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Thiruvaheendhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimkaryam series: Posting 210/Desika Prabhandham 259-263 : Sri VaiNava Dinasari /Part 3)

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Dear BhakthAs :


At the outset , may I invite your attention to the articles on

Daily worship of the Lord ( VaishNava Dinasari practised over

Six hundred years at SrI Ahobila Matam ) and the audio of

SaaRRumuRai at SrI Sannidhi ) archived at the following URL:




Abhigamanam and Ijyai are the two most important parts of

the worship at Ahobila Mutt and other Matams . Ijyai is very

important for the householders .Abhigamanam takes precedence

for SanyAsis.


Now coming back to SrI VaishNava Dinasari's Paasurams ,

we will cover Six of them today and conclude the remaining

five in the next posting .





vari iruL azhi vazhi manam varum uNarvodu

Kari Giri maruviya Kariyavan adi iNai

parivodu paravu naladiyavar pazhavurai

Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari AriyE ----(1)


(Meaning ): The BhaagavathAs , who worship the sacred feet of

PeraruLALan of Hasthi Giri with affection leave their sleep early

in the morning , get their minds purified by reciting seven times

the name : Hari . This is an ancient custom in vogue.


Sleep is described here as " Vari iruL " , the enveloping darkness

that can extend to ajn~Anam besides physical sleep. When that

numbing sleep is gone ( azhi vazhi) , Jn~Anam is born ( manam

varum uNarvodu) by thinking about the sacred pair of feet

of the dark-hued VaradarAja of Hasthi Giri ( Kariyavan adiyiNai)

with affection and longing ( paravum parivodu ) . The growing affection

for the Lord is aptly described by Swamy Desikan as " Paravum

Parivu). Such fortunate BhAgavathAs (naladiyavar)with deep attachment

for the dark hued one (Kariyavan) recite seven times His name

( Hari , Hari , Hari , Hari , Hari , Hari , Hari). This is an ancient


followed from the time of our poorvAs.




vinai vahai ozhihiya veRi nilai adayavu(m)

ninaivudai nihazhvu yethir nilai nalam aNUhida

manam urai kirisaikaL mahizh maRai neRi kodu

tani mudhal adiyiNai adaibhavar tamarE ----(2)


(Meaning ): Abhigamanam is the time during which the BhaagavathAs

repent over the time that they had wasted in their life due to dushkarmAs

( bad karmAs) , and pray for Lord VaradarAjan's anugraham for

uninterrupted loving service to Him during the new day that has dawned .

For this purpose , they perform abhigamana prapatthi to the dark one

on Hasthi Giri with mind , speech and body according to the path

shown by the VedAs and feel joyous thereafter.


BhagavathAs are saluted as " Tamar " here. What they lost in

Bhagavath anubhavam and Kaimkaryam until that stage in their

lives is referred to as " Vinai vahai ozhuhiya veRi nilai (ajn~Ana dasai ) " .

Then they come to the present time and the future ( Ninaivudai nihazhvu/

nihazh kaalam and yethir nilai) and reflect on the aanandhAnubhavam that

awaits them through the performance of BhagavadAraadhanam

following the ancient Veda Maargam ( mahizh maRai neRi kodu).

For gaining this blessing from the Lord of Atthi giri , they perform now

the thrikaraNa prapatthi at the Lord's Thiruvadi ( Manam urai kirisaikaL

Tani mudhal adiyiNai adaibhavar) . Such blessed ones are the Tamars

or BhaagavathAs. Lord VaradarAjan is identified and saluted as

" Tani Mudhal " , the matchless Aadhi KaaraNan here by Swamy Desikan.




malar mahaL maruviya maRu udai IRayavan

malar adi karuthiya manam-udai adiyavar

malar punal amudhudan vahayana adayavum

malar mathi yemathu ala yena aRibhavarE ---(3)


(Meaning): BhaagavathAs present all sweet vasthus

of the world ( Pushpam , Theerttham , PrasAdham )

as their SamarpaNam with adoration for His exclusive

preethi and stay delighted . Through their well blossomed

jn~Anam , they comprehend clearly that those vasthus are

not for their bhOgam but only for the Lord's bhOgam .They

perform Saathvika ThyAgam with Nama : sabdham ( na Mama )

and offer their humble samarpaNams duirng their aarAdhanams..


PerumAL is recognized as the One with the lakshaNam of

the mole named SrIvathsam and MahA Lakshmi on His

broad and beautiful chest ( Malar MahaL maruviya MaRu

udai IRayavan). The BhAgavathAs are saluted as those , who

constantly meditate on the sweet feet of the Lord ( IRayavan

malar adi manamudai adiyavar) ; they are seen engaged in

the acts of presentation of the sweet upachArams for

the Lord such as freshly blossomed , fragrant Pushpams ,

Theerthams with parimaLams and delectable naivEdhyams

with six kinds of tastes ( Malar punal amudhudun vahayana

adayavum ). While offering these samarpaNams assembled

earlier , their well developed Jn~Anam recognizes these offerings

are for the sole pleasure and enjoyment of their Lord and not

for their bhOga anubhavams .


262. The assembly of the material for ThiruvArAdhanam


naRai udai malar MahaL nalam uRa maruviya

IRaiavan inithuRa iniyavai yeNum avar

aRaneRiyilan yevan aNuhilum aNuhilar

tuRai alathu yenum oru tuRuai paduhilarE----(4)


(Meaning ): While engaged in the assembly of SaamagriyAs

(Vasthus) for Bhagavath AarAdhanam , the BhaagavathAs will

never accept anything from those , who have stayed from dharma

mArgam even if such people press them to accept their offerings

for the aarAdhanam to be performed .The BhAgavathAs themselves

will not assemble anything that is outside such dharma mArgams.

Therefore , the method of assembly of material for the Bhagavath

AarAdhanam is described as UpAdhAnam.


263. IJYAI


oLi mathi yena oru Thiruvudan uyarbhavan

naLi mathi muha-nahai nala-nila uhavuhaL

teLi punal amudhuana sezhu-mathi adiyavar

kuLi muthal kirisaikaL kuRaihilar valavE ----(5)


(Meaning): The BhAgavathAs will perform Thirumanjanam

(Sacred bath) and offer other UpachArams to the Lord

in a blemishless way according to their capacities and will

present Him with delectable food offerings and become

happy with all these kaimkaryams during the daily IjyaarAdhanam .


The BhAgavathAs with discriminating intellect are saluted

here as " Sezhumathi adiyavar " . They know very well that

they are Seshans of the Sarva Seshi , their Lord. The Lord's

SrImathvam ( His defining mark through the presence of His

PirAtti on His chest) and Soundaryam are saluted here as:

" oLi mathi yena oru Thiruvudan uyarbhavan " and " naLi mathi

mukham nahai nalam nilaivu uhavuhaL " .The Lord is visualized with

His sweet and welcoming smile , the eyes resplendent with coolness

like a full Moon and in a state of elevation through the sambhandham

with His PirAtti.


How the Lord has to be enjoyed and welcomed is described in

the next Paasuram .The Sanskrit slOkam in this context instrcuts us

that the Lord has to be welcomed like a Young man , King , a dear

realtive , a son and treasured visitor and then offered all upachArams

to develop the full bliss from the performance of AarAdhanam.


" yaTA yuvAnam Raajanam yaTA cha madha-hasthinam

yatA priYa-athiTim prAptham Bhagavantham TamarchayEth

yaTA cha puthram dayitham taTaivOpacharEth "


In splendid manner, Swamy Desikan captures in Tamil poetry ,

the essence of the above Sanskrit slOkam .


264. The flood of Aanandham from BhAgavatha AarAdhanam


varuvathu ohr uRavu yena vaLar iLavarasu yena

maruvu nalmahan yena vana madha kariyena

aru vilai maNi yena adiyavar adaibhavar

aru karuNai IRaivanai aru karuNayudanE---( 6)


Bhagavan is sitting right next to them in the heart lotuses of

BhaagavathAs ( adiyavar aru aNai IRaivan). The BhAgavathAs

welcome that Lord near and dear to them as the relative ,

who has been away for long (varuvathu ohr uRavu yena) ;

they welcome Him as as a growing prince ( vaLar iLavarasu

yena). They greet Him heartily as the son worthy of embrace

( maruvu nalmahan yena). They recognize this powerful Lord

as the mighty , forest elephant ( Vana madha Kari yena) .

They respond to Him as the most precious gem ( aru vilai

MaNi yena).They come before Him with the precious assembly

of materials for His AaarAdhanam and perform SaraNAgathy

at His sacred feet .


NarAyaNa , NaarAyaNa , NaarAyaNa

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradachAri Sadagopan


Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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