and begged for the gift of life . Our Lord who has taken

the vow to protect anyone , who sought His protection branded

the asuran by taking one of his eyes away since the power of His

asthram could not be diminished. The Kaimkaryam to this

most generous Lord is the Life's goal (PurushArTam).

To secure that goal , the grace of the Lord that is influenced

by the performance of Prapatthi on our part. The AchAryAs

instructed us on the inner meanings of SaraNAgathy .May we

enjoy the bliss of staying at the shade of those AchAryA's Thiruvadi !


The upadEsam from this Paasuram is that our Lord will protect us

even if we are aparAdhis as long as we surrender at

His feet as the helpless ones . KaakAsura SaraNAgathy

is given as an example for the Lord's forbearance.


Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam , Daasan ,

Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan


Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

SrivaNN Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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