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Thiruvaheendhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimkaryam Series : Posting 203/ Companion piece to Adakkala Patthu

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Panguni Utthira sErthi sEvai Dinam at SrI Rangam


NyAsa Dasakam is a very important sthOthram , which is the echo in Sanskrit

for the Tamil Prabhandham of Adaikkala Patthu of Swamy Desikan .Together ,

they should be recited and understood every day and if not atleast on this sacred day.










nYAsa dasakam V. Sadagopan SrimAn VenkatanAthArya: kavithArkika kesarI | VedAnthAchAryavaryO mE samnidhaattAm sadhA hrudhi ||Swami Sri Desikan has blessed us with many granthams on the doctrines of NyAsam or Prapatthi . One of the most substantive and short sthuthi on the subject of NyAsam consists of ten verses and is known as NyAsa Dasakam . Because of the importance of this work as the distilled essence of the principles of NyAsam and the method of performance of NyAsam , Sri VaishNavAs recite NyAsa Dasakam at their homes during their daily aarAdhanam for Sriman NaarAyaNan . Sri NyAsa Dasakam is associated with the Prapatthi that Swami Sri Desikan performed at the sacred feet of Kanchi VaradarAjan . The topics covered are : (1) The method of performing nyAsam or Bhara SamarpaNam (2) the five limbs of nyAsam (3) the method of enacting sAthvika thyAgam (4) his prayer to the Lord for moksham at the end of his life on His earth (5) his prayer for the blessings of service to the Lord during his life on His earth (6) his appeal for the Lord's grace for tolerating any sins committed during his days as a prapannA . Swami Sri Desikan elaborated further the glories of the doctrines of nyAsam in his other granthams such as Sri nyAsa vimsathi , Sri nyAsa tilakam , SaraNAgathi deepikai , Adaikkala patthu , mummaNik kovai , Anjali vaibhavam , Abhaya pradhana sAram , Rahasya sikhAmaNi and in his magnum opus , Srimadh Rahasya Traya Saaram . The significance of nyAsa dasakam however is due to the clarity and brevity with which our AchAryan summarized in just ten slokAs , the essence of nyAsam or bhara samarpaNam . SlOkam 1 aham madhrakshaNabharO madhrakshaNa palam tathA | na mama SripathErevEthyAthmAnam nikshipEth bhudha: ||A viveki ( one with disrininating intellect ) should surrender at the Lord's feet his AthmA (svarUpa samarpaNam ) , the responsibilities for his protection ( Bhara samarpaNam ) and the fruits of that protection ( pala samarpaNam ) . He should performbhara nyAsam in this manner and understand that his AthmA ,protection and the fruits of such protection does not belong tohim , but only to Sriman NaarAyaNan. SlOkam 2 nyasyAmakinchana: Sriman anukUlOanyavarjitha: | viswasa prArthanApUrvam AthmarakshAbharam thvayi ||Oh my Master ! Sriman-NaarAyanA ! I surrender at Your lotus feet the total responsibilities for my protection . I have no other means . I will perform only the duties that please You ( AnukUlya sankalpam ). I will not transgress the codes of conduct prescribed by You in Your sAstrAs ( PrAthikUlya varjanam ) . I am totally unfit for pursuit of any paths of deliverance ; hence I stand before You with utter humility about my helplessness ( kArpaNyam ) . I have total and enduring faith in Your coming to my protection ( MahA visvAsam ) and I entrust my protection entirely to you with this prayerful appeal ( Gopthruva VaraNam ) . Here Swami Sri Desikan performs prapatthi with its five limbs . SlOkam 3 SwAmI svasEsham svavasam svabharathvEna nirbharam | svadhattha svadhiyA svArtham svasmin nyasyathi mAm svayam ||Srima NaarAyaNan is the supreme Lord of all . As His bonded servant , I am completely under His control . He blessed me with the knowledge about Himself out of His own accord. He has accepted me as His responsibility for protection. He has thus removed all my worries about my protection with that gift of knowledge. The fruits of my protection belong entirely to Him . He frees me from any connection to the fruits resulting from His protection out of His own free will and accepts me . In this slOkam , Swami Sri Desikan refers to his performance of Saathvika thyAgam constituted by its three parts : (1) Karthruva thyAgam (2) mamathA thyAgam (3) pala thyAgam . SlOkam 4 Sriman abheeshta Varada tvAmasmi saraNam gatha: | yEdhaddEhAvasAnE mAm tvadh paadham prApaya svayam ||Oh my Lord who is always with Your consort ! Oh Master who is hailed as Varadhan because of Your disposition to grant all the boons that Your devotees ask for ! I have now performed bhara nyAsam at Your sacred feet . Please grant me the boon of reaching Sri Vaikuntam at the end of my stay on this earth and perform nithya kaimkaryam there for You . SlOkam 5 tvacchsEshathvE sthiradhiyam tvath prApthyEka prayOjanam | nishiddha kAmyarahitham kuru mAm nithya kinkaram ||Oh VaradarAjA ! I am a prapannan at Your holy feet. I am firm of thought about my status as Your servant . That thought will never leave me. My mind is not seeking any fruits other than the enjoyment of Your limitless auspicious attributes. Please bless me not to engage in any acts forbidden by Your sAsthrAs . Please grant me the boon of uninterrupted service to you , while on Your earth . All of this will not happen without Your dayA . Please bless me ! SlOkam 6 dEvi bhUshaNa hEthyAdhi jushtasya bhagavamsthava | nithyam niraparAdhEshu kaimkaryEshu niyunkshva mAm ||Oh my Lord ! You are served endearingly by Your beloved consorts. Your AbharaNams and Ayudhams serve You by association with Your auspicious body . I am deeply desirous of performing eternal service to You , who is accompanied by Your dEvis , weapons and AbharaNams . Please therefore bless me with the duties that are dear to Your heart and accept them . SlOkam 7 mAm madheeyam cha nikilam chEthanAchEthanAthmakam | svakaimkaryOpakaraNam Varadha sveekuru svayam ||Oh Lord VaradarAjA ! Please accept out of the fullness of Your heart myself , all that is mine and my kaimkaryam . Please make me an instrument of Your kaimkaryam and have the services to You done by Yourself through me. In this effort , please use all that is " mine" ( my wife , my children , my house , my garden and all other property ) . I have nothing left to do , nor even the power to place any thing at Your disposal since they - my Self , my worldly properties-- are already Yours . SlOkam 8 tvadEka rakshyasya mama tvamEva KaruNAkara | na pravarthaya pApAni pravrutthAni nivarthaya ||Oh Lord VaradhA , the ocean of Mercy ! There is no one except You to protect me. Please grant me the boon not to commit anymore sins . Please also destroy out of Your limitless compassion all the sins that I have accumulated so far . SlOkam 9 akruthyAnAm cha karaNam kruthyAnAm varjanam cha mE | kshamasva nikhilam dEva PraNathArthihara prabhO ||Oh VaradarAjA known for destroying the samsAric sufferings of Your dear devotees! Your power has no limits. You are capable of executing whatever You desire. I have transgressed the injunctions of Your sAsthrAs; I have abandoned the karmAs prescribed by You in those sAsthrAs . Please forgive all of these trespasses of mine and protect me . The power of Your pardon alone can destroy my sins . SlOkam 10 SrimAn niyatha panchAngam madhrakshaNa bharArpaNam | acheekarath svayam svasmin athOhamiha nirbhara : ||Oh Lord VaradarAjA always in the company of PerundEvi ThAyAr ! YOU have YOURSELF executed the bhara nyAsam for me at Your sacred feet . You have completed my prapatthi in its entirety with its five limbs . You have accepted now the responsibilities for my protection . I am therefore freed of any worries about my protection and lead my life as a prapannA with peace and tranquility . With this slOkam , Swami Sri Desikan brought to a conclusion , the sAthvika thyAgam that he commenced in the third slOkam of nyAsa dasakam Subhamasthu kavithArkika simhAya kalyANa guNasAlinE | SrimathE VenkatEsAya vEdhAntha guravE nama: ||Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan


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