Guest guest Posted August 28, 2004 Report Share Posted August 28, 2004 Dear BhakthAs : SrImathi JS has provided an excellent description of Sudarsana Chakram and it s uniqueness among the weapons of the Lord . Here are some random thoughts in this context based mostly on the insights of SrI Koora NaarAyaNa Jeeyar , the contemproary of AchAryA Raamaanujar and a great expert on the Vaibhavam of Sudarsana BhagavAn . 1. Sudarsanam is unique as the Lord's weapon because it represents the Sankalpa Sakthi of the Lord .If BhagavAn's Sankalpa Sakthi is to be compared to an asthram (Mantra Siddham ) that leaves the mind of the Lord to destroy quickly our ajn~Anam , then the rest of the weapons of the Lord are just sasthrams . 2. It is the Lord's sankalpa sakthi that blesses us with the four kinds of PurushArTams ( The prayer based on the fourth slOkam of SrI Sudarsana Sathakam is : tEjO va: chathura: PurushArTAn pushyathAth " 3. It is the Lord's sankalpa sakthi that creates , sustains and destroys the world and its entities . 4. Kata SaakhA salutes the Lord for that purpose as " DhruthOrdhva PuNDra CHAKRADHAARI " . His sankalpam is His aabharaNam and asthram . 5. The Nemi of the Sudarsanam is cited by SrI Koora NaarAyaNa Jeeyar (the author of Sudarsana Sathakam ) as the guide to the archirAdhi mArgam ( ChakradhArA aathmaneenam panTAnam va; pradhisyAth ) . 6. In the 33rd slOkam of SrI Sudarsana Sathakam , the Jeeyar states that the Sudarsana nEmi transforms as BhagavAn HImself at the times when the Lord engages in rakshaNam of the Universe and its beings(e-g: Gajendra Moksham) . 7. In the 39th slOkam , the Jeeyar points out that the spokes of the Sudarsana chakram banishes all asubhams during the last moments of one's life as BhagavAn's sankalpa sakthi ( arANi va: anthima vipadhi thrAyanthAm). Here the arams are visualized as the extensions of the Lord's hands. 8. The glories of Sudarsanam ( as the Penetrating sankalpa sakthi of the Lord ) are celebrated in MahOpanishad , Sathapatha BrAhmaNam , Ahirbudhnya SamhithA (Chapter 25) , Parmaa SamhithA ( Chapter 16) . Additional special information on Sudarsana-Narasimha form combining the Lord and His unique weapon is covered in SrI M.Rangaswamy's article : 9. the 61st SlOkam of SrI Sudarsana Sathakam is another testament to the Sankalpa Sakthi of Sudarsana Bhagavan: amhas samhathya daghdhvaa prathijani janitham prouDa samsAravanyaa dhUrAdhvanyAna dhanyAn mahathi vinathibhirdhAmAni sTaapayanthee visrAnthim saasvatheem yaa nayathi ramayathAm ChakrarAjasya naabhi: samyanmOmuhyamAna thridasa ripudasaa sAkshiNee saakshiNee va: (Meaning): The king of Chakram burns thoroughly all the paapams of the SamsAris , who have accumulated them over their many janmAs and takes them to the supreme abode of the Lord and establishes them there in the middle of great bliss.May that Bhagavath Sankalpa svaroopi , who is the conferrer of boons and remover of all obstacles delight Your eyes ! 10) The 73rd slOkam of Sri Sudarsana Sathakam provides addiitonal insight into the uniqueness of Chakra Raajan : SrI VaaNI vaang mruDAnyO vidhadhathi bhajanam sakthayO yasya dhikshu prAha vyUham yadhAdhyam praTamamapi-guNam Bhaarathy PaancharAthree ghOrAm SaanthAm cha Moorthy praTayathi Purusha: prAktana: prArTanAbhi: BhakthAnAm yasyamadhyE disathu tadhanagAm akshamadhyakshathAm Va: (Meaning): The Aksham of Sudarsanam is recognized as the PraTama vyUham of Para VaasudEvan and the first of the Six guNams of BhagavAn (viz) Jn~Anam by Ahirbudhnya Samhithai. Sree , VaaNee , Vaak , MruDAni , the Sakthis of the four VyUha Moorthys celebrate the Sudarsana aksham from the four directions according to PaancharAthra Saashtram . Lord Sudarsana appears in His tranquil form (Saantha Roopam ), when bhakthAs worship Him . When the same BhakthAs seek him and offer their worship for removal of anishtams (asubhams) , He appears in His fierce form to chase those anishtams. May the Lord of both these forms give you lordship ( aadhikyam/AdhyakshathAm disathu ) over the conductance of your activities leading to the Lord ! Sudarsana: Purusha: Va: PourushAya bhUyAth ( Prayer in the 75th slOkam of Sudarsana Kavacham ). 11) The 76th sLokam clearly states that Sudarsanar is the Sankalpa Sakthi of Para VaasudEvan . In RaamAvathAram that sakthi manifested as the arrows of Lord Raamachandra , as His uplifted incisor ( kOra pall that positioned BhU Devi duirng the journey from below the waters) , as the nail in NrusimhAvathAram and axe in ParasurAmAvathAram .It was in the Pavithram in the hnad of Vaamana Moorthy and destroyed one eye of SukrAchArya . 12) In the next Sathaka slOkam , The SudarsanOpasakar identifies Lord Sudarsana as " VishNu Sankalpa Vruksha: " . The Kalpaka tree , which protects the aasrithALs from the heat of SamsAram (NIzhal tanthu Veppatthai pOkki vENDiya PhalankaLai yrellAm kodukkum Bhagavath Sankalpa Sakthi Vruksham ). 13) The presence of this Sankalpa sakthi in Six or eight chakrams are saluted by slOkams 90 and 91. He is present as Kaala Chakram in ShaDaram , PruTvee chakram in PanchAram , Ap chakram in Chathuraram , tEjas chakram in thriAram , Vaayu Chakram in DhviAram nad AakAsa chakram in yEka chakram . He engages in the five kinds of ativities as the instrument of Bhagavath Sankalpam : Uthpatthi, Sthithi, SamhAram , nigraham and anugraham . In the Yanthram , He is manifest in the middle of the Sudarsana Yanthram with six triangles ,Six aksharams and six lotuses . 14) In this Yanthram , twelve UpavyUha Moorthys are present as VYashti BhUthaas according to the observations of U.Ve. SrI SthalasayanatthuRaivAr Swamy of ThiruvallikkENi : Kesavan , NaarAyaNan and Maadhavan are the three VaasudEva Vyashti BhUthAL and their DEvis are the three SrI Sakthis ; Thrivikraman , Vaamanan and SrIdharan are the Vyashti bhUthAls of Pradhyumna Moorthy having three Vaak sakthis; Govindhan VishNu and Madhusoodhanan are the SankarshaNa Vyashti BhUthAL with the three VaaNee Sakthis; HrusheekEsan , PadhmanAbhan and DhAmOdharan are the Aniruddha Vyashti BhUthAls with three MruDAni Sakthees . The prayer here is : " Laksmeesakhasya Lakshma Va: sphurathu " . 15) In the 100th slOkam , SrI Koora NaarAyaNa Jeeyar reveals that the Divine couple leaves the burden of administration of the Sakala CharAcharams in the hands of Their Sankalpa Sakthi, Sudarshanar and are engaged in their BhOga leelA vyApArams : Yasmin vinyasya bhAram vijayini jagathAm jangama sthAvarANAm Lakshmee NaarAyaNAkhyam miTuna- manubhavathyathyudhArAn vihAran aarOgyam bhUthimAyu: kruthamiha bahunA yadhyadhAsTApadham va: Sa PurushO DhivyahEthyakshavarthee " Sudarsana Purusha: Va: Samastham Phalam sadhya: disathu " . Chakra Saayujya Lakshmee PathayE Nama: Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan - " jasn sn " <jayasartn <tiruvenkatam > Cc: <jai_2_u Friday, August 27, 2004 2:55 PM [t'venkatam] Sudarshana homa and sudarshana chakra > > SRIMATHE RAMANUJAYA NAMAHA. > > This mail is an attempt to reply queries on sudarshana > homa and the sudarshana chakra. > Sri Jayaraman has raised the following questions: > " Thus Can we say lord nArAyaNan grants boom when we > workship sudharsana or do sudharsana homam. (OR) Is > sudharsana and lord narayana is one and the same? Is > there any references available for this. " > > The question on sudarshana homa is being answered on > the basis of the Principle of Universal problem > solving which in philosophical terms is closer to what > sage Yagyavalkya told Maitreyi as the principle of > that Principal Being knowing whom, it becomes possible > to know everything else. Here the knowledge is that > Sriman Narayana is Supreme and the In-dweller of all > beings. He is the one who actually receives the > offerings in the sacrifices and grants the results > accordingly. It therefore comes to imply that Narayana > is Supreme and Sudharshana enjoys only a subsidiary or > a secondary status to Him. It is He who receives and > grants the offerings and results. > > But when Sudharshana chakra (or in any name ) is > meditated upon in a Homa, specific pleas are being > made in consonance with what Sudarshana has been > ordained to carry out. It is not to add some positive > virtues in as much as it is only to ward off evils and > obstacles in the path of the chetana. The mantra makes > it amply clear that the blessings of Sudarshana are > being invoked to destroy enemies as well as the evil > effects that are likely to affect the chetana and to > bless him with long life. (para karma mantra, yantra, > tantra, astra, shashtraaNi samhara samhara, mruthyor > moshaya moshaya, aayur varthaya varthaya, shathror > naashaya naashaya) > > While all the 5 weapons of the Lord provide protection > (in) 'vanE, ranE, shathru, jalaagni madhyE' and (in) > 'maha bhayEshu', the sudarshana has a special place > among them. This might be because of the repeated use > of this by the Lord on many occasions. At the > philosophical level too, it is the chakra and not the > other forms of weapons that has been found to posses > many implications - some of which as found in > Svetahswathara upanishad are given here:- > > # in verse I-4, the created universe is described as > Brahma chakra. >> Eka nEmim - this is the axis denoting Maya on which > the prapanjam revolves.> >> Trivrutam - the three supporting belts are the three > gunas. >> Shoda chaaram -26 edges consisting of 5 elements, 5 > gyanendriya, 5 karmendriya and manas. > & #61656; Shathaardhaaram - 50 spokes consisting of 5 > viparyayam, 28 Ashakti, 9 thiushti and 8 siddhi > & #61656; Vimshathi prathyaraabhi - 20 secondary spokes > that consist of 10 indriyas and 10 vishaya. > & #61656; Ashtahbhi:shadbhi: -the 48 angas consisting > of 6 of 8 each (prakruthi ashtakam, dhathu ashtakam, > ishwarya ashtakam, bhavashtakam, devashtakam and > gunashtakam) > & #61656; Eka paasham - the rope of kaama or desire. > & #61656; Tri maarga bhedam -the three different ways > such as dharma. Adharma and gyana > & #61656; Dwi-naimitthaika mOham - the rotation of this > chakra under the pull of kaama, the rope gives rise to > results of two types such as paapa and punya, > happiness and sadness and so on. > > In verse I-6 it is being said that the jiva known as > 'hamsa' (aham sa: , I am Him) is being rotated in this > Brahma chakra. When the jiva realises the nature of > himself vis-a vis the Brahman, he is liberated from > the Chakra. > > Relating this to sudarshana chakra, it can be said > that the jiva is protected by the sudarshana when he > goes round as part of the Brahma chakra. Meditation on > the In-dweller of the Sudarshana helps the jiva to > relieve himself from the Eka paasham leading to the > realisation 'aham sa:'. Upon Realisation he starts > carrying out commands as ordained by Him and by means > of the modes chosen by Him. This to my sittrarivu, > seems to be the explanation for how and why azhwars > came to embody the qualities of the Divya aayudas of > the Lord. > > Ever in the thought of Him, > adiyAL > > > > > > > > > > > > > Namo VenkateshAya namah: > > > To Post a message, send it to: tiruvenkatam (AT) eGroups (DOT) com > > To Un, send a blank message to: > tiruvenkatam- (AT) eGroups (DOT) com > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2004 Report Share Posted August 28, 2004 Dear BhakthAs : SrImathi SaranATan has provided an excellent description of the many unique features of Sudarsana Chakram as well as it s uniqueness among the weapons of the Lord . Her posting is appended below. Please read it first as the link to which this posting of mine is related . Here are some random thoughts in this context based mostly on the insights of SrI Koora NaarAyaNa Jeeyar , the contemproary of AchAryA Raamaanujar and a great expert on the Vaibhavam of Sudarsana BhagavAn . DrI Vijaya Raghavan mentioned about the importance of SrI Sudarsana Sathakam in this context . Here are some observations : ******************************** 1. Sudarsanar is unique as the Lord's weapon because He represents the Sankalpa Sakthi of the Lord .If BhagavAn's Sankalpa Sakthi is to be compared to an asthram (Mantra Siddham ) that leaves the mind of the Lord to destroy quickly our ajn~Anam , then the rest of the aayudhams of the Lord are just sasthrams (weapons) . 2. It is the Lord's sankalpa sakthi that blesses us with the four kinds of PurushArTams ( The prayer based on the fourth slOkam of SrI Sudarsana Sathakam is : tEjO va: chathura: PurushArTAn pushyathAth " 3. It is the Lord's sankalpa sakthi that creates , sustains and destroys the world and its entities . 4. Kata SaakhA salutes the Lord for that purpose as " DhruthOrdhva PuNDra CHAKRADHAARI " . His sankalpam is His aabharaNam and asthram . 5. The Nemi of the Sudarsanam is cited by SrI Koora NaarAyaNa Jeeyar (the author of Sudarsana Sathakam ) as the guide to the archirAdhi mArgam ( ChakradhArA aathmaneenam panTAnam va: pradhisyAth ) . 6. In the 33rd slOkam of SrI Sudarsana Sathakam , the Jeeyar states that the Sudarsana nEmi transforms into BhagavAn Himself at the times when the Lord engages in rakshaNam of the Universe and its beings(e-g: Gajendra Moksham) . 7. In the 39th slOkam , the Jeeyar points out that the spokes of the Sudarsana chakram banishes all asubhams during the last moments of one's life as BhagavAn's sankalpa sakthi ( arANi va: anthima vipadhi thrAyanthAm). Here the arams are visualized as the extensions of the Lord's hands. 8. The glories of Sudarsanam ( as the Penetrating sankalpa sakthi of the Lord ) are celebrated in MahOpanishad and Sathapatha BrAhmaNam . 9. the 61st SlOkam of SrI Sudarsana Sathakam is another testament to the Sankalpa Sakthi of Sudarsana Bhagavan: amhas samhathya daghdhvaa prathijani janitham prouDa samsAravanyaa dhUrAdhvanyAna dhanyAn mahathi vinathibhirdhAmAni sTaapayanthee visrAnthim saasvatheem yaa nayathi ramayathAm ChakrarAjasya naabhi: samyanmOmuhyamAna thridasa ripudasaa sAkshiNee saakshiNee va: (Meaning): The king of Chakram burns thoroughly all the paapams of the SamsAris , who have accumulated them over their many janmAs and takes them to the supreme abode of the Lord and establishes them there in the middle of great bliss.May that Bhagavath Sankalpa svaroopi , who is the conferrer of boons and remover of all obstacles delight Your eyes ! 10) The 73rd slOkam of Sri Sudarsana Sathakam provides addiitonal insight into the uniqueness of Chakra Raajan : - " jasn sn " <jayasartn <tiruvenkatam > Cc: <jai_2_u Friday, August 27, 2004 2:55 PM [t'venkatam] Sudarshana homa and sudarshana chakra > > SRIMATHE RAMANUJAYA NAMAHA. > > This mail is an attempt to reply queries on sudarshana > homa and the sudarshana chakra. > Sri Jayaraman has raised the following questions: > " Thus Can we say lord nArAyaNan grants boom when we > workship sudharsana or do sudharsana homam. (OR) Is > sudharsana and lord narayana is one and the same? Is > there any references available for this. " > > The question on sudarshana homa is being answered on > the basis of the Principle of Universal problem > solving which in philosophical terms is closer to what > sage Yagyavalkya told Maitreyi as the principle of > that Principal Being knowing whom, it becomes possible > to know everything else. Here the knowledge is that > Sriman Narayana is Supreme and the In-dweller of all > beings. He is the one who actually receives the > offerings in the sacrifices and grants the results > accordingly. It therefore comes to imply that Narayana > is Supreme and Sudharshana enjoys only a subsidiary or > a secondary status to Him. It is He who receives and > grants the offerings and results. > > But when Sudharshana chakra (or in any name ) is > meditated upon in a Homa, specific pleas are being > made in consonance with what Sudarshana has been > ordained to carry out. It is not to add some positive > virtues in as much as it is only to ward off evils and > obstacles in the path of the chetana. The mantra makes > it amply clear that the blessings of Sudarshana are > being invoked to destroy enemies as well as the evil > effects that are likely to affect the chetana and to > bless him with long life. (para karma mantra, yantra, > tantra, astra, shashtraaNi samhara samhara, mruthyor > moshaya moshaya, aayur varthaya varthaya, shathror > naashaya naashaya) > > While all the 5 weapons of the Lord provide protection > (in) 'vanE, ranE, shathru, jalaagni madhyE' and (in) > 'maha bhayEshu', the sudarshana has a special place > among them. This might be because of the repeated use > of this by the Lord on many occasions. At the > philosophical level too, it is the chakra and not the > other forms of weapons that has been found to posses > many implications - some of which as found in > Svetahswathara upanishad are given here:- > > # in verse I-4, the created universe is described as > Brahma chakra. >> Eka nEmim - this is the axis denoting Maya on which > the prapanjam revolves.> >> Trivrutam - the three supporting belts are the three > gunas. >> Shoda chaaram -26 edges consisting of 5 elements, 5 > gyanendriya, 5 karmendriya and manas. > & #61656; Shathaardhaaram - 50 spokes consisting of 5 > viparyayam, 28 Ashakti, 9 thiushti and 8 siddhi > & #61656; Vimshathi prathyaraabhi - 20 secondary spokes > that consist of 10 indriyas and 10 vishaya. > & #61656; Ashtahbhi:shadbhi: -the 48 angas consisting > of 6 of 8 each (prakruthi ashtakam, dhathu ashtakam, > ishwarya ashtakam, bhavashtakam, devashtakam and > gunashtakam) > & #61656; Eka paasham - the rope of kaama or desire. > & #61656; Tri maarga bhedam -the three different ways > such as dharma. Adharma and gyana > & #61656; Dwi-naimitthaika mOham - the rotation of this > chakra under the pull of kaama, the rope gives rise to > results of two types such as paapa and punya, > happiness and sadness and so on. > > In verse I-6 it is being said that the jiva known as > 'hamsa' (aham sa: , I am Him) is being rotated in this > Brahma chakra. When the jiva realises the nature of > himself vis-a vis the Brahman, he is liberated from > the Chakra. > > Relating this to sudarshana chakra, it can be said > that the jiva is protected by the sudarshana when he > goes round as part of the Brahma chakra. Meditation on > the In-dweller of the Sudarshana helps the jiva to > relieve himself from the Eka paasham leading to the > realisation 'aham sa:'. Upon Realisation he starts > carrying out commands as ordained by Him and by means > of the modes chosen by Him. This to my sittrarivu, > seems to be the explanation for how and why azhwars > came to embody the qualities of the Divya aayudas of > the Lord. > > Ever in the thought of Him, > adiyAL > > > > > > > > > > > > > Namo VenkateshAya namah: > > > To Post a message, send it to: tiruvenkatam (AT) eGroups (DOT) com > > To Un, send a blank message to: > tiruvenkatam- (AT) eGroups (DOT) com > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2004 Report Share Posted August 28, 2004 Dear BhakthAs : The earlier message got truncated and therefore I am sending the full posting .Regret the mistake . V.Sadagopan - " Sadagopan " <sgopan " Ponnappan " <Oppiliappan >; " SG " <Tiruvenkatam >; " Sgt " <saranagathi >; " DS " <desikasampradaya > Saturday, August 28, 2004 9:25 AM Saranagathi Fw: [t'venkatam] Sudarshana homa and sudarshana chakra > > Dear BhakthAs : > > SrImathi JS has provided an excellent description of > Sudarsana Chakram and it s uniqueness among > the weapons of the Lord . > > Here are some random thoughts in this context > based mostly on the insights of SrI Koora NaarAyaNa > Jeeyar , the contemproary of AchAryA Raamaanujar > and a great expert on the Vaibhavam of Sudarsana > BhagavAn . > > 1. Sudarsanam is unique as the Lord's weapon because > it represents the Sankalpa Sakthi of the Lord .If BhagavAn's > Sankalpa Sakthi is to be compared to an asthram (Mantra > Siddham ) that leaves the mind of the Lord to destroy quickly > our ajn~Anam , then the rest of the weapons of the Lord are > just sasthrams . > > 2. It is the Lord's sankalpa sakthi that blesses us > with the four kinds of PurushArTams ( The prayer > based on the fourth slOkam of SrI Sudarsana > Sathakam is : > > tEjO va: chathura: PurushArTAn pushyathAth " > > 3. It is the Lord's sankalpa sakthi that creates , > sustains and destroys the world and its entities . > > 4. Kata SaakhA salutes the Lord for that purpose as > " DhruthOrdhva PuNDra CHAKRADHAARI " . His sankalpam > is His aabharaNam and asthram . > > 5. The Nemi of the Sudarsanam is cited by SrI Koora NaarAyaNa > Jeeyar (the author of Sudarsana Sathakam ) as the guide to > the archirAdhi mArgam ( ChakradhArA aathmaneenam > panTAnam va; pradhisyAth ) . > > 6. In the 33rd slOkam of SrI Sudarsana Sathakam , > the Jeeyar states that the Sudarsana nEmi > transforms as BhagavAn HImself at the times > when the Lord engages in rakshaNam of the Universe > and its beings(e-g: Gajendra Moksham) . > > 7. In the 39th slOkam , the Jeeyar points out > that the spokes of the Sudarsana chakram > banishes all asubhams during the last moments > of one's life as BhagavAn's sankalpa sakthi ( arANi va: > anthima vipadhi thrAyanthAm). Here the arams are > visualized as the extensions of the Lord's hands. > > 8. The glories of Sudarsanam ( as the Penetrating > sankalpa sakthi of the Lord ) are celebrated in > MahOpanishad , Sathapatha BrAhmaNam , > Ahirbudhnya SamhithA (Chapter 25) , Parmaa > SamhithA ( Chapter 16) . Additional special > information on Sudarsana-Narasimha form > combining the Lord and His unique weapon is covered in > SrI M.Rangaswamy's article : > > > > > 9. the 61st SlOkam of SrI Sudarsana Sathakam > is another testament to the Sankalpa Sakthi of > Sudarsana Bhagavan: > > amhas samhathya daghdhvaa prathijani > janitham prouDa samsAravanyaa > dhUrAdhvanyAna dhanyAn mahathi > vinathibhirdhAmAni sTaapayanthee > visrAnthim saasvatheem yaa nayathi > ramayathAm ChakrarAjasya naabhi: > samyanmOmuhyamAna thridasa > ripudasaa sAkshiNee saakshiNee va: > > (Meaning): The king of Chakram burns thoroughly > all the paapams of the SamsAris , who have accumulated > them over their many janmAs and takes them to > the supreme abode of the Lord and establishes them > there in the middle of great bliss.May that Bhagavath > Sankalpa svaroopi , who is the conferrer of boons > and remover of all obstacles delight Your eyes ! > > 10) The 73rd slOkam of Sri Sudarsana Sathakam > provides addiitonal insight into the uniqueness of > Chakra Raajan : > > SrI VaaNI vaang mruDAnyO vidhadhathi > bhajanam sakthayO yasya dhikshu > prAha vyUham yadhAdhyam > praTamamapi-guNam Bhaarathy PaancharAthree > ghOrAm SaanthAm cha Moorthy praTayathi > Purusha: prAktana: prArTanAbhi: > BhakthAnAm yasyamadhyE disathu > tadhanagAm akshamadhyakshathAm Va: > > (Meaning): The Aksham of Sudarsanam is recognized as > the PraTama vyUham of Para VaasudEvan and the first of > the Six guNams of BhagavAn (viz) Jn~Anam by Ahirbudhnya > Samhithai. Sree , VaaNee , Vaak , MruDAni , the Sakthis of > the four VyUha Moorthys celebrate the Sudarsana aksham > from the four directions according to PaancharAthra > Saashtram . Lord Sudarsana appears in His tranquil > form (Saantha Roopam ), when bhakthAs worship Him . > When the same BhakthAs seek him and offer their > worship for removal of anishtams (asubhams) , He > appears in His fierce form to chase those anishtams. > May the Lord of both these forms give you lordship > ( aadhikyam/AdhyakshathAm disathu ) over the conductance > of your activities leading to the Lord ! Sudarsana: Purusha: > Va: PourushAya bhUyAth ( Prayer in the 75th slOkam of > Sudarsana Kavacham ). > > 11) The 76th sLokam clearly states that Sudarsanar is > the Sankalpa Sakthi of Para VaasudEvan . In RaamAvathAram > that sakthi manifested as the arrows of Lord Raamachandra , > as His uplifted incisor ( kOra pall that positioned BhU Devi > duirng the journey from below the waters) , as the nail in > NrusimhAvathAram and axe in ParasurAmAvathAram .It was > in the Pavithram in the hnad of Vaamana Moorthy and > destroyed one eye of SukrAchArya . > > 12) In the next Sathaka slOkam , The SudarsanOpasakar > identifies Lord Sudarsana as " VishNu Sankalpa Vruksha: " . > The Kalpaka tree , which protects the aasrithALs from > the heat of SamsAram (NIzhal tanthu Veppatthai pOkki > vENDiya PhalankaLai yrellAm kodukkum Bhagavath > Sankalpa Sakthi Vruksham ). > > 13) The presence of this Sankalpa sakthi in Six or eight chakrams > are saluted by slOkams 90 and 91. He is present as Kaala Chakram > in ShaDaram , PruTvee chakram in PanchAram , Ap chakram in > Chathuraram , tEjas chakram in thriAram , Vaayu Chakram in > DhviAram nad AakAsa chakram in yEka chakram . He engages > in the five kinds of ativities as the instrument of Bhagavath > Sankalpam : Uthpatthi, Sthithi, SamhAram , nigraham and > anugraham . In the Yanthram , He is manifest in the middle of > the Sudarsana Yanthram with six triangles ,Six aksharams > and six lotuses . > > 14) In this Yanthram , twelve UpavyUha Moorthys > are present as VYashti BhUthaas according to > the observations of U.Ve. SrI SthalasayanatthuRaivAr > Swamy of ThiruvallikkENi : Kesavan , NaarAyaNan and > Maadhavan are the three VaasudEva Vyashti BhUthAL and their > DEvis are the three SrI Sakthis ; Thrivikraman , Vaamanan and > SrIdharan are the Vyashti bhUthAls of Pradhyumna Moorthy > having three Vaak sakthis; Govindhan VishNu and Madhusoodhanan > are the SankarshaNa Vyashti BhUthAL with the three VaaNee > Sakthis; HrusheekEsan , PadhmanAbhan and DhAmOdharan > are the Aniruddha Vyashti BhUthAls with three MruDAni > Sakthees . The prayer here is : " Laksmeesakhasya Lakshma > Va: sphurathu " . > > 15) In the 100th slOkam , SrI Koora NaarAyaNa Jeeyar reveals > that the Divine couple leaves the burden of administration of > the Sakala CharAcharams in the hands of Their Sankalpa Sakthi, > Sudarshanar and are engaged in their BhOga leelA vyApArams : > > Yasmin vinyasya bhAram vijayini > jagathAm jangama sthAvarANAm > Lakshmee NaarAyaNAkhyam miTuna- > manubhavathyathyudhArAn vihAran > aarOgyam bhUthimAyu: kruthamiha > bahunA yadhyadhAsTApadham va: > Sa PurushO DhivyahEthyakshavarthee > > " Sudarsana Purusha: Va: Samastham > Phalam sadhya: disathu " . > > Chakra Saayujya Lakshmee PathayE Nama: > > Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan > > > > > - > " jasn sn " <jayasartn > <tiruvenkatam > > Cc: <jai_2_u > Friday, August 27, 2004 2:55 PM > [t'venkatam] Sudarshana homa and sudarshana chakra > > >> >> SRIMATHE RAMANUJAYA NAMAHA. >> >> This mail is an attempt to reply queries on sudarshana >> homa and the sudarshana chakra. >> Sri Jayaraman has raised the following questions: >> " Thus Can we say lord nArAyaNan grants boom when we >> workship sudharsana or do sudharsana homam. (OR) Is >> sudharsana and lord narayana is one and the same? Is >> there any references available for this. " >> >> The question on sudarshana homa is being answered on >> the basis of the Principle of Universal problem >> solving which in philosophical terms is closer to what >> sage Yagyavalkya told Maitreyi as the principle of >> that Principal Being knowing whom, it becomes possible >> to know everything else. Here the knowledge is that >> Sriman Narayana is Supreme and the In-dweller of all >> beings. He is the one who actually receives the >> offerings in the sacrifices and grants the results >> accordingly. It therefore comes to imply that Narayana >> is Supreme and Sudharshana enjoys only a subsidiary or >> a secondary status to Him. It is He who receives and >> grants the offerings and results. >> >> But when Sudharshana chakra (or in any name ) is >> meditated upon in a Homa, specific pleas are being >> made in consonance with what Sudarshana has been >> ordained to carry out. It is not to add some positive >> virtues in as much as it is only to ward off evils and >> obstacles in the path of the chetana. The mantra makes >> it amply clear that the blessings of Sudarshana are >> being invoked to destroy enemies as well as the evil >> effects that are likely to affect the chetana and to >> bless him with long life. (para karma mantra, yantra, >> tantra, astra, shashtraaNi samhara samhara, mruthyor >> moshaya moshaya, aayur varthaya varthaya, shathror >> naashaya naashaya) >> >> While all the 5 weapons of the Lord provide protection >> (in) 'vanE, ranE, shathru, jalaagni madhyE' and (in) >> 'maha bhayEshu', the sudarshana has a special place >> among them. This might be because of the repeated use >> of this by the Lord on many occasions. At the >> philosophical level too, it is the chakra and not the >> other forms of weapons that has been found to posses >> many implications - some of which as found in >> Svetahswathara upanishad are given here:- >> >> # in verse I-4, the created universe is described as >> Brahma chakra. >>> Eka nEmim - this is the axis denoting Maya on which >> the prapanjam revolves.> >>> Trivrutam - the three supporting belts are the three >> gunas. >>> Shoda chaaram -26 edges consisting of 5 elements, 5 >> gyanendriya, 5 karmendriya and manas. >> & #61656; Shathaardhaaram - 50 spokes consisting of 5 >> viparyayam, 28 Ashakti, 9 thiushti and 8 siddhi >> & #61656; Vimshathi prathyaraabhi - 20 secondary spokes >> that consist of 10 indriyas and 10 vishaya. >> & #61656; Ashtahbhi:shadbhi: -the 48 angas consisting >> of 6 of 8 each (prakruthi ashtakam, dhathu ashtakam, >> ishwarya ashtakam, bhavashtakam, devashtakam and >> gunashtakam) >> & #61656; Eka paasham - the rope of kaama or desire. >> & #61656; Tri maarga bhedam -the three different ways >> such as dharma. Adharma and gyana >> & #61656; Dwi-naimitthaika mOham - the rotation of this >> chakra under the pull of kaama, the rope gives rise to >> results of two types such as paapa and punya, >> happiness and sadness and so on. >> >> In verse I-6 it is being said that the jiva known as >> 'hamsa' (aham sa: , I am Him) is being rotated in this >> Brahma chakra. When the jiva realises the nature of >> himself vis-a vis the Brahman, he is liberated from >> the Chakra. >> >> Relating this to sudarshana chakra, it can be said >> that the jiva is protected by the sudarshana when he >> goes round as part of the Brahma chakra. Meditation on >> the In-dweller of the Sudarshana helps the jiva to >> relieve himself from the Eka paasham leading to the >> realisation 'aham sa:'. Upon Realisation he starts >> carrying out commands as ordained by Him and by means >> of the modes chosen by Him. This to my sittrarivu, >> seems to be the explanation for how and why azhwars >> came to embody the qualities of the Divya aayudas of >> the Lord. >> >> Ever in the thought of Him, >> adiyAL >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Namo VenkateshAya namah: >> >> >> To Post a message, send it to: tiruvenkatam (AT) eGroups (DOT) com >> >> To Un, send a blank message to: >> tiruvenkatam- (AT) eGroups (DOT) com >> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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