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Thiruvaheendhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimkaryam series: Posting 2709/Desika Prabhandham : MummaNikkOvai/ Part 5

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Dear BhakthAs of Lord DevanAthan :


Today , we will complete the coverage of the Fourth

Paasuram , where Swamy Desikan enjoys the dhivyAthma

and dhivya MangaLa Svaropams of Lord DhaivanAyakan

seated with His dear consort , MahA Lakshmi as

HemAbhjavalli at Thiruvaheendhrapuram .


Section 4 ( 21-36 Lines ) :


MeenOdu aamai kEzhal kOLariyAi

VaanAr kuraLAi mazhup-padai muniyAi

pinnumirAmar iruvAip- pAril

tunniya param theer Thuvarai mannanumAik-

kali tavirttharuLum KaRkkiyAi maRRU

malivatharkkeNNUm vall vinai mARRa

naanA uruvum koNDu naladiyOr

vaann aar inbham ingu uRa varuthi


-- -- Lines 21-28 of the Fourth Paasuram


Here the glories of DasAvathAram of the Lord

is celebrated .The Lord , who has taken Mathsya ,

Koorma , VarAha , Narasimha , Vaamana , ParasurAma ,

Raama , KrishNa avathArams so far and is going to take

Kalki avathAram later to reduce the burden of the world is

saluted here in the first five lines of the Paasuram .


The Lord is recognized as the banisher of the effects of

our fierce karmAs through the taking of such avathArams .

One of the aims of such avathArams is pointed out as

His desire for us to enjoy the ParipoorNa aanandham of

SrI Vaikuntam by the righteous ones right on here at

His LeelA VIbhUthi : " NaanA uruvam koNDu ,

nalladiyOr vaanAr inbham inguRa varithi " .


ohr uyir ulahukku yennu(m) Nee Thiruvodu

yEr uyir yellAm yEnthi inbhuRuthi ( Lines 29-30)


(Meaning ): Oh Lord Dhaiva NaayakA! You exist as

the One aathmA for the entire chEthanams and

achEthanams of the entire universe and are joyous

over bearing all these jeevans with Your PirAtti .


yaavarum aRiyAthu yengu Nee surandhu

mEvu uruc-choozhnthu viyappinAl mihuthi( Lines 31-32)


(Meaning ): In a manner that is not easy to comprehend ,

You enter and pervade all the jeevans and stay there

hidden in a mysterious way . The PramANam is :

" Ya aathmani thishtan Yamm aathmaa na vEdha " .

In AzhwAr's words , " Udalmisai Uyirenak-karanthu

yengum paranthuLan " . He is pervasively present every

where and in every thing .


koNDida yemmai adaikkalam ulahil

kaNDilam gathi unai anRi maRRonRum(Line 33-34)


(meaning ): We have not come across any one or

any thing that will accept us as the entiites to be

protected ( rakshaNa vasthu) .There are no other

recourse for us except You (Gathi--gamyathE ithi gathi: ,

gamyathE anEna ithi gathi: according to ChEtlUr Swamy ) .


palvahai ninRa Ninn paDi anaitthinum

toll vahai kAttum thuNinthu thUmaRayE ( Line 35-36)


(Meaning): Oh Lord Dhaiva NaayakA ! The pristinely pure

VedAs attempt to explain some what boldly Your ancient

Svaroopam , Roopam , VibhUthia and GuNam ( Padi),

which stands gloriously in so many limitless ways .

Only the ancient Vedam can make such an attempt ,

which is beyond the capability of others .


The Five Svaroopa NirUpaka dharmams (Sathyathvam ,

Amalathvam , Jn~Anathvam , Anantathvam and Aanandhathvam )

of the Lord of Thiru Ayindhai are saluted in this paasuram along with

the doctrine (Tatthvams ) that adorn the Lord's body as

Asthrams and AabharaNams ( Vide: 80th Paasuram of

Desika Prabhandham ).


We have indicated earlier as to how the meanings of

the mighty Dhvaya Manthram are echoed in the passages

of this paasuram ( Ninn Thiruttanakku = SrImath sabdham ,

Seer gaNam sErntha = NaarAyaNa sabdham ,

Manuruvil = linked to CharaNaa sabdham thru

connection to body of the Lord ) .


Sarvam KrishNArpaNam asthu ,


Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradachAri SadagOpan

Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

SrivaNN Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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Dear BhakthAs of Lord DevanAtha PerumAL :


Let us study today the 5th and the 6th Paasurams

of MummaNikkOvai .


Fifth Paasuram:


This paasuram is specifically addressed to

Ayindhai Nagar NaarAyaNan .


ThU maRayin uLLam tuLangAt- tuNivu tarum

aamm aRivAl aarndhu adimai aahinROm -- Poo maRayOn

pArAyaNatthil paNiyum Ayindhai nagar

NaarAyaNanArkkE nAmm


(Meaning ): We have acquired clear and firm Jn~Anam

through our intense study of the Vedaas not created

by any humans ( apourushEya Vedams ). We have been

blessed as a result of such studies to become the eternal

servants of Lord Dhaiva Naayakan of Thriu Ayindhai , who

is worshipped and saluted by by Brahma DEvan himself

devoted to VedAdhyayanam at all times .


Two more aspects of elaboration on the meanings of

Dhvya Manthram passages are seen in this Paasuram

according to SrI SrIraama DesikAcchAr Swamy :


(1) " SrimathE NaarAyaNAya " found in the second

padham of Dhvayam is echoed in the Paasuram

passage : " NaarAyaNArkkE nAmm adimai aahinrOm " .

" NaarAyaNArkkE " refers to BhagavAn , who is the meaning

of NaarAyaNa sabdham . " NaarAyaNArkke nAmm " also

is an echo of Andal " s ThiruppAvai Paasuram Passage :

" UnakkE nAmm aatccheyvOm " .


(2) Nama: sabdham in the second paadham : " TuLangA

thuNivu " stands for unassailable VisvAsam in NaarAyaNan .


The whole Paasuram is therefore about becoming

the eternal servants of the Lord of Thiru Ayindhai after

gaining clear and true Jn~Anam about SrIman NaarAyaNa

Tatthvam through travels in the Vedic path .


Sixth Paasuram :


aarkkum karuNai pozhivAn Ayindhayil vanthu amarntha

kaark- koNDalaik- kaNDa Kaathal puna-mayil kaNN paniyA

vErkkum muhizhkkum vithir-vithirkkum veLhi yevvuyirkkum

pArkkinRavarkku ithu nAmm yenn kol yenRu payiluvamE


(Meaning ) : How can I describe the sad and agitated

state of my Mistress , who in this state of seperation from

her Lord is heaving huge sighs , has tears in her eyes , has

sweat in her limbs and , trembles with fear and shyness ?

How can I describe the cause behind these strange effects

on my mistress , who was beautiful like a peacock roaming

without care on the gardens in the slopes of the hillocks ?

It all happened after she experienced seperation (vislEsham )

from Her Lord , who is like the dark rainy cloud ( KaaLamEgham ) ,

who has taken His residence at Thiruvaheendhrapuram

to mingle with the low and the high and drenches them all

with the downpour of the rain of Mercy (KaruNai ) .


Additional comments


The friend of the lady , who was blessed with the dhivyAnubhavam of

the Lord's Svaropam , Roopam and GuNams describes the changes

in her mistress as the Lord withdrew this divine anubhavam.


The experience of Swamy Desikan in Bhagavath anubhavam

at Thiru Ayindhai and his sorrow , when he does not experience it ,

is the subject of this Paasuram .


" Aarkkum karuNai pozhivAn Ayindhayil VANTHU amarnthAn " :

The Lord known for His soulabhyam and DayA for all left secretly

SrI Vaikuntham and chose Thiruvaheendhrapuram deliberately

as His new seat of residence . Why did he do that ? Swamy Desikan

has hinted earlier " Ayindhayil amarnthenAi yemakkAi " ( You hurried

up and waited for our arrival at Thiru Ayindhai ) .


This mEgam ( cloud ) from varshA kAlam ( rainy season )

pouring down the rain of DayA fills all uplands and

downlands ( pours on lofty ones and lowly ones without let ).


Lord of Thiru Ayindhai is compared to the Kaar koNDal

( dark, rain bearing cloud of the VarshA kaalam ) and

the lady in love with the Lord is compared to the happy

peahen ( Puna Mayil). Her anurAgam from the Lord causing

saslEsham and her despair on vislEsham (seperation ) from Him

are described in this Paasuram movingly .


Sarvam KrishNArpaNam asthu ,


Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradachAri SadagOpan

Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

SrivaNN Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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