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Sri Raama Navami Season 2005 : SankshEpa RaamayaNaPaarAyaNam : Part II

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Sri SeethA LakshmaNa Bharatha Sathrugna Hanumath

SamEtha Sri Raghunandhana ParabrahmaNE Nama:


Sage Naaradha responded positively and acknowledged that the combination of

such vast assembly of KalyANa guNAs in one "human Being " is rare ( Bahava :

GuNA: dhurlabhaa: ) and yet there is One , who has all these GunAs embodied

in Him . Sage Naaradha came straight to the point without too much beating around:


IshvAku vamsaprabhavO RaamO naama janai: srutha:

niyathAthmA MahAveeryO dhyuthimAn dhruthimAn vasee ----(I.1.8)


(Meaning): Yes, there is such a MahA Purushan , who is born in the IshvAku

vamsam . He is adored by the citizens of AyOdhya as the most endearing One .

He is of unwavering temperament (niyathAthmA ) , avikAran . His mind is fully

under His control He is MahA Veeran. He has a lustrous body . He is the embodiment

of Jn~Anam and dharmam . He is the abode of dhairyam (Courage )and dhruthi

( filled with aanandham and preethi towards all ) .


Sage Naaradha mplied here that in this sampratham lOkam , such a MahA GuNavaan

has hid His Parathvam and mingles with such soulabhyam among all of us .


In the 9th slOkam of this first Sargam , Sage Naaradhar continued saluting

the exquisite guNams of the Prince of AyOdhyaa:

BuddhimAn NeethimAn VaagmiSrimAn sathrunibarhaNa :

vipulAmsO Mahaa Bhaahu: kamBugrIvO mahAhanu: ----( I.1.9)


BuddhimAn : He is a Sarvaj~nan ( Omniscient) ; NeethimAn : He conducts Himself

according to the ancient ways established by the VedAs and His AchAryAs ; Vaagmee:

He is with the most auspicious speech illuminated by Vedic wisdom ( saanga Veda

PrachArakan) . SreemAn : He is the possessor of PoorNa Iswaryam . SathruniniBarhaNa:

Destroyer of His enemies ; VipulAmsu:one with broad shoulders ; Mahaa BhAhu:

One with mighty arms ; KamBhugreeva: One with neck like a conch ;MahAhanu:

One with muscular neck .


In the next two slOkams , Sage Naaradhar loses himself in the description of

the soundharyam of the limbs of Lord Ramachandra and attempts to bring

before Sage Vaalmki , the SamudhAya avayava sEvai of the DaasaraTi . These

carefully chosen words of Sage Naaradhar can easily be transformed in to

a NaamAvaLi by us :


MahOraskAya Nama: One with Broad Chest


MahEshvAsAya Nama: One with a celebrated , big Bow


GooDajathravE nama: One with His shoulder bladess hidden well by flesh


arindhamAya Nama: One who wins over His enemies with His prowess in the battle field


Sathru niBharhaNAya nama: One who controls His enemies with a mere HoonkAram


aajAnubhAhavE nama: One with the SaamudhrikA lakshaNam of arms extending

down to His knees.


SusirAya nama: One with the most beautiful face .


SulalADAya Nama: One with a beautiful forehead .


SuvikramAyA nama: One who has the majestic gait like an elephant or Lion or Tiger


SamAya Nama: One whose limbs are in equal proportions without being too short or too long.


Sama VibhakthAngAya Nama: One who has proportionate limbs beautifying each other .


snigdha-varNAya Nama: NeelamEgha SyAmaLan ( Dhrushti chitthApahAri ) .


PrathApavathE nama: One known for His ParAkramam .


peenavakshAya Nama:One with fleshy chest ( Before He was saluted as MahOraska: )


VisAlAkshAya Nama:One with broad eyes extending up to His ears .


LakshmeevathE nama:One with incomparable lustre( Before His Iswaryam was saluted: SreemAn )


SubhalakshaNAya Nama:One with all the 32 SaamudhrikA LakshaNams .


From Here on ( SlOkam I.1.12 to I.1.16) , Sage Naaradhar instructs Sage Vaalmeeki on

the other auspicious attributes of the son of King DasraTa :

Dharmajn~a: Sathyasandhsccha prajAnAm cha hithE ratha:

yasasvee cha Jn~anasampanna: suchir-vasya: samAdhimAn ---I.1.12


(Meaning) : He is fully familiar with all the SaamAnya and VisEsha dharmams .

He never swerves from the vows He made . He is ever truthful to His words.

He is always interested in the welfare of His subjects . He has a great reputation.

He is the house of Tatthva Jn~Anam . He is SuddhAchAran . He has reverence

for His elders. He always comes to the right conclusion after fair minded

examination of all aspects of a question before Him .


PrajApathi sama: SreemAn DhAthaa ripunishoodhana:


rakshithaa sarva lOkasya dharmasya parirakshithaa

rakshithaa svasya dharmasya svajanasya cha rakshithaa ---( I.1.13)


(Meaning) : He is equivalent to PrajApathi ( Brahmaa) ; He is forever associated

with MahA Lakshmi ; He si the nourisher of the World ; He is the destroyer of

internal ( aandhra) enemies like Kaama-KrOdhams .


He is the protector of all the worlds (SarvalOkasya rakshitha: ) . He is especially

the protector of the lOka Dharmam (dharmasya Parirakshithaa) as well as

His own dharmam (Svasya dharmasya rakshithaa) . He takes good care of

His Bhandhu janams through the offer of protecton (Svasya rakshitha: ) .


Veda VedAnga Tatthvajn~a: dhanurvEdE cha nishtitha:

Sarva-saasthrArtha tatthvajn~a: smruthimaan prthibhAnavAn ---( I.1.14)


(Meaning) : He is fully familiar with the meanings of VedAs and its angams like

Niruktha-VyAkaraNams et al . He is especially adept in Dhanur vEdam . He is

an expert in comprehending the inner and true meanings of all Saasthrams.

He never forgets what He has leant from His AchAryAs and elders . Through

His sharp intelelct , He is capable of grasping even tatthvams that He was

not familiar with until then ( Prathibhaa mathi) .


SarvalOka priya: saadhu: adheenAthmaa vichakshaNa:

sarvathAabhigatha: sadhbhi: samudhra iva sindhubhi: ---( I.1.15)


(Meaning) : He has love for all the beings of the world . He has utthama anushtAnam

( Saadhu: = conduct and observance) . He has a majestic svabhAvam ( way of

carrying Himself) . He clearly comprehends all things ( vichakshaNa: ) . He is

attained by the people of good conduct like the rivers reach the Ocean naturally .


Aarya: sarva-samascchaiva sadhaika-priyadarsana:

sa cha sarva-guNOpEta: KousalyAnandha-vardhana: ----( I.1.16)


(Meaning) : He is sulabhan (easy to access) ; He is noble (aarya: ) . He is

soulabhyan : He can be approached by anyone independent of the differences in

Jaathi , GuNam , aachAram and Kulam . He is Sarva MangaLa Vigrahan ( He is

the embodiment of bodily beauty ) and dhivyAthma guNa sampannan ( abode of

all auspicious attributes) . He is the generator of ever growing happiness of

His dear Mother , KousalyA ( KOusalyA SuprajA Raaman) .


Now , Sage Naaradhar makes many comparisons ( UdhAraNams) to

highlight the matchless guNams of the Prince of AyOdhyAa:


Samudhra iva ghaambheeryE dhairyENa Himavaaniva

VishNunaa sadhrusO veeryam sOmavath priyadarsana: ---I.1.17


kaalAgni sadhrusa: krOdhE kashamayaa pruTvee-sama:

dhanadEnasamas-thyAgE sathyE dharma ivApara: ---( I.1.18)


In souseelyam , He is deep like the ocean ; in courage , He is mighty like

the Himaya parvatham ; in parAkramam , He is lofty like VishNu ;He is most

pleasing to look at and enjoy like Chandran .


When He gets angry , He is like the fire seen during deluge, which destroys

every thing . In patience , He is comparable to Earth . In speaking the truth ,

He is a veritable dharma dEvathai .


Thus Sage Naradhar sets the stage to enthuse Sage Vaalmiki to write about

the glorious charithram of Lord Raamachandran through description of

the guNams of the ParamAthma , who has assumed the human form

to mingle with fellow humans and teach them about dharmAnushtAnam .

This then was the intent of Sage Naaradhar and He succeeded in His efforts.


From the 19th slOkam dealing with the intent of KIng DasaraTan to crown

Raamachandran as the YuvarAjaa to the 94th slOkam of this sargam ,

the entire Srimad RaamaayaNam is succinctly (samkshEpam ) covered .


I wish you a Happy Sri Raama Navami Celebration and recital of

Sri Raghuveera Gadhyam or PeriyavAcchAn PiLLai's Paasurapadi RaamAyaNam

or the Fidst Sargam of Baala KaaNDam , SrImadh RaamAyaNam on the avathAra

dinam of our Lord .


Sri Raamachandraath Param Kimapi Tatthvam na jaanE ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

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