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Request for Azhwar Vaibham CD ROM II Kaimkaryam support : Sri Vaikunta Stavam series : SlOkams 46-50

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Dear BhakthAs: We will study the next 5 slOkams ( 46- 50) today .


SlOkam 46 :


nithyA TavAnya nirapEkshamahA mahimnOapi

yEthAdhrusee niravadhir-niyathA vibhUthi ;

Jn~AnadhayO guNagaNA: samatheethaseemA:

LakshmI: priyA parijanA : PathagEndhra-mukhyA:


(Meaning): Oh Vaikunta NaaTa ! even though Your vaibhavam

does not depend on any thing , the limitless LeelA and Nithya

VibhUthis of Yours are under Your total control as their Supreme Master.

Your Jn~Anam and the countless auspicious attributes are associated

with You alone. Sri Devi of immeasurable glories is dearest to You

in the most appropriate (abhimatha ) manner . Pakshi Raajan and other

nithya sooris are Your dedicated servants .


(Comments): Para VaasudEvan residing in Sri Vaikuntam and is established

in His own glory (sva mahimnE prathishtitha: ) . His unparalleled glorious

assembly of GuNams are recognized as existing expressly for Him

(guNa gaNA: niyathA ) . KurEsar chose the words " Samatheetha SeemA

LakshmI: Tava niyathA PriyA " based on the AzhwAr Paasura Vaakyam ,

" UnakkERkkum kOlamalarp-Paavai " and AchArya RaamAnuja Vaakyam ,

" Bhagavan-NaarAyaNa apimathAnuroopa BHagavathee " .


SlOkam 47


yEkasya yEshu hi guNasya lavAyuthAmsa:

syAth kasyachith sa khalu vAng-manasAthika SrI:

yE thAdhrusOathyavadhaya: samatheetha samkhyA:

Thvath SadhguNas-Thvamasi tannirapEksha LakshmI:


(Meaning): Any one , who possesses even one part in ten thousandth

of one of Your auspicious guNams , he will be the celebrated owner of

the wealth that would be beyond speech or thought . Such abundance of

auspicious guNams have taken refuge in You . Those guNams do not add

to Your glory but instead they become glorious because of their association

with You .


(Commentary) : There are a few who describe the Lord as NirguNan

( NirguNa Brahmam) . KurEsar wnts to remind these matha anusAris

that the Lord is sakala KalyANa guNa sampoorNan.


SlOkam 48


Sarvasya chaiva guNathO hi vilakshaNathvam

Iswaryathasccha kila kascchidh udhanjitha: syAth

tath prathyutha Thvayi VibhO ! vibhavO guNAsccha

samBhandhatastava bhajanthi mangaLathvam


(Meaning): Oh Lord of All ! The greatness of any object is

due to the glory of its Gunam. When one is respectfully

treated , it is because of his abundant wealth . Oh Lord !

In Your case , this situation is reversed . Iswaryams

and the guNams attain auspiciousnes because of links

to You and not the other way round .


(Comment ): The guNams atttain their satthaa and Mangalathvam

through their association with Him ( " guNA: sathya- jn~Aana

prabhruthaya utha Thvath-gathatayA Subhee - bhUyam yAthA ithi) .


SlOkam 49


dhoorE guNaastava thu satthva rajastamAmsi

tEna thrayee praTayathi Thvayi nirguNathvam

nithyam HarE ! nikhila sadhguNa sAgaram hi

ThvAm aamananthi ParamEswaram IswarANAm


(Meaning): Oh Hari! The three guNams (Satthva, Rajas and Tamas )

are far removed from You . Therefore , the Rg, Yajus and the Saama

Vedhams announce Your nonpossession of these inauspicious guNams

(nirguNathvam) . You are the Lord of all Iswaraas (i-e) ., You are

SarvEswaran .

You are like the ocean for all these limitless auspicous attributes to be



(Commentary ): This slOkam is to refute the Views of Adhvaithins

that Bhagavaan is NirguNan . KuResar states that the three guNams

--associated with Moola Prakruti-- are far removed from the Lord

and therefore He is " NirguNan " and yet He is the deep abode (ocean)

of all kalyANa guNams ( samastha KalyANa guNAmrutha aBdhi ) .

The fourth paadham is based on Sruthi and UpabruhmaNams:

" Ya : Para: Sa MahEswara: " and " anAdhinidhanam VishNum

SarvalOka MahEswaram " .


SlOkam 50 :


Jn~Athmana: Tava tadhEva guNam gruNanthi

tEjOmayasya hi maNErguNa yEva tEja:

tEnaiva viswam aparOksham udheekshasE Thvam

rakshA ThvadheekshaNatha yEva yathOakhilasya


(Meaning): Oh Hari ! You are the embodiment of Jn~Anam

(Jn~Ana Svaroopi) . Scholars describe that Jn~Anam as a GuNam.

One may wonder how that would be possible . He is Both Jn~Ana

Svaroopan and Jn~Ana GuNakan . His Jn~Anam is asankuchitham

( unshrinking) and does not undergo shrinking and expansion like

that of a Bhaddha Jeevan. He is both Jn~Ana Svaroopan nd Jn~Ana guNikan

just as the lustre of the gem is the guNam for the gem full of lustre.

With Your Omniscience , You cast Your glances on all the objects of

the Universe. The protection for all these objects arise arises from

those glances of Yours alone.


(Commentary): Here , KurEsar focuses on the doctrines of DjarmabhUtha

Jn~Anam and Dharmee Jn~Anam . KurEsar distinigushes the Jn~Anam of

the Lord from that of BHaddha Jeevans here .He celebrates the IeekshA-

poorvika srushti ( creation based on His glances alone) and the Omniscience

(Sarvaj~nathvam) that empowers such srushti (Sa Ieekshatha lOkAn

nu srujaa ithi , tadhaikshatha Bahu syAm prajAyEya ithi ). This


is saluted in the third line of this slOkam .The power of those glances of

the Sarva Sakthan is celebrated in the fourth paadham of this slOkam .


Swamy KurEsar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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