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SrI RanganAtha PaadhukA Sahasram : SlOkams 932 & 933

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SrimatE Gopala Desika MahA DesikAya Nama:


932 . JayaamapApAmayAjayAmahE dudhuhE mayA



Translation by U.Ve. Dr.V.N.Vedanatha Desikan Swamin:


The PaadhukA helps the Moksham seekers in case they lack

the perfection in their state of renunciation and conquest of senses.

Luckless candidates are granted the reward of success by the PaadhukA .

It removes diseases of body as well as the mind . It grants protection

to those who cherish the correct feeling to them as possessions of

the Lord Himself . It helped Rudra , when he plucked a head of (his father)

Brahma ( and incurred mahA paapam ) . It shines on the head of great ones

like Indra. With great mercy , it removes their sorrows . Those golden Paadhukais

are associated with the Lord's feet and I derive benefit from that . I "milk" the cow of

PaadhukA for desired results, during the Lord's festivities ( like BrahmOthsavam et al ).

Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S)


SlOkam 932: The sabdha chithram represented by this SlOkam

is known as SarvathO Bhadhram . Here in each Paadham consisting of

16 aksharams , the letters after the first half --letters 9 and 10 are reversed

at the end of the Paadham .


1. UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam : The Raama PaadhukAs are victorious

and save those , who do not have ripe knowledge. Those PaadhukAs devoid of

any afflictions are staying with the Lord's feet and protects the spiritual riches of

those without ego . Those golden paadhukAs shine on the head of Rudra and their

blessings are obtained by me during the time of the festivals of the Lord .


2. SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: The inner meaning is that SadaachAryAs

protect the Mumukshus (those who desire Moksham) . They destroy our

Taapa thrayams. They help the wealthy through their upadesams to

protect the wealth( Iswaryam) blessed to them by BhagavAn and to use

it for benovolent purposes and make sure that this Iswaryam does not

become a cause for sorrow. Regarding the wealth of Jn~Anam as opposed to

material wealth , the SadAchAryAs bless the chEthanams from misusing

the Jn~Anam . During the times of distress for those who sought their

protection , SadAchAryAs unfailingly rescue them , whether they are sinners

or virtuous ones. They travel to dhivya dEsams during the times of

uthsavams for their Lord. It is important to prostrate before these

SadAchAryAs during those uthsavam times to gain their fullest

blessings .


3. The RanganAtha PaadhukAs protect Mumukshus , who have not fully

gained control over their Indhriyams( Jaya aama paa) . They remove physical

and mental diseases ( apa aamayA) . They protect the one without ahankaara--

mamakArams or protect Rudran , who had comitted Brahmahatthi

DhOsham by plucking one of the heads of his Father , Brahma ( amamaka

ath u paa or amamam Ka ath U paa ). Those golden Paadhukais

eat up (destroy) the sorrows of great ones like Indra ( MahEsakaakAsa

hEma PaadhukA : Maha Isaka aka asa hEma PaadhukA ). Thiose Paadhukais

have attained the Thiruvadi of the Lord ( ajayAmahE: aja yaa mahE ) . I milk

them during the Lord's uthsavams for fulfilling my desires ( mahE mayA

dudhuhE ) .


SlOkam 933 :


PApAth apApAth apApA apAdhapAdhadapAdapA

dapAdapaapAdhapAdhapAdhapA dhadhapAdhapA


Translation by U.Ve.Dr.V.N.VedAntha Desikan Swamin


The PaadhukA makes us sinless ; it bestows luster to

the Lord's feet ( It confers an effulgence to individual

souls , which are aspects of the Lord ). Its ablution water is

capable of protection in respect of those who perform the service of

respectfully inserting the PaadhukA into the Lord's feet . Interstingly ,

it confers protection to the Lord's feet , which are the source of protection

to all the worlds and of annihilation of all of one's sins. Those PaadhukAs

saved me from sins !


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S):


SlOkam 933: This slOkam is used on SUNDAYS by the ladies of the house.

This slOkam is known as "Dhvayaj~nAla SarvathO Bhadhram ". This sabdha

chithram can be represented either as a 8x8 square or as an ashta dhaLa

padhmam housing a circle and a chathur dhaLa padhmam . This entire

slOkam is made up only of two aksahrams : dha and Paa .


1. UttamUr Swamy's anubhavam: The PaadhukAs are sinless and protect

in themselves the lustre of the jeevans , who are derived from VishNu. They

protect the Lord's feet , which destroy the sins of Jeevans. These PaadhukAs

protect further those , who offer them water for their sacred bath. They have

protected me from the sins .


2.SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: The inner meaning of this slOkam is :

(a) The AchAryAs as avathAra PurushAs establish the Parathvam of

the Lord out of their abiding love for their Lord and intense compassion for

the Jeevans through successful debates with kumathis (b) by nature , these

AchAryAs are devoid of sins and are intent on banishing the sins of those , who

seek their protection . They purify those who provide help for their Bhagavath-

AarAdhanam through the theertham from their AarAdhanam and their own

SrI Paadha Theertham . Thus they save those who seek protection by

banishing their nescience and sins .


3. This 933rd slOkam consisting of two Uyir yezhutthukkaL ( A and Aa ) and

two Mey Yezhutthakkal ( Pa , Dha ) has to split in the following manner to

reveal the meaning:


pApAth apApAth apApA apAdhapAdhadapAdapA

dapAdapApAdhapAdhapAdhapA dadhapAdhapA


These PaadhukAs are free of sins ( apApA); They store in them the rays

at the sacred feet of the Lord that save chEthanams ( a paadha padha

dha pAdha paa) . They have the Thirumanjana theerttham from those

who place them at the Lord's feet for their protection .They bless the seekers

with rakshaNam ( dha paadha ); they chase away the sins of those, who seek

their rakshaNam ( pApa adha ). These are the Paadhukais that protect

the sacred feet of the Lord ( Paadha paadhapA ). These Divine paadhukais

have protected me from sins ( pApAth apApAth)...(V.S).


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