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Vathsa Rama dhanu: Pasya slOkam section from Srimath Vaalmiki RaamAyaNam

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Dear SrImathi Padmashree Mohan :


You had asked a question as to why Sage Viswamitra

was asking Raamachandra to look at the Siva Dhanus .

You had asked as to where Raama was looking and was

there anything that was distracting him and if there are

other significance to the words chosen by Sage VisvAmithrA

at he court of King Janaka:


" Vathsa Raama Dhnau: pasya ".




This is a famous passage , which has been discussed by

many commentators and PourANikAs in the past . I had

suggested in another mail to you that HH SrI PoundarIkapuram

Andavan has commented extensively on this passage of slOkam .

I will share HH Andavan's exquisite and exclusive anubhavams here .


The slOkam containing the famous passage "Vathsa Raama !

Dahnu: Pasya " is the 57th slOKma of Baala KaaNDam of

SrImath RaamAyaNam :




VisvAmithrasthu DharmAthmA sruthvA Janaka BhAshitham

VATHSA RAAMA DHANU: PASYA ithi Raaghavam abraveeth


King Janaka had said : " Oh Sage VisvAmthrA of great BhAgyam !

Please show this mighty Siva Dhanus ( bow) to the princes of

AyOdhyA !




The supremely righteous (Parama DhArmikar) Sage VisvAmithrar

responded.He did not look at both the Princes (Raama & LakshmaNa)

but focussed only on Raamachandran.He spoke clearly . He spoke

beautifully : " Oh My Child Raama! Please look at the bow " .The address

of Raamachandran as "Vathsa Raama " . The tenderness , the dhvani ,

the gesture of using these two words to address exclusively the elder of the two

young princes by name has significance . When LakshmaNa heard the first of

the two words , Vathsa , he got up since he was the younger of the two and

the term child fittted him compared to his elder , Raamachandran. Then , when

Lakshmana heard the next word , "Vathsa Raama " , he sat down.LakshmaNa

is one who is quick to act and react . Sage VisvAmithtrA was worried that

LakshmaNa's lifting the Siva Dhanus would create complications for his plans

to realize the marriage between Sita PirAtti and Her rightful Lord . Hence the Sage

completed the address as "Vathsa Raama ! " (KUzhanthAi RaamA ).




Now that LakshmaNan had sat down , RaamA got up in deference to

the command of the Sage . The next set of words from the Sage was:

"Dhanu: Pasya " . Please look at this bow before You. The Sage did not

say : Dhanu: aarOpaya" ( lift this bow and string it : NaaNERRuthal). Why So ?

Why did not the Sage go straight to the matter and command : Tie the chord

on this bow . The sage was being cautious . After all , Raama was the son of

another man , Dasarathan and the Sage could not command some one else's

child to get in to a dangerous act . Therefore , he left it to the young prince

to decide on that matter. The Sage did not say: " Veera ! Raama ! pasya ! '.

If he had hinted to Raama about His valor (Veeram ), He would have gone

straight and chorded the bow after lifting it. Sage VisvAmithrA still felt

apprehensive in responding to Fathe DasaraTan , who had left the two

princes as the charge of the Sage . Therefore , the Sage simply said:

" Dhanu: Pasya ".




It is common in the world that a child lifts some thing heavy and

finds itself in difficulty to put it down .The elders have to help the child to

put that heavy object down safely . Sage VisvAmithrA had a lingering

thought about Raama lifting the bow and then having difficulty in putting

down the mighty bow in its box.He hinted that Raama should think

carefully about the lifting , chording and restoring the bow to its container.

He suggested subtly to see this act through and therefore said : "Dhanu:

Pasya ".


The sage's intention was to return his charge , KOdhaNda Raaman , whom he had

borrowed from King DasaraTan as KalyANa Raaman . If for some reason ,

Raama as a young prince was unable to lift the Siva Dhanus , then the assembled kings

at that Svayamvaram (who had failed earlier in lifting the bow) would blame

Sage VisvAmithrA for his stupidiity to encourage a teen age child to pursue

such " an impossible task ". Therefore , the Sage said : "Vathsa Raama !

Dhanu: Pasya ". Please see and evaluate the course of action . With his matted locks ,

the Sage looked at Raama in a meaningful manner hinting to go ahead as

Omnipotent SarvEswaran to lift the bow and win the hand of His Devi.




KOsala Kings are known for thier talent in intrepreting subtle signs:

" Ingithaj~nA : cha KosalA: ". As the descendant of that Vamsam,

Raama understood what the Sage had in mind. He looked at the bow

in the manner of a researcher assessing the right grip to hold the weighty

bow to stay even without falling down . He looked at the bow to settle

the exact location that He should place His hand (grip).




Additional reasons given by commentators according to HH PoundarIkapuram

Andavan are:


(1) Prince Raama was new to the city of Mithilai , the capital of King

Janaka .There were so many exciting , absorbing and distracting things all around

in that prosperous city popualted by beautiful people.He was looking at SitA

in the balcony looking at Him worried . His mind was distracted .Hence the wise

Sage said : " Vathsa Raama Dhanu: Pasya " and not other items or vasthus or SitA now.

The Sage was hinting that it is premature to look at Sita since She is claimable

as a bride only after lifting the bow , the KanyA sulkam .


(2) The Sage addressed Raama as "Vathsa " instead of "Veera " here.

It would have been appropriate to address the young prince as "Veera Raama ".

Ofcourse , the Sage has no lapse of memory about the heroism of Raaman,

who had just showed extraordinary valor in protecting his Yaj~nam. He chose

the word "Vathsa/child " because it would be child's play for Raamachandran

to lift the bow and win thereby the hand of SitA .


(3) In the group of words , " Vathsa RAAMA DHANU: pasya " , if we

focus on "Raama dhanu: " , it takes on a different connotation ." Ramayatheethi

Raamam " ( This bow is a harbinger of Joy ). Oh RaamA ! You were born to delight

the hearts of all (Ramayatheethi Raama:). This bow has presented itself in front of

You to delight You through the wedding (union ) with SitA PirAtti. Therefore lift

it without hesitation ! This is a happiness generating bow for a subha Kaaryam .


(4) "RAAMA DHANU: ( RAAMASYA DHANU: ): This is Your bow. This

is the bow fit for You to display your heroism. As Your teacher of asthra

mantrams , I have taught You already Roudhram and Paasupatha asthra

manthrams linked with Lord Sivan ( Rudran , Pasupathi ). Once You

utter those manthrams , this bow would be like a feather for You to lift .

Therefore , lift this bow without hesitation !


(5) "RAAMA DHANU: " This is a bow that is going to cause astonishment

to all those , who tried to lift it and failed miserably. As You lift it and try to

connect the chord , it is going to break from the strength that You are going

to apply effortlessly. All these haughty kings on seeing this breaking of the bow

are going to be wonder struck at Your prowess. Therefore Look at this bow

from that angle ( Dhanu: Pasya) .


6) RAAMA DHANU: This is an auspicious bow. The weapon smith for

the DevAs , ViswakarmA , created two bows : ViishNu dhanus and Siva Dhanus.

He gave the VishNu dhanus to You and the Siva Dhanus to the MangaLa Devathai,

Lord Sivan. That Siva Dhanus is going to create the MangaLam of uniting You

with SitA PirAtti and then bow before Your dhivya MangaLa vigraham.This

bow symbolizing MangaLam ( Raama Dhanu: ) is going to soak all of us ,

the inhabitants of DaNDakAraNyam , with sarva MangaLams.


7) The word : " PASYA ". Oh Vathsa Raama! Please see this bow

( Dhanu: pasya). It is my duty to show this bow. Thereafter , it is

up to You to show Your valour.


8) " Dhanu: Pasya ITHI RAAGHAVAM abhraveeth " . The commentary on the two

words: "Ithi Raaghavam " : Oh RaamA! You are the descendant of the mighty Raghu

Vamsam ( Raaghavan). Please see to that there are no haani ( Izhukku/damage to

the reputation ) to the celebrated Raghu Vansam. Look at this bow and Lift this bow

and perform Your avathAra Kaaryam !


These are the many intrepretations assembled by HH PoundarIkapuram AaNDavan

to the words spoken by Sage ViswAmithra suggesting Raama to look at the Siva

Dhanus placed as KanyA Sulkam in the Svayam Varam of SitA PirAtthi :




HH SrI ParavAkkOttai SrimathANDavan , SrI GopAla MahA Desikan

of PoundarIkapuram Aasramam is a great Scholar in SrImath RaamAyaNam.

He has released sofar two volumes entitled : "SitA KalyANam and

PaadhukA PattAbhishEkam " . Please read these monographs to enjoy

the PoorvAchAryA's commentaries bonded with this great AchAryan's own

delightful insights.


SrI Raamachandra PrabrahmaNE Nama:


Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradAchAri SadagOpan






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