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Padhuka Sahasram-1008

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


1008. jayathi yathirAjasUkthi: jayathi mukundhasya pAdhukAyugaLI

thadhuBhayaDhanAsthrivEdhImavanDhyayanthO jayanthi Bhuvi



The great works like Sri Bhashyam of Ramanuja shine forth

excellently. The Paaduka-Duet of Ranganatha, who is the Moksha-

grantor shines forth in great luster. (The works of Azhvar, who

represents the Paaduka, hold forth in great glee). Sadhus, who

cherish as their wealth the two above, who also make the Vedic

mandates really authoritative, they following the Vedas implicitly

shine in the world with great gusto!


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan



Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S):


SlOkam 1008


Jayathi Yathiraaja sookthi: Jayathi Mukundhasya pAdhukA yugaLee

Tadhubhaya dhanAs-thrivedheem avandhyayanthO jayanthi bhuvi Santha:


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: The commentary on Brahma SoothrAs

known as SrI BhAshyam will thrive in this world . The PaadhukAs of

MukundA , who confers the boon of Moksham will last forever here in

their glory . Those righteous people , who carry SrI BhAshyam and

the Lord's PaadhukAs on their heads as their entire

wealth will follow the principles established by the VedAs without

fail and will be celebrated in the world for their possession of

true knowledge and exemplary conduct.


2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: This is the last of the SrI

RanganAtha PadhukA Sahasra slOkmas. Swamy Desikan is grateful for

the BhAgyam of composing this unique Kaavyam through the commands

(niyamanams) of Bhagavaan , His Paadhukais and the

SadAchAryAs, who follow in that paramparai. He states that the

Lord's Paadhukais of immeasuarable vaibhavam made it easy for him to

comprehend the true meanings of Tatthva , Hitha PurushArTams and

used him as an instrument to propagate the Tathtva-Hitha-

PurushArTams for the benefit of the world through this Kaavyam . He

says that he became uplifted ( dhanyan) to recieve this special

honor . He points out that the VedAs felt relieved from the fear of

misintrepretation by the kumathis . He exclaimed loud the victory

won by the Saasthrams and the Divine Lord over the Paramathms with

untenable doctrines , which are against acceptable

Sath-pramANams like Prathyaksham , anumAnam and sabdham . Swamy

desikan exults over the parama paavana anugraham of Paadhukais of

the Lord , which established through this Kaavyam the Supermacy of

SrIman NaarAyaNan ( ParadEvathA PaaramArtyam) and the SarIrAthma

BhAva Sambhandham as established by AchArya RaamAnuja and

the poorvAchAryAs .Swamy Desikan hails the glories of SrI Sookthis of

AchAryAs , which show us the way away from SamsAric sufferings

and put us on the path for SrI Vaikuntam to participate in the

nithya , niravadhya ( blemishless ) Kaimkaryam to the Dhivya

Dampathis as Muktha Jeevans following the upAya anushtAnam of

Prapatthi or Bhakthi yogam . Swamy hails the attainment of Bhagavath

Kaimkarya MahA Iswaryam resulting from the anugraham of the Lord's

Paadhukais ( Swamy NammAzhwAr) .

He points out that the dhivya PaadhukAs of Lord RanganAtha reveal

the Lord's lotus feet as the MokshOpAyam since Lord can not reject

those , who seek His sacred feet as their refuge ( anathilanganeeyam

hi CharaNa grahaNam ). He instructs us that the Paadhukais

(SadAchAryAs ) create the sambhandham between the Lord and

the Mumukshus ( those who desire Moksha Sukham ).Swamy performs

thus MangaLAsAsanam for this Phala saadhana SrI Sookthi by

hailing ( performing PallANDu) to the Dhivya Sookthis of


like AchArya RaamAnuja , who blessed us with eye openers like

SrI BhAshyam , GeethA BhAshyam and several other gems .He salutes

those great ones (Santha: ) , who benefit from AchAryA SrI Sookthis


reveal the greatness of such powerful and auspicious SrI Sookthis

to their sishya Paramparais . Thus Swamy Desikan concludes

the MahA Kaavyam about the glories of SrI RanganAtha PaadhukAs

with the same word used to commence this Kaavyam (Santha: )

in the traditional style of AnthAdhi (back to beginning format) .


3) The Sri Sookthis of YathirAjar ( AchArya RaamAnujA) are

victorious !

( Yathiraja Sookthi: Jayathi). They establish that these Veda-BhAhya


( which are outside the fold of Vedams) are aprAmANikam (not based on

accepted PramANams) . The Divine PaadhukAs of the Moksham-granting

Mukundhan , the Lord of MahA Lakshmi , are victorious ! ( Jayathi


PaadhukA YugaLee). He is the Sarva-karma samArAdhyan ( worshipped by


KarmAs) and Sarva--samAsrayaNeeyan ( sought as protection by every



Mumukshus seek His sacred feet as the loftiest object of protection




Ultimate Goal of life for the chEthanam) . One should seek Mukundhan


His Paadhukais in Sath--sishya Kramam ( right kind of order as a


and live in an auspicious state . The twins ( AchArya SrI Sookthis


the Lord united with the Padhukais (Tadhubhaya) are the wealth (


of the enlightened ones ( Santha: ) , who never discard or belittle



divided into the three categories of Rg, Yajur and Saamam (


dhanA: thrivEdheem avandhyayantha: Santha: Jayanthi) . These


ones are victorious (Santha: Jayanthi) and they instruct the seekers


the true meanings of Vedhams and save them from falling into the net


those propagate false mathams , which are outside the purview of

pramANms based on Vedhams . These Saadhus (Santha: ) shine

as bright lamps to light the way of those who seek the right path

through their correct upadEsams on the nature of the Supreme

Being and His Saasthrams . They remain victorious right here

on this earth . Swamy Desikan uses the word " Jayathi "

to indicate his state of joy over the Jaya SrI of Bhagavaan ,

His SadAchArya Paramparai and the SrI Sookthis of

those SadAchAryAs . This final slOkam is considered by

commentators as the essence of all upadEsams to one

seeking Moksham (SarvArTa Sangraham) .For the sake of

emphasis following the anthAdhi style , Swamy Desikan

starts with the two words , " Jayanthi Santha: " in the first

slOkam and concludes with the very same two words ,

" Jayanthi Santha: " . Thus Swamy Desikan concludes

this greatest of Kaavyams . ...(V.S).












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