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Digest Number 870

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Dear Moderator :


Why is this totally inappropriate message coming thru

in a Web site devoted to advancing Desika SampradhAyam ?

It is beyond me .





<desikasampradaya >

<desikasampradaya >

Tuesday, May 03, 2005 9:06 AM

Digest Number 870




> There are 3 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. Human-buttons

> unhcr17

> 2. Sri Srinivaasa Vaibhavam- BhoothatthAzhwAr anubhavam of

> ThiruvEnkatam- 1- [25th verse]

> Madhavakkannan V <srivaishnavan

> 3. Lord RanganAthA's Thirumanjana Kattiyam

> bySwamyParAsaraBhattar:PartXI /SlOkam11 .

> Sadagopan <sgopan



> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 1

> Mon, 2 May 2005 14:16:09 -0400

> unhcr17

> Human-buttons


> This message is about Human beings, Democracy, UNHCR, Refugees, The

> Iraqis, Islam, Kurds, Human rights, Respect, Money, Donations, Angelina

> Jolie, Pavarotti, Giorgio Armani, Donors, Peace, History, Campaigns and

> about you if you care about these words.


> Hi there,


> I am SAM, an Iraqi refugee living in Lebanon at the moment; I have spent

> the last 10 years of my life as a refugee registered with the UNHCR in

> Beirut. The last 4 years, I have spent as an activist for peace and human

> rights (especially refugees and asylum seekers) on the Internet; I'm also

> books author and ebooks publisher. I have launched many campaigns to

> improve our situation as refugees in Lebanon and hopefully bring more

> understanding to our problems worldwide. I helped make many changes and

> improvements at the UNHCR office in Beirut; I used the Internet as the

> field for my activities (you can read more about that in my free ebook 'MY

> CAMPAIGNS'). All my ebooks are free and could be download from my sites.


> This is my newest campaign, it's about the illegal and humiliating actions

> of the UNHCR, who using photos of refugees as banners and human-buttons to

> collect money. This is an abuse of the dignity and humanity of the

> refugees and must stop immediately and a clear public apology present by

> The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. My friends, I am

> talking about the pictures you can see here:

> http://un4.t35.com


> Where you can read the rest of this message as web page.

> For more info about UNHCR and life of refugees you can read my free

> ebooks. I invite you as fellow humans and members of the world community

> to support my campaign by reading my article on my site and see the

> human-buttons. The campaign is to support and improve the UNHCR

> http://www.unhcr.ch especially after the last scandals in the UN and

> UNHCR, just for example:


> The refugees allege that UNHCR staff is selling most of the food items

> they are supposed to be supplied.

> " They aren't supplying sufficient food to us because they sell most of the

> food items, " they allege: http://allafrica.com/stories/200503140214.html


> Together we will build better world.


> You could reach me fast via this form: http://www.unhcr.us/email_me.htm

> and if you like to know more about me, you can google for my name 'osam

> altaee'.


> Thanks


> http://k.domaindlx.com/unhcr




> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 2

> Mon, 2 May 2005 17:18:55 -0700 (PDT)

> Madhavakkannan V <srivaishnavan

> Sri Srinivaasa Vaibhavam- BhoothatthAzhwAr anubhavam of

> ThiruvEnkatam- 1- [25th verse]



> SrI:

> SrImathE Gopaladesikamahadesikaya namah:


> Dearest Srivaishnavas,


> After Poigai AzhwAr’s anubhavam, let us start to enjoy

> the next AzhwAr’s -BhoothatthAzhwAr’s- wonderful

> anubhavams on ThiruvEnkatam.


> senRathu ilangaimEl sevvEthan seeRRatthaal,

> konRathu raavaNanaik kooRungaal, - ninRathuvum

> vEyOngu thaNsaaral vEngadamE, viNNavar_tham

> vaayOngu tholpugazaan vandhu.

> 25


> A wonderful verse!

> viNNavartham vaayOnghu thol pugazhvaan- The One who is

> praised to the largest extent (maximum extent-

> vaayaara) by the Nithyasuris; His kalyANa guNAs are

> innumerable and unbounded; limitless; most auspicious

> attributes; Such greatest Lord SarvEshawaran Sri Rama,

> went [senRadhu]

> to LankA; and there with anger, He killed Ravana;


> That most merciful Lord Sri Rama- [if we have to say-

> kooRungaal], has come to this ThiruvEnakatm [which has

> tall bamboo trees and cool breezes and drizzle]


> Acharyas have enjoyed the verse beautifully.


> senRadhu- He went from Ayoddhi to lankA;

> the verse ends with vandhu- come to ThiruvEnkatam;

> from Paramapadham He came here to ThiruvEnkatam.


> He went to lankA; why did He have to go all the way to

> lankA? Why did hHe have to be born for that matter as

> human being? Get married? Face Parasurama; to be

> instructed to go to forests; lose SitA; cry for Her;

> finally reach lankA to kill Ravana;


> The Lord could have simply killed Ravana with His

> sankalpam (pledge); or He could have simply sent the

> chakrAyudham from where He could have killed Ravana;

> But why did He have to take all this trouble? The

> reason mentioned by vyAkyAtha [commentators] is that

> He had come to bless His devotees; BhakthAs; the

> sages; jataayu; Sabari; Bharadwaj, Anjaneya; et al.

> ParithrANAya saadhoonAm. That’s the reason. To accept

> their obeisance.


> He could have simply killed the crcocodile with his

> sankalpam or sent the chakrA from Parapadham. Why did

> He have to run with His tresses falling on His

> forhead; leaving Lakshmi behind; and rush to Gajendra;

> to receive the flower that Gajendra was to offer.

> Else, His kalyANa gunA would not be enjoyed by us.


> Hence, senRu.. went to lankA.

> When the Nithyasuris praise Him with lots of

> qualities, kalyANA guNAs;, those guNAs are

> swaabhaavika guNAs; These attributes are naturally

> with the Lord on its own. None needs to grant Him;

> Nithyasuris also have these qualities; But their

> qualities were granted to them by this Lord. For Him

> alone it is tholpugazh- swabhaavika, anavadhika

> adhisaya, anantha kalyANa guNa gaNouka mahaarNavan.

> Ocean of kalyANa guNas.


> Such gunAs are enlisted by Sri Ramanuja very

> beautifully in Saranagathi Gadya. But Ramaanuja does

> not add anger here as His guNA. The Lord never has

> anger as the guNA naturally with Him. He needs to

> cultivate or forcibly develop anger in Him. He is such

> merciful One.


> When Ravana started hitting Rama with lots of arrows,

> Rama responds with equal and more vigorously and

> victoriously. However when he starts sending arrows to

> Anjaneya hurting him, Rama is angered and that’s why

> He starts sending arrows fiercely to kill Ravana.

> Sinatthinaal thennilankai kOmaanai seRRa (says AndAL

> in 12th verse of Thiruppaavai].


> Same Rama after Ravana’s death immediately asks

> Vibheeshana to perform funeral rites for Ravana, his

> elder brother. Vibheeshana refuses to perform saying

> that Ravana had committed asahya apacharam, which he

> could not forgive and he would not touch his body

> even. Rama mentions that until death alone enmity is

> there; after that there is no enmity.


> It should not be misunderstood that Rama earlier had

> considered Ravana as enemy and not that he is dead,

> Rama does not consider him as an enemy. That is NOT

> what Rama had meant in that statement. Until death,

> Ravana considered me as his enemy. Now he would not be

> able to think of me as his enemy, Vibheeshana. Are you

> going to perform rites or should I? That's why AndAL

> calls Him manatthukku iniyaan.


> Such most merciful One has come here to ThiruvEnkatam

> to bless us.


> AzhwAr ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam

> SrI PadmavathI samEtha srI Srinivasa ParabrahmaNE

> Namah:

> Regards

> Namo Narayana

> dAsan










> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 3

> Mon, 02 May 2005 23:13:56 -0400

> Sadagopan <sgopan

> Lord RanganAthA's Thirumanjana Kattiyam

> bySwamyParAsaraBhattar:PartXI /SlOkam11 .


> SrI :


> Dear BhakthAs of Periya PerumAL :


> In the previous slOkam , Bhattar compared Lord RanganAtha to a mountain .

> In this slOkam , Bhattar continues with that thought and develops that

> theme.


> The 11 th slOkam housing these thoughts takes this form :


> SathvOnnathas-sakala satthva nivAsa-bhUmi:

> souvarNa-ramya vibhavas-sumanO manOj~na:

> sadhvruttha-sanga samadhishDitha paarsva-dEsa:

> sailAthmAnaa sphurasi Rangamaheeswara ! Thvam


> O RanganathA ! Your appearance at the start of Your Thirumanjanam

> reminds us of the firm & resolute state of a mountain . Here are the

> reaons

> advanced by Bhattar :


> 1. SATTHVONNATHA : Both of You are SatthvOnnatha : The mountain will

> be SattvOttham because of its massive strength . You are SatthvOnnathan

> because of Your dominance of Suddha Sattvam ( Suddha SatthvAdhikO

> VishNu: ) . You are Suddha Satthva Svaroopan . Although Yourself as

> Iswaran , NithyAs ( eternally liberated ones) amd Muktha Jeevans

> ( Liberated souls) are all constituted by Suddha Sattva ( substance ,

> which is devoid of the three guNams , Satthva , Rajas and Tamas) ;

> You are the Suddha SatthvAdhikan. You exceed every one in this aspect of

> Suddha Sathvam . Therefore You are SatthvOnnathan .Parvatham( Mountain)

> is only strong in a material sense befitting the title that it is a

> SarvOnnathan . Oh RanganAthA ! You On the other hand are an eternal ,

> selfluminous , aprAkrutha tatthvam extending far beyond prakrithi

> ( primordial nature ) and the three guNaas . As SatthvOnnathan

> (Suddha Satthva adhikan) , the five Sakthis of Sarva , Nivrutthi , Viswa ,

> Purusha and ParamEshtyn constitute Your SarvOnnathathvam.


> 2. SAKALA SATTHVA NIVAASA BHUMI: NaayanthE ! If we look at a Parvatham ,

> it is the place of residence (nivAsa bhUmi) of all humans , animals ,

> birds

> and insentients. Oh RangA ! Thou art also Sakala Satthva nivAsa BhUmi in

> that You are the abode for all sentients and insentiens ( bhUthA Vaasa:

> VaasudEva: ) .


> 3. SOUVARNA RAMYA VIBHAVA: NaayanthE ! The Mountain ( parvatham)

> will have beautiful golden veins ( forms , aakArams) : SouvarNa ramya

> Vibhava: . As for You , You are a SouvarNa ramya Vibhavan as saluted by

> Purusha Sooktam : the birth place of celebrated four VarNams like

> the KshathriAs ( Baahu RaajAnya krutha: ) . SouvarNam here refers to

> the Kshathriya varNam .


> 4. SUMANO MANOJ~NA: The Mountain will be beautiful with a variety of

> beautiful flowers . As for You , You will be a delight ( manOharan) to the

> minds of the learned ones , who are SuddhAnantha karaNarkaL ( whose mind

> is filled with the bliss of anubhavam of You ).



> populated by the ones with pious conduct ( sadhvrutthaas). Their assembly

> will be distinctly witnessed at the mountains' foot hills (

> sangamadhishtitha

> pArsvadEsa: ) . When this naama is linked to You , it refers to Your

> beautiful

> archaa form being enjoyed by the assembly of Saathvika Jaathi purushAs

> with Sadhvruttham ( unimpechable sathguNams) .



> Your beautiful state at the beginning of Your Thirumanjanam is like a new

> Mountain (abhinava Sailam ) . Your resolute appearance reminds us of a

> mountain like steadfastness to protect and uplift those who has sought

> refuge in You .


> SrI RanganAtha ParabrhamaNE Nama:

> Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


> Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

> Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:





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> ------


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