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Thiruvaheendhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimkaryam series: Posting 263/Desika Prabhandham : GeethArTa Sangraham : Part 23

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Dear BhakthAs of Lord PaarTasArathy :


Today , we will study the SEVENTEENTH Chapter of

SrImath Bhagvath GeethA .This chapter has

28 slOkams . This chapter is about " The Three

aspects of the Faith " .


Introduction to the SEVENTRENTH Chapter :


AchArya RaamAnujA's introduction to the 17th chapter

takes on this form :


In the 16th chapter , it was said that there are two kinds of

persons : one with dhaivAmsam and the other with

asurAmsam . It was also pointed out that the true

Jn~Anam and MokshOpAyam have their roots only in

the VedAs .


In this 17th chapter , the focus is on three items:

(1) Whatever is outside the SaasthrAs (VedAs) is

fruitless to pursue , (2) the karmAs prescribed in

the SaasthrAs are of three kinds according to

their links with each of the three guNAs and ,

(3) the definitions of what is prescribed in the SaasthrAs.


What is not prescribed by the SaasthrAs is demonaic

(aasuram) and will yield only adverse fruits. Saasthrams

classify the karmAs into Saathvika , Raajasa and Taamasa

Kind .The lakshaNam for the Saasthriya karmA is that

it would start with three words: (PraNavam) Tath Sath.

One has therefore to start SaasthrIya karmAs with these

three words.


Arjuna develops a doubt about the various kinds of

fruits in terms of the three guNAs arising from

the performance of Sacrifices " that are not enjoined in

the SaasthrAs , but done with faith " . BhagavAn instructs

ArjunA on the three kinds of DhAnam , Yaj~nam , tapas

based on the divisions along the lines of the three guNams.

For instance , Those with dominance of Satthva guNam

will worship dEvathAs ; People with ascendancy of rajO

guNam will worship YakshAs and asurAs; those who

have dominat trait of TamO guNam will worship corpses

and bhUtha gaNams.


Swamy AlavanthAr's summary of the 17th chapter


asAsthramAsuram kruthsnam sAsthreeyam guNatha: pruTak

lakshaNam Saasthrasiddhasya thridhA sapthadasOdhitham


(Meaning ) : " In the 17th chapter , the following are dealt with:

What are not ordained by the SaasthrAs and for that reason wholly

demoniac; what are ordained in the SaastrAs as varied in

accordance with the GuNAs ; and the characterestrics of

what are established in the SaasthrAs as three fold in tems of

" Aum " , " Tath " and " Sath " .


AchArya RaamAnujA comments this way on the above

summary of Swamy AlavanthAr:


" idhAneem asAsthra-- vihithasya aasurathvEna aphalathvam,

asAsthra-- vihithasya cha guNatha: thraividhyam , saasthra-

siddhasya lakshaNam cha uchyathE "


(meaning): In this 17th chapter, It is said that the karmAs

not enjoined by the SaasthrAs are aasura karmAs and hence

are fruitless to perform . They wont yield any Phalan. The three

kinds of karmAs (Yaj~nAs , Tapas , DhAanam) are classifiable

into categories belonging to one or other of the three GuNAs .

These SaasthrA-- Enjoined karmAs will be linked to Om Tath Sath.

That is their lakshaNam .


Swamy Desikan's summary of the 17th Chapter


MaRai porunthAthavai vallasurarkku vahutthamayum

maRai porunthum nilayin vann-guNappadi mUvahayum

maRai nilai tannai vahukkum kuRi mUnRin mEnmayum amm-

maRai umizhnthAn uraitthAn Vaasavan tann siRuvanukkE


(Meaning ): The Lord , who released the VedAs instructed

ArjunA , the son of Indhran that the karmAs antithetical to

the VedAs are practised by those with Aasura svabhAvam.

They are viparItha karmAs not sanctioned by the VedAs

and will not yield the desired phalans . The karmAs approved by

the VedAs divide in to three categories and these karmAs

are commenced with the utterance of OM Tath Sath .


There are Veda-viruddha(avaidhika ) and Veda-anukoola

(Vaidhika) karmAs. The Veda-viruddha aagama karmAs and

those karmAs done by unqualified ones according to their own

rules belong to those with strong aasura svabhAvam .


Veda-vihitha ( prohibited by the VedAs) also divide in to three

classes based on the three guNams .The dominance of one of

the three guNams over the other makes that karma Saathvic

or Raajasic or Taamasic. These differences arise from the variations

in different kinds of food consumed by the adhikAri.There is Saathvic

food , Raajasic and Taamasic food. Hence one has to be careful

to consume Saathvic food alone .


In this chapter , the Lord points out that Veda-anukoola karmAs

should be connected with " Om Tath Sath " . The thrai-varNikAs

( belonging to three of the four varNams) have the fitness

to recite VedAs . They should commence the Yaj~nams

sanctioned by the VedAs with the utterance of PraNavam (Om).


The VaidhikAs should say " Tath " , when they desire Moksham alone

through the performance of Yaj~nam , Tapas and DhAnam .

Those who desire Moksham alone should NOT say " Sath " during

the performance of the KarmAs. They should utter " Sath " ONLY

when they seek Phalan for their karmAs except Moksham .


Swamy Desikan in his commentary on GeethA , Taathparya

chandrikA , has linked " Tath " with " mOkshatara-purushArTa

saadhana lakshaNam " .


Some key slOkams of the Seventeenth chapter :


SlOkam 2 :


ThrividhA bhavathi sraddhA dEhinAm Saa svabhAvajaa

sAthvikee rAjasee chaiva thAmasee chEthi thAmm sruNu


(Meaning ): " Threefold is the faith of embodied beings ,

born of their own nature , constituted by SattvA , Rajas

and Tamas . Listen now about it " .


The predeliction for one of the threefold behaviors ( Saathvic ,

Raajasic or Taamasic) is caused by previous subtle impressions

(VaasanAs) associated with the Jeevans , which propells them

towards a partcular taste ( ruchi) and faith (SraddhA ) .


SlOkam 4 :


yajanthE SaathvikA dEvAnyaksha--rAkshAmsi rAjasA:

prEthAn-bhUthagaNAmscchaanyE yajanthE taamasA janA:


(meaning): The Saathvika types worship the gods . The RaajasA

types worship YakshAs and RaakshasAs. And the Taamasic group

worships the deceased ancestors and the assembly of BhUthAs .


SlOkam 23 :


Om tathsadhithi nirdEsO brahmaNsthrividha: smrutha:

BrAhmanastEna vEdAsccha yajn~Asccha vihithA: purA


(meaning ): " Om , Tath , Sath --- --- thus Brahman is denoted by

this threefold expression . Associated with these , BrahmaNAas ,

the VedAs and sacrifices were ordained in the past .


SlOkam 24 :


tasmAth OmithyudhAhruthya yajn~a dhAna tapa: kriyA:

pravarthanthE vidhAnOkthA: sathatham BrahmavAdhinAm


(Meaning ) : " Therefore , the Vedas-enjoined sacrificial acts ,

gifts and austerity by these expounders of VedAs , or those

belonging to the first three stations (VarNAs)are always and

at all times begun after pronouncing Om at the beginning .


SlOkam 25 :


tadhithyanabhisamshAya phalam yaJn~atapa: kriyA:

dhAnakriyAsccha vividhA: kriyanthE mOksha-kaankshibhi:


(Meaning): " Acts of sacrifice , of austerity and of various gifts

(giving) are performed without aiming at reward by those ,

who seek release (Moksham) , after pronouncing " Tath " .


SlOkam 26


SadhbhAvE saadhubhAvE cha sadhithyEtatath prayujyathE

prasasthE karmaNi taTA Sacchabdha: PaarTa yujyathE


(Meaning ): " The term " Sath " is used in the sense of existence

and goodness. And so also , Oh ArjunA , the word " Sath "

is applied to an auspicious action .


SlOkma 28 :


asraddhayA hutham dhattham tapastaptham krutham cha yath

asadhithyujyathE PaarTa na cha tathprEthya nO iha


(meaning ): " Whatever offering or gift is made , whatever austerity

is practised and whatever action is performed WITHOUT FAITH ,

that is called " ASATH " , Oh ArjunA ! It is naught here or hereafter " .


Sarvam KrishNArpaNam asthu ,


Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradachAri SadagOpan

Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

SrivaNN Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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