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SrI :


Dear Bhakthas :

In this posting , we will study the sixth slOkam dealing

with VyUhAvathArams .


Jn~Anam Balam vipulam Isana veerya sakthi--

tEjAmsi cha thriyugabhUyam upAgathAni

poorNAni shaD cha parigruhya Bhavan chathurddhA

bhaktham janam Thvam anujagrahiTAnurAgAth


(Meaning ) : hEy Bhagavann! With Your immeasurable Jn~Anam ,

power to support every thing( Balam) , ruling over all without

obstruction ( Isana) , capacity to stay changeless ( Veeryam) ,

power to transform anything into anything else ( Sakthi) and Supreme

lustre (tEjas) serving You as Your six principal guNams , You will to group

them in to three pairs and also as four sets ( VaasudEva-SankarshaNa -

Pradhyumna - Aniruddha) to bless with affection Your devotees .


(Commentary ) : AthimAnusha Sthavam is all about the Lord taking

human incarnations (Raama and KrishNa) and yet revealing that

He is the ParamAthmaa through acts and behaviour , which are beyond

the capabilities of mere humans . In this sthavam , there are descriptions

about the five states of the Lord : Param , VyUham , Vibhavam , Haartham

and Archai . The largest number of slOkams of this AthimAnusha Sthavam

deal with Vibhava avathArams and particularly about the ParamAthmA's

avathArams such as Raama and KrishNa . In this sixth slOkam , the celebration

is about VyUhAvathArams .


Our Lord rests in the Milky ocean as the basis of VyUhAvathArams . Here ,

the Lord has all the six guNams of Bhagavaan as Para VaasudEvan .

These six guNams( Jn~Ana , Bala , Iswarya , Veerya , Sakthi and tEjas )

are the principal ( PradhAna) guNams and the other guNams are derived

from them .


Jn~Anam is the GuNam , which makes Him aware of every thing at all

times directly . Vedam uses the following salutations to acknowledge

this PradhAna guNam : "Sarvadarsee , SarvEswara: , SvAdhInO--anAdhi: ,

Sarva dhrug , SarvaJ~na: and Sarvavith " . Our AchAryan has described

this GuNam succinctly this way : " Yugapadh-akhilam prathyakshENa svatha:

sathatham vidhan " .


Balam is the guNam of supporting every thing tirelessly

(SarvAdharathvam ) . Iswaryam is the uninhibited power

to control every thing and hold in His fold as saluted by

the VedAs : " SvAdhInO-anadhi: SarvEswara: , Yadh bhUtham

yaccha bhavyam uthAmruthathvasya IsAna: " . Veeryam is

the GuNam to stay without being altered by any force . Vedam

defines this guNam as : " Sathyam chAnrutham cha satyamabhavath "

and by Rishi's upadEsams like : " vikAra-virahO veeryam prakruthithvEapi

mE sadhaa " .


Sakthi is the power to energize the world and to perform things

that are not possible to do by anyone . agadithagadanaa Saamarthyam

has also been identified as Lord's sakthi . His power to unite those

which are normally polar opposites is known as agadithagadanA

SaamarTyam (Sakthi) . Tejas is the lustre of a matchless kind that

empowers all lustres like Sooryan , Moon , Stars with a fraction of

its tEjas. It has also been defined as a state of nonreliance on any

other entity for the execution of all its activities ( tEjasthu anyAn

apEkshathA ) .


Among the four VyUha Moorthys , Bhagavaan in VaasudEva Roopam

manifests all the six guNams at the same time . SankarshaNa demonstrates

primarily Jn~Anam and Balam ; Pradhyumnan displays Iswaryam and

Veeryam ; Aniruddhan displays primarily Sakthi and tEjas. These six

MangaLa guNams split in the above manner .


The PurANAs and PaancharAthram reveal to us that VyUha VaasudEvan

is present in Krutha yugam and has a white hue and six guNams .

SankarshaNan rules in TrEthA yugam and has a red hue. PradhyumnA

is present in dhvApara yugam with a yellow hue . In Kali Yugam ,

Aniruddha is dominant with a black color . MaaNDUkya Upanishad splits

PraNavam in to four Paadhams (akAram , UkAram , MakAram and ardha Maatraa)

and identifies them with Aniruddha , Pradhyumna , SankarshaNa and

VaasudEva VyUha Svaroopams ( ChAthur-vyUham vahathi ChathurtthA ) .


Out of these 4 VyUhams emerge derivative vyUhams in triads

to from the 12 VyUha Moorthys staying as our protection in

the 12 Urdhva PuNDra SthAnams of our bodies with their own hues

and weapons . Swamy NammAzhwAr explains these doctrines in

the "Kesavan Tama" ThiruvAimozhi ( 2.7) . In his Prabhandham named

Panniru ThirunAmam , Swamy Desikan elaborates on this topic as well .


Swamy KurEsar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

MalOla PaadhukA Sevaka SrImath Azhagiya Singar Thiruvadi

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