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Thiruvaheendhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimkaryam series: Posting 262/Desika Prabhandham : GeethArTa Sangraham : Part 22

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Dear BhakthAs of Lord PaarTasArathy :


Today , we will study the SIXTEENTH Chapter of

SrImath Bhagvath GeethA .This chapter has

24 slOkams . This chapter is about " The Divine

and the Demonaic Types " .


Introduction to the SIXTEENTH Chapter :


AchArya RaamAnujA's commentary as translated by

Swamy AdhidEvAnandha is as follows :


" In the preceding three chapters were elucidated

the following , (1) What constitutes the nature of

the physical reality (Prakruthi) , i.e., of the individual

self ( purusha) taken seperately and in conjunction with

each other ; (2) that their conjunction is the result of

attachment to the GuNAs , and their seperation ,

the rsult of nonattachment ; (3) that Prakruthi and

the individual self in whatever modes of existence

they be , both constitute the glory (VibhUthi) of

the Lord ; and (4) that the real nature of the Lord

as the Supreme Person is distinct from unconscient

matter and conscient entity in both the states of

bondage and freedom , as He is immutable , pervading ,

supporting and ruling .


Immediately afterwards , the Lord speaks( in this chapter)

about the division into the divine and emonical creations .

This division is based upon whether the person denoted

follows the SaasthrAs or not. Those who follow the SaasthrAs

are classed as divine , and the others who violate them as

demonical. The purpose of this teaching is to impress that

submission to the SaasthrAs(VedAs) is necessary for getting

established in all the teachings given earlier , including

those on conduct (anushtAnam) . "


Swamy AlavanthAr's summary of the 16th chapter


dEvAsura vibhAgOkthi poorvikA sAshtravasyathA

TatthvAnushtAna -- vij~nasTEmnE shOdasa uchyathE


(Meaning ): " The sixteenth chapter deals first with

the distinction between the divine and the demonaic

natures in order to establish what is truth and

what is right conduct , which can be attained by

submission to the SaasthrAs " .


In the creation of janthus , there are the divisions of

DhaivAmsam and asurAmsam . Those with dhaivAmsam

will be guided by the Bhagavath SaasthrAs ( Saasthra-

vasyA: ) . Those with asurAmsam ( demonaic types)

will transgress those ordained Saasthrams . BhagavAn

instructs us through ArjunA that we must follow His

SaasthrAs and belong to the divine type ( DhaivAmsam)

so that Tatthva Jn~Anam and UpAya Jn~Anam for mOksha

siddhi can be firmly established in us.


Swamy Desikan's summary of the 16th Chapter


aaNai maRavAthar Devar alvazhakkOr asurar

kONai marAtha guNacchelva nee kuRikkoL maRayaip-

pENiya tatthuvamum piNiyaRRa kirisaihaLum

kANN ithanAl VisayA yenRu KaNNan iyampinanE


(Meaning ): The dhaivAmsam is possessed by those with

Dhaiva sampath ( AaNai maraathavar) . They follow the vedic

injunctions . That is their dominant behavioral feature .

The key aspect of Aasura prakruthis is the transgression of

Vedic commands .Oh ArjunA having dhaiva sampath !

Please follow Vedam for guidance about what karmAs

are to be done and what are to be discarded .

Through VedAs , gain the Jn~Anam about the Para Tatthvam

and cultivate the habit of doing your ordained karmAs

without attachment to their fruits . Dhaiva sampath leads to

Moksha saadhanam . Therefore follow the VedAs and

SaasthrAs to gain MOksha sukham !


Some key slOkams of the fourteenth chapter :


The first three slOkams offer clear definitions of

the Divine type. The Fourth slOkam sets the tone for

the detailed description of the behavior of the demonaic

type. BhagavAn dwells elaborately on the culture and

mind set of the Demonaic types (SlOkams 7-17) so we can

recognize these features and avoid them . We will follow

now the commentary of Swamy Desikan in Taathparya

Chandrikai here.


SlOkams 1-3 ( Features of the Divine Type )



The distinguishing features of those with DhaivAmsam are:


1) Fearlessness(abhayam) and freedom from sorrow

over losing what is dear .


(2) Purity of mind ( Satthva-- samsuddhi) charcterized by

the freedom from desire , anger , jealousy and deciet .


(3) Jn~Ana yOga Vyavasthai : Devotion to meditation on

the knowledge of the self ( Jn~Ana yOga vyavasTithithi );

focused existence to comprehend the true nature of the Self.


(4) Saathvika dhAnam ( alms giving of rightfully earned

things to the qualified Saathvika adhikAris )


(5) dhama : self-control and preventing the mind from

straying into improper areas .


(6) Yajn~a : the performance of Nithya naimithtika KarmAs

like Bhagavath AarAdhanam , Deva Yajn~am , Pithru Yajn~am ,

BhUtha Yajn~Am , Manushya Yaj~nam and Brahma Yajn~am .


(7) SvAdhyAya: The study of the VedAs with the clear

understanding that the subject of the VedAs is all about

BhagavAn's glories and the ways to worship Him .


(8) Tapa: Penance /austerity to shrink the BhOgAnubhavam of

the material kind (e.g)., Krichra , SaanthrAyaNa , DhvAdasi

and EkAdasi vrathams as well as SravaNa dhvAdasi UpavAsam .


(9) Aarjavam ( uprightness) ; the compatibility of mind , body

and spech with respect to interaction with others . consistency

in three karaNams , when it comes to interactions with others.


(10) non-volence (ahimsA) .The guiding line is : " Ahimsa

ParamO Dharma: " .


(11) Sathya ( Truthful behavior at all levels) ; Sathyam

BhUtha hitham prOktham " is the pramANam.


(12) KrOdha--thyAga: abandonment of anger towards

oneself and others .


(13) Saanthi: Peaceful attitude developed by control over

external/sensory organs .


(14) apaisunam : non-slandering of others .


(15) DayA bhUthEshu: compassion to all beings .


(16) alOlupathvam: distaste for things unfit for pursuit .

Control of desire leading to action to acquire or taste them .


(17) Maardhavam: gentleness to others to enhance

approachability .


(18) HrI : the development of a sense of shame over

doing unfit things inconsistent with the SaashthrAs.


(19) achApalam : Removal of desire from tempting

things even if they are near (Vishaya saanidhya

achApalam ).


(20)tEja: Grandeur or ability to stay over insults of

ill meaning ones ( Parai: anapaneeyathvam) .


(21) KshamA : Forbearance nad tolerance towards

those who offend .


(22) Dhruthi: Firmness of resolve even during times of

danger and observance of SaashtrOktha karmAs at

all times without slipping . " SmarthavyO BhagavAn Hari: "

( To think of the Lord with resolve at those times instead of

panicking ) .


(23) Soucham: Cleanliness and Purity of body , mind & Speech.


(24) adhrOham : freedom from hatred and control of condcut

by the strong towards the weak in a unfair fashion.


(25) NaathimAnithA: controlling over-pride (asTAnE garva: ).


BhagavAn asks Arjuna to follow the above routes and develop

divine wealth ( Bhavanthi sampadham dhaiveem abhijAthasya

Bharatha ! ) . " Pomposity , arrogance , self-conciet , wrath ,

rudeness and ignorance " are identified as the traits of

the demonaic type. The One with dhaivee sampath is

set for gaining mOksham , whereas the One with Aaasuri

Sampath ends up in bondage . GeethAchAryan identifies

the triad of Desire , wrath and greed as the " triple gateway

to Narakam " and asks ArjunA to avoid them at all costs.


SlOkmas 23 & 24


The importance of Saasthrams (VedAs) in guiding one towards

Dhaivee Sampath is stressed by the Lord at the end of the 16th

Chapter of Bhagavath GeethA . Our Lord says that anyone following

his desires and abandoning the injunctions of His SaasthrAs will

never attain perfection or happiness in this world nor siddhi in

the other world . That defiant and wilful one is doomed forever .


tasmAth Saasthram pramANam tE kAryAkarya vyavasTithou

jn~AthvA Saasthra vidhAnOktham karma karthumihArhasi

--- --- 24 th and final slOkam of the 16th Chapter


(Meaning) : " Therefore let SaasthrAs be your authority for

determining what should be done and what should not be done.

Knowing what is enjoyed in the injunctions of the SaasthrAs,

You should perform work here " . The Vedic injunctions complimented by

the dharma SaasthrAs are identified by the Lord as the sure means

to please Him and to attain Him .


Sarvam KrishNArpaNam asthu ,


Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradachAri SadagOpan

Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

SrivaNN Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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