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Thiruvaheendhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimkaryam: Part 184 ( 19th paasuram of Mey Viratha Maanmiyam: Part 8 ): Paasuram 227 of Desika Prabhandham

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Dear BhakthAs :


In the previous posting , we studied the 19th Paasuram of

Meyviratha Maanmiyam , which is a treasure house on

the Brahma Soothrams . Prior to summarizing the sixteen

individual Paadhams of the four chapters to bring out

the salutations of Brahama Soothram to the Supreme

Brahman ( Lord VaradarAjan here ) , let us give a gist

of the content of Brahma soothrams (BRS) as per

MahAmahOpdhyAya Navalpakkam RaamAnuja

TatAchAr Swamy:


1.The Nature of Brahman (Ultimate Reality ) as

revealed by the Upanishads .


2. The Nature of the Jeevan (individual soul) and

its relation to Brahman.


3. The nature of Jagath (Universe ) as it relates to



4. The nature of Saadhana ( Means & pracises ) to attain Brahman.


5. The nature of Parama PurushArTa (Supreme Goal )

known as Moksha.


According to AchArya RaamAnuja , Brahman is SavisEsha

(endowed with auspicous attributes ) and is the One reality

as organically related to both sentient souls (chith) and

the non-sentient matter (achith) , both of which are real

(Cidh-acidh-Visishta Brahman) . In SrI BhAshyam , AchArya

RaamAnujA establishes firmly that Brahma SoothrAs

support this doctrine without any sectarian or preconcieved

ideas to infuence his thesis .


Swamy Desikan , who is a keen student and intrepreter/advocate of

AchArya RaamAnujA's darsanam taught SrI BhAshyam at least.

30 times in His life time and has written extensively about

the Brahma Soothrams in AdhikaraNa SaarAvaLi

and other Sri Sookthis such as Mey Viratha Maanmiyam

(19th Paasuram ).


The greatnes of the 19th Pasuram is the elegant and effective

way in which the 32 lines capture the essence of the 16 Paadhams of

the four Chapters /adhyAyams . Dr.S.M.S.Chari Swamy has

summed up the purport of the four chapters of BRS this way:


1. First AdhyAyam: SamanvayAdhyAyam " devoted to

establish the correlation of various texts of the Upanishads

with Brahman as the ground of the Cosmos " .


2. Second AdhyAyam: AvirOdhAdhyAyam devoted to proving

" the absence of contradictions in upholding the main thesis of

the first chapter (i-e)., Brahaman is the primary cause of

the Universe . This chapater refutes the contradictory

positions taken by other darsanams dealing with VedAntha " .


3. The third chapter is SaadhanAdhyAya and it deals with the ways

and means to attain Brahman through different UpAsanAs

and VidhyAs .


4. The Fourth adhyAya is the Phala adhyAya . It deals with

" fruit of spirtual discipline , the nature of the Supreme goal

of endeavour (PurushArTa ) , the manner of observing

the prescribed Saadhana is to be observed , the exit of

the Jeevan from the physical body at the time of liberation

from bondage , the path through which the liberated soul

passes to reach the ultimate goal and the nature of Moksha or

final liberation from bondage " .


The 19th Paasuram of Mey Viratha Maanmiyam


Today , we will study in this context , the details

of this important 19th Paasuram dealing with

the Four Paadhams of each of the four chapters of

Brahma Soothrams and develop an appreciation of

Swamy Desikan's extraordinary skills to provide

the essence of these Chapters :


1. Ist AdhyAyam: 1st Paadham:


Lord VaradarAjan is the creator of all sentients

(ChEthanmas) and insentients (achethanams) and

is the Master , who resides in them as antharyAmi



2. 1st AdhyAyam: 2nd Paadham


He shines inside the sentients and insentients

and has them both as His sarIram ; while He

stays as their indweller , He is not affected

even by an iota by their blemishes.


3. 1st Chapter: 3rd Paadham


He has the sankalpam to be the sustaining

(supporting) wall for the BhakthAs and MukthAs ,

He is like the wall for pictures supported by

that wall .


4. First Chapter: 4th Paadham:


He is the one with limitless glories as the sole

cause for the creation of the universe . AchAryAs

have established with many nyAyams that achethana

prakruthi can never ever substitute the Lord's role

as the Jagath Srushti KaaraNam .


5. Second Chapter: 1st Paadham


Lord VaradarAjan is the Supreme Lord with

mysterious (Vichithra) sakthi to banish the jalpa

vaadham of the HethukAs . Thus , the virOdhams

cited by Paramatha Vaadhins about Prakruthi as

the cause for the origin of the world are destroyed .


6. Second Chapter: 2nd Paadham


Lord VaradarAjan is the Supreme Brahman ,

who blesses us with Paancha-rAthra Saasthram

to destroy the faulty arguments of Para Mathams .


7. Second Chapter: 3rd Paadham


Lord VaradarAjan is the Supreme Purushan

endowed with the power to create Pancha Bhoothams

and the Jeevans with their appropriate attributes.


8. Second Chapter: 4th Paadham


He is like the Sage , who can directly visualize

the eleven Indhriyams with fierce vyApArams

and is the cause for their creation.


9. Third adhyAyam: 1st Paadham


He is the most skilled One to conduct the affairs of

samsAram for the jeevans and stays as the controller

in the states of wakefulness , dream , sleep , susupthi

and death .


10. Third adhyAyam: 2nd Padham


As the indweller in the world of chEthanms and

achEthanams , he is devoid of dhOsham inspite of

intermingling with them and shines uniquely.


11. Third adhyAyam: 3rd Paadham


Bhakthi yOgam leading to Mokham is observable

with the help of many vidhyAs described by the Upanishads.

While Brahman has to be meditated upon with one vidhyai ,

the other guNams of the Supreme Being celebrated by

the other vidhyais should be included . He is the One ,

who is the object of meditation (UpAsanaa) by many

vidhyAs affiliated with Bhakthi yOgam .


12.Third Chapter: Fourth Paadham


Lord VaradarAjan is the DayA Moorthy ,

who is delighted by the observers of Bhakthi

Yogam accompanied by Saathvika ThyAgam .

He is pleased with the chEthanam's performance of

the VarNAsrama dharmams prescribed by Him

and blesses them with the Supreme boon of Moksham .


13. Fourth Chapter: 1st Paadham


He is the Omnipotent One to destroy both the Paapams

and the PuNyams of the Jeevan bound to samsAram .


14. Fourth Chapter: 2nd Paadham


He is the powerful Lord , who is capable of

letting Prapanna Jeevans enter the Brahma nAdi

as the first step of their journey to His Supreme abode.


15. Fourth Chapter: 3rd Paadham


He is the compassionate and purposeful Lord ,

who orchestrates the liberated jeevan's path to

His Supreme abode through His prime servants

( aadhivAhikAs ) responsible for the different

stations in the path of light .


16. Fourth Chapter: 4th Paadham


The Liberated Jeevans arriving at SrI Vaikuntam

stand at the sacred feet of their most merciful Lord,

enjoy His divine beauty with fervour , reverence ,

awe and feel grateful over their rare soubhAgyam .


We will now move on to the 20th Paasuram of

Mey viratha Maanmiyam .


Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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