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Thiruvaheendhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimkaryam series: Posting 239/Desika Prabhandham : Charama SlOka Churukku: Part 10

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Dear SrI VaradarAja BhakthAs :


Today , we will conclude the study of the Desika Prabhandham

entitled , " Charama SlOka Churukku " with the coverage of

the 11th Paasuram ..


We will focus on the many meanings of the most important

assurance given by GeethAchAryan to lift us up from our sorrows

and comfort us : " Maa Sucha: " , the two words that you see embedded

in the hand of Lord VaradrAja at Kaanchi. The companion words

are seen on the hand of SrI Oppiliappan : " Maam yEkam SaraNam

Vraja " .


325. The Meaning of " Maa Sucha: "


aRivum anaitthum ilaa adiyOmai adaikkalam koNDu

uRavu yena ninRa yelAm uRavE ninRa ThAnn yemakkAi

maRu piRavit-thuyar vaarA vahai manam koNDu ahalA

IRaivan innaruLAl yenkaL sOham tavirtthananE


(Meaning) : The Lord , who stands in our minds as the foundation

for all vasthus decided to protect us , who took refuge in Him.

He recognized that we are powerless to practise upAyams other

than the performance of Prapatthi at His Thiruvadi and therefore

in place of all the other difficult-to-practise upAyams , He blessed

us with the boon of freedom from the cycles of rebirth in the Karma

BhUmi for performing Prapatht and removed our sorrows once and for all .


The different Meanings of " Maa Sucha: " according to PoorvAchAryAs


" Maa Sucha: " stands for " please do not grieve " . ChEthanan is exposed

to sorrow from many sources in his samsAric life. Bhagavan says here

that chEthanan can feel free from all those sorrows due to His intervention

and protection .


These are the many ways by which these sorrows arise:


1. Bhakthi yOgam is hard to practise and there are many obstacles ,

which interfere with the practise of this yogam for gaining Moksham .

This yogam also takes a long time to bear fruit . Lord says here to

the Prapanna jeevan not to grieve over that type of sorrow .The Lord says

that He will stand in place of that difficult yogam and remove the Jeevan's



2. Oh Jeevan, after you practised the upAyam of Prapatthi , the

responsibilities for your protection is Mine , the fruits arising from

that protection is also Mine. If I fail to protect you , I will be in a


state of being one , who has abandoned His duties . Please do not be

afraid that I would abandon you ever because of My independence .

You can now set aside that fear and sorrow.


3. Prapatthi yogam can be practised by people of all Jaathis.

So do not grieve that you are born in a unqualified Jaathi. All

are adhikAris .Therefore abndon your sorrow on this aspect.


4. Prapatthi is easy to perform and can be done in a trice .

It does not anticipate any other angams other than the five

associated with it. Hence You do not need to grieve over

the thought that there are many angams that would bloat

its (prapatthi's) size to that of a huge and diffiuclt to practise

upAyam .


5. Please do not grieve as a result of developing doubts

that I who responds to the small and easy to practise UpAyam

of Prapatthi may not be approached easily or can not be trusted

or would not have compassion or be too independent to change my

mind . I am easily won over by your SaraNAgathy and am aasritha

sulabhan and DayALu . I stand as SiddhOpAyam ( the UpAyam

that exists already ) and therefore cast aside your sorrows based on

such doubts.


6. During your post-prapatthi period , please do not fear that there

might be deficencies in the nithya-naimitthika karmAs done for

My preethi without expectation of any fruits . These karmAs are not

part of the group of angams for SaraNAgathy and therefore any

imperfections associated with them due to kaala , dEsa varthamAnams .

The nithya karmAs should be done deficent or not .


7. Please do not sorrow over praayascchittha prapatthi performed

during the time of Prapatthi to avoid paapams accrued after Prapatthi .

It will not nullify your original prapatthi .


8. Please do not grieve over not doing Praayascchittha prapatthi for

paapams accrued knowingly and as a result , you will suffer in

narakam . I remove those Paapams too for a prapannan ( details in

the 64th Paasuram of Desika Prabhnadham dealing with AparAdha

ParihAra adhikAram of AdhikAra Sangraham ) .


9. Oh Jeevan ! Please do not sorrow over residence in your Sariram ,

which is like naraka vAsam after Prapatthi. If you desire to get Moksha

Prapatthi due to aarTi , I will grant You release right away from

your sareeram .


10. I have vowed never to abandon a Prapannan. When there is

delay in MOksham as a result of adopting Dhruptha Prapatthi ,

you do not need to sorrow because there is no question about

the gaining fruit of MOksham. Please do not grieve that the PuNyam of

Prapatthi will be neutralized by the paapams accumulated knowingly

or unknowingly after the performance of Prapatthi .


11. Since You wished to have moksham at the end of this life ,

you may grieve that the paapams acquired during post-prapatthi

period would result in your rebirth in the karmic world. You will never

be reborn here and hence chase away that sorrow.


12. When you have performed unconditional Prapathti to Me

without expecting any fruits , all karmAs that stood in the way of your

moksham would have been destroyed . There will be no interferecnes

and time delays in gaining moksham due to distractions like Kaivalyam .


The sorrows that you may entertain before and after Prapatthi are not

appropriate since You have recieved my full anugraham .Such sorrows

and worries are inappropriate given the glories of Prapatthi , my vow

to protect You and your status of placing full trust in Me as your

rakshakan . Therefore such acts on your part are expressions of your

immaturityand ignorance (avivEkam) . Abandon every one of the above

sorrows and feel assured that there is no basis for these worries of yours .


The full meaning of the Charama SlOkam


Oh ChEthanam! Your Jn~Anam is insignificant (alpam).

Your sakthi is also limited. You live here for a limited time.

You are anxious to gain Moksham without delay. It is very

difficult for you to observe difficult upAyams such as Bhakthi yOgam

to gain Moksham. They will also grant the phalan after considerable

time delay . Therefore do not chase these frustrating upAyams .

I am easily accessible to one and all . I am the protector of all

the janthus of the world. I have the auspicious attributes befitting

My role as Jagath Rakshakan (Sarva lOka SaraNyan). Therefore

choose Me alone as UpAyam ( Maam yEkam SaraNam vraja).

Perform the Bhara NyAsam with its five aangams . After that upAya

anushtAnam , you will become krutha kruthyan ( one who has performed

his duty). You become thenthe object of My protection . You will become

very dear to Me. My compassion for You is limitless. I have started to

shower My grace on you. There are no restrictions to my independence.

The fruits of My intervention on your behalf belongs to Me alone.

My sankalpam alone is the sahakAri for my act of protection .

You have a wide variety of foes. Those are limitless. You can not ever

destroy them by yourself. I will destroy them down to their roots.

They wont follow you anymore. I will grant Me and Mine to you

and make you enjoy them on a par with Me ( Bhoga Saamyam).

When You engage in this ParipoorNa BrahmAnubhavam , I will

bless you with nithya kaimkaryam at all times and places .You do

not need to grieve over anything anymore.


The 29th chapter of Swamy Desikan's SrImath Rahasya Thraya

Saaram is a treasure house of the myriad subtle meanings of

GeethAchAryan's Charama SlOkam .


Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,


NaarAyaNa , NaarAyaNa , NaarAyaNa

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradachAri Sadagopan


SrimathE SrI Lakshminrusimha Dhivya PaadhukA Sevaka

SrIvaNN SaThakOpa SrI NaarAyaNa YathIndhra MahA DesikAya Nama:

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