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Fw: Thiruvaheendhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimkaryam series: Posting 212/Desika Prabhandham : Thirucchinna Maalai ( Part 1)/Taniyans

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Dear BhakthAs :


There are three Taniyans (Benedictory /Laudatory) verses for

this Prabhandham consisting of 11 Paasurams .Prior to covering

them , let us enjoy the context of the avathAram of this Prabhandham.


Why This Name for the Prabhandham ?


Thirucchinnam is a Vaadhyam (Musical instrument) played during

the occasion of PerumAL PuRappAdu . It is majestic in sound and

sweet to listen to.At Lord VaradarAjan's sannidhi a pair of this Bugle like

Vaadhyam was played in unison . The sound of this Vaadhyam with its links

to the Lord's arrival on the streets of Lord VaradarAjan enchanted the mind

of Swamy Desikan.He was reminded of the procession of the Lord , who is

the object of celebration by the three rahasyams.The association of

Thirucchinnam with the Supreme Lord made Swamy Desikan name

this Prabhandham with the Vaadhyam that announces His arrival.


Another reason for the Name


There is another tradition relating to the birth of this Prabhandham.

During one stage of Swamy Desikan's life , he had to argue with

the members of Para Mathams , who insisted that the Tamil Prabhandhams

of the AzhwArs are not fit to be recited in front of the Lord for a variety


reasons.Swamy Desikan debated these people , who wanted to minimize

the sacred nature of AzhwAr's divine collect and established that the 4000

divine collect (aruLiccheyalkaL) were Parama Vaidhikam to recite in front

of the Lord just as Vedic recitation follows the Lord . Lord VaradarAjan


very pleased with Swamy Desikan's defense of the sacredness of Dhivya

Prabhandhams that He presented one of the two Thirucchinnam used in His

sannidhi to Swamy Desikan and ordered that only one Thiruchinnam be used

from then on.


The Structure of this Prabhandham


The first six paasurams of this Prabhnahdam deal with the essence of

Thirumanthiram , the seventh covers the meaning of Dhvayam and the 8th

and the 9th instruct us on the quintessence of Cahrama slOkam .The tenth

paasuram pays tribute to the Vaibhavam of Lord VaradarAjan .The final

paasuram reveals that only those who discard carnal desires in favor of

uninterrupted Bhagavath Bhakthi alone can enjoy this delectable



The Metre of the Prabhnadham


The whole Prabhandham is set in the metre of YeNN SeerAsiriya Viruttham

with 8 lines in each of the Paasurams . The ending with " Vanthaar thAmE "

marks these paasurams with an aura of divinity by invoking the arrival of

Lord VaradarAja in front of us.


Taniyan 1


mannu Thirumanthiratthin vAzh dhuvayatthin poruLum

tunnu puhazh Geethai tanil sonna yeNNAnkin poruLum

anna vayal Kacchi AruLALar Thirucchina oli

innapadi yenRuraitthAn Yezhil VedAnthAriyanE


(meaning): The( ThUppul) VedAnthAcharyan of unique lustre

described exactly the significance of the majestic sounding nAdham

of the Thirucchinnam of the Lord of Kanchi , a city known for

the many swans ( Raaja Hamsam/Raaja SanyAsis) in its environs .

SrI VedAntha Desikan showed in this Prabhnadham that the paasurams

abound in the esoteric meanings of the three rahasyams: the enduring

AshtAksharam , the rejuvenating Dhvayam and Charama slOkam of 32

letters enshrined in Bhagavath GithA.


The ever lasting meanings of the AshtAsharam is saluted as " Mannu

Thirumanthirin poruLum " . The Dhvayam is saluted as " Vaazh dhuvatthin

poruLum " ( the artha visEshams of Dhvaya manthram that nourish the


with its deep and esoteric meanings ). The Charama slOkam with 32 aksharams

found in the 18th chapter of SrImad Bhagavath GithA is reverentially

addressed as : " Tunnu puhazh Geethai tanil sonna yeNNAnkin poruLum "

( the visEsha arthams of the glorious charama slOkam with its 32 aksharams

found in the Lord's GeethOpanishad).


Taniyan 2


yEkAntham mUnRum yezhilAl urai seythu

maakAntham seythu aruLum vaLlalAi -SaakAntha

DesikanAm ThUppl ThiruvEngatEsa Guru

vaachakamE yengaLukku Vaazhvu


(Meaning): The SrI Sookthis of ThUppul VenkatEsa AchAryan

are our life support . He is the most geenrous and compassionate One ,

who commented elegantly on the esoteric meanings of the three rahasyams

for our benefit and got us under His spell like the magnet that attracts the



" EkAntham mUnRu " refers to the three Rahasya manthrams to be leant from

a SadAchAryan. Swamy Desikan elaborated elegantly about their deep

meanings ( yezhilAl urai seythu).Those commentaries enshrined in

Thirucchinna Maalai Prabhandham attracted our minds powerfully

to this Prabhandham ( maakAntham seythu ). The genrous One , who

blessed us this way is the " SaakAntha Desikan " ( VedAntha /NigamAntha

Desikan )of ThUppul agrahAram near Kaanchi . His SrIsookthis are

the ones that nourish and protect us ( DEsikan vaachakamE yengaLukku

Vaazhvu) .


Taniyan 3:


paricchinamAna irunAl-yezhutthin pall vaNmai yelAm

viricchu nalam peRa OdhavallOrkku intha mEdhinikkE

maricchinna meeLAp-piRavAmal vaazhvikkum Maal Varadhar

Thirucchinna Osai inimai uNDO maRRai dEvarukkE ?


Thispaasuram is shaped in the form of a rhetoric question with its

imlaid answer. This Paasuram poses a question and answers it

without hesitation :


Is there any one(dEvAs) qualified to possess the level of glory of

Lord VaradarAjan and as a result enjoy the sweet nAdham of

Thirucchinna Vaadhyam ? The answer is " defenitely not " and

the most enjoyable Thirucchinna vAdhya nAdham belongs

exclusively to the Supreme Lord of Hasthi Giri , Lord VaradarAjan .

The famous question is : " Maal Vardahar Thirucchinna Osai inimai

uNDO maRRai DEvarukkE ? " ( Can any other God or demi-god

hope to gain the sweet sound of Thirucchinna Vaadhyam as a mark of

honor to accompany the sanchArams of the most merciful VaradharAjan ? ).

Swamy Desikan states clearly that there is no one , who is equal or

superior to Lord VaradarAjan (SrIman NaarAyaNan as the archAvathAran

at Kaanchipuram) and to qualify ofr the distinction of announcement of His

arrival with the MangaLa dhvani of Thirucchinna Vaadhyam.Swamy states

further that those BhaagavathAs , who can comprehend and reflect on

the Meanings of the AshtAkshara Manthram elaborated in His Prabhandham

will never ever be born in this Karma BhUmi due to the dhivyAnugraham of

the DayALu , Lord VaradarAjan .


The structure of Thirucchinna Maalai Prabhandham


There are 11 Paasurams including the Phala Sruthi slOkam .

Here is how the eleven paasurams are organized:


1. Elaboration of AkAram enshrined inside the PraNavam--Creation

2. Meaning of AkAram housed inside PraNavam--Rakshakathvam

3. Meaning of UkAram, MakAram & the associated fourth vibhakthi

4. Thirumanthiram: Meaning of " Nama: " sabdham

5. Meaning of NaarAyaNa Sabdham in Thirumanthiram

6.Meaning of th 4th case associated with NaarAyaNa Sabdham

7. Meaning of Dhvayam

8. Meaning of Charama SlOkam

9. The sacred sports of VaradarAjan as Lord KrishNa

10. The collected meanings of the thre rahasyams

11. Only those who do not seek evanescent pleasures

will enjoy the Thirucchinna Maalai Prabhandham.


In the subsequent postings , we will add the line by line meanings

of each paasuram to enjoy the arrival of Lord VaradarAjan in our

homes .


NarAyaNa , NaarAyaNa , NaarAyaNa

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradachAri Sadagopan


Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

SrivaNN Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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