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Swamy DEsikan's SrI Sthuthi

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Dear BhakthAs :


A devotee had requested meanings for

the 9th and 10th slOkams of SrI Sthuthi .

I am sharing it with you .


The full translation of the meanings of

SrI Sthuthi and BhU Sthuthi of S wamy

Desikan will be included in a special

site that is being prepared for AchArya

SrI Sookthis .These translations follow

the commentaries of Vaikunta Vaasi

SrI V.N.SreerAma DesikAchAr Swamy of

Oppiliappan Sannidhi .





SlOkam 9: The Supreme Nature of both SrI DEvi and Her Lord


ThvAmEvaahu: kathichidhaparE Thvathpriyam lOkanATam

kim thairantha: kalahamalinai: kimchidhuttheerya magnai:

Thvath-sampreethyai viharathy Harou sammukheenAm srutheenAm

bhAvaarUDou Bhagavathi YuvAm Dampathee dhaivatham na:


(Meaning ): Oh the Divine Consort of BhagavAn ( Oh Bhagavathee ) !

Some say that You alone are the Mistress of the Universe

( Kathichith ThvAmEva aahu: ); Others are of the opinion

that Your dear Lord as the Master of this Universe (aparE Thvath

Priyam yEva lOka nATam aahu: ). These two groups dispute with

each other about the Supermacy of one of You over the other .

There is not much to be gained to sort them out ( Thai: kim?).

They themselves get exhausted with their heated arguments

and drown in their own disputations ( antha: kalaha malinai:

kimchith uttheerya magnai: ) These disputes are not at all

necessary. They should know that both of You together as

dhivya dampathis are our ParadEvathais ( Dampathee yuvAm

na: Dhaivatham). This is the essence of VedAs ( SrutheenAm

BhAva aaarUdou ) . These VedAs speak with equal reverence

about You both. In some Vaidhika karmAs , two dEvathAs

are united as One and the Havis is offered to that united

dEvathA . In a similar manner , during the Yaj~nam of

Aathma SamarpaNam , both of You have to be the goal

of aathma samarpaNam for success in realizing Prapatthi.

The intent is to perform eternal kaimkaryam to You BOTH

at SrI Vaikuntam . Together , You shine as the means (UpAyam)

and the fruit ( Phalan ) of one's self-surrender.


SlOkam 10: The Unanimity of thought among the dhivya Dampathis


ApannArthi Prasamanavidhou Bhaddha-dheekshasya VIshNO:

aachakyus-ThvAm priyasahachareem-iykamadhyOpapannAm

prAthurbhAvairapi samatanu: prAdhvamanveeyasE THvam

dhUrOthkshipthairiva madhurathA dhugdharaasEstatangai :


(Meaning): The VedAs declare that You are the indispensable

and most merciful , eternal companion of Your Lord , who has taken

the vow to destroy the sufferings of those , who sought His refuge

( aapanna aarti prasamana vidhou Bhaddha dheeksha:

VishNu: ; tadh VishNO: iykamdhya upapannAm priya--sahachareem

ThvAm VedA: aachakyu:) . Your Lord will not be able to complete

HIs vow , if You are not there to participate with Him

as SahadharmachAriNi . You follow Your Lord hecne in all His

avathArams in appropriate forms (SithA in RaamAvathAram ,

RukmiNI in KrishNAvathAram et al).He is never without You.

Just as the sweetness of the waves of the Milky Ocean

is associated inseperably with the waves independent of

the distance they travel to reach the shores , You are united

inseperably with Your Lord during His various avathArams

by taking appropriate forms as He descends from the far off

Sri Vaikuntam to this earth . Unique indeed is the convergence

of thoughts between You as the Divine Couple !


SrI MahA Lakshmi ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,


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