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various factors which disturb the world peace

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I am having many doubts in your reply marked

then and there by #. Pl clarify.

Gayathry wrote:



address: http://universal-spirituality.org/

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website is created by Smt Devi & Shri Nikhil, <?xml:namespace prefix

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who are putting very sincere effort in the service of Lord Datta.


What are the various factors, which disturb the world peace, and how your

universal spirituality responds?


The various factors are:



Communal wars based on

religious differences:



religion says that God created this entire world. Since there is only one

world, there should be one God, who must be impartial to all the children

in the universe. That one God must have preached the same spiritual knowledge

in different languages and different countries which were disconnected

and had no communication in the old times. At that time, had he preached

the true spiritual knowledge to one country only, God becomes partial because

some generations in other countries passed away without the communication

of that spiritual knowledge. Had they got it, at least some of them might

have reached God. Ofcourse today, all the countries are connected with

communication and since that special spiritual knowledge is communicated

to all the countries, the disbelievers in any country must go to hell.

But what about those people of those old generations who went to hell due

to only one single point, which is that, they were not communicated at

that time? For no fault of them, they went to hell. The assumption that

those unfortunate souls can take human rebirth now to hear that special

knowlede on this earth is also ruled out since you say that there is no

rebirth for the soul. All this makes God partial.

# who & where & when is god." manithanum deivam AkalAm.


us assume that God taught that special knowledge in that old time to a

particular country because that country only was containing all the deserving

human beings. It is just like the intensive coaching given to a special

class containing top most students. This is also ruled out because at that

time the worst souls were also present in every country. This is proved

because at that time the people of that country only killed Jesus who gave

that special knowledge. If Krishna

gave that special knowledge at that time, several enemies faught with Him.

Similarly, Mohammed faught with several enemies. Therefore, the partiality

of God to a special group of deserving people is also ruled out. If you

say blindly that God is partial to a particular country only irrespective

of deserving and undeserving souls, God should have been blind like you.

# All religions teach

to prosper by helping needy others, dont make false/faults, grow brotherlyhood,

live as long as possible and affordable, etc., means only same principle

only one god.



is the final part of the path to reach God. But, faith should not be blind.

It shall be the result of true knowledge, which is the fruit of logical

analysis. Science also believes a concept. But that concept must have been

established by practical experiments followed by detailed logical analysis.

Such faith stands permanently and will appeal even to the hearts of scholars

apart from ordinary people. Such faith alone can be universal. If faith

is to be accepted without logic, a terrorist may come to kill you. His

faith is to kill the people. Do you respect his faith and get killed by

him? No, you will resist and get him arrested and produce him in the court.

The advocate and judge ask for the reason and hold logical arguments. Let

the judge and advocate believe the faith and let them not discuss the case.

Will you be satisfied?


# What

is happening nowadays.Many true happenings are hided by making wrong intentional

witnesses, bribing, influencing higher people like acting governmentals



the scripture of every religion, the corresponding human incarnation gave

statements like ‘I am the light, I am the path, I and My father are one

and the same, one can reach My father only through Me’ etc. Every fanatic

follows that particular human being only quoting the scripture of his religion

only. There is a neutral person. Which religion he should join? Every shopkeeper

is shouting that his shop is only the best shop and invite the single customer.

The above concept of one God and one world clearly demands the unity in

all the human incarnations and in all the religious scriptures. Statements

of those scriptures if properly interpreted can achieve this. The word

‘I’ means the human incarnation in general. It is called Emmanuel in Bible,

which means that God comes to live with the human beings. Gita also says

that God enters the human body. The God pervades all over the hu man body

like current pervading all over the wire. The current and the wire become

one and the same. This is the interpretation of oneness of father and the

son. One can experience God only through the medium in which he is also

present. Thus the human beings can experience God through human incarnation

only. This is the interpretation of the statement that one can reach the

father only through the son. The human incarnation preaches clearly the

special knowledge like a light showing every minute detail. Such interpretations

reveal the real universal meaning of scriptures.


# but how

to follow. whole heartedly or for name sake. or against the society etc.,


a mother says to her children ‘all of you must serve me’, that does not

mean that she should be served by all the children in the world. The children

residing far cannot serve her. Her statement should be limited to her children

only and you should limit her as the mother of those children only. If

you generalise her as a mother, then it means that every child should serve

its mother. Therefore limitation is ignorance of conservatism and generalisation

is the true universal knowledge.

# what

is service? jointly solving problems to the possible extent/ means ? or

servicing same help by one and all or on periodical basi like today I,

tomorrow another etc., or today here , tomorrow in another place etc.,?




Poverty, Corruption etc.:



poor man is suffering and poverty is the punishment given for the previous

sin committed by the soul. If such a poor person is helped, it amounts

to interference in the administration of God. The punishment is given for

a change and you need not sympathise it. The parental love of the Lord

is greater than your brotherly love. Only the grace of God can end the

punishment forever. Therefore you preach divine knowledge and devotion

and then assist that poor person. The divine knowledge and devotion will

bring a change in him and you have served the purpose of the punishment.

Then God is pleased with you and also will show grace on that poor person.

The poverty will vanish forever. Therefore social service must be integrated

with spiritual mission. Sankara told the same (Loka sevaka matha khandanam)

and Mother Theresa did the same. Mere social service is like a simple boarding

and lo dging given to the hostel students without the primary teaching

in the classes. Therefore, the aim of terrorism gives only temporary and

apparent relief whereas the spiritual mission based social work is a permanent

solution. The discoveries of scientists without any spiritual basis, which

were expected to serve the society, have harmed the society. If one reads,

the latest environmental science, it becomes clear.


# poor

is required without which others cannot do dhAnams etc., to some extent

and not abundant.


is grabbing the wealth of others for the sake of comforts of one’s own

body and one’s own family. The body is like a seat in the train and you

are the soul like the passenger. The family members are like just benchmates

in the same train. For the comfort of yourself and of your benchmates,

you are troubling the other passengers in the train and this is corruption.

Life is just a matter of one-hour train journey. Your benchmates will get

down at their respective destinations and will not remember you. You have

to leave your seat also. After the death, you have to leave the family

members who do not recognise you in the next birth. After getting down

from the train, you have to face the interview with God, which leads you

to permanent happiness or misery. Therefore, you must concentrate on the

preparation of interview even during journey and not on the comforts of

your sea t and benchmates. The bonds with benchmates are temporary and

unreal. Sankara says that whatever is temporary must be unreal. The bond,

which did not exist before and will not exist in future, does not exist

in the present time also. Such spiritual realisation can only give a permanent

control of corruption.



how to believe. If that is true then friendly relation should grow mutually

and absolute power will corrupt absolutely to be avoided in nature itself.





The Fight between Atheists

and Theists:



atheists believe the logical conclusions based on practical experience

and in things present before the naked eye (perception).

# Some athiests does not

believe even cell phone technology, existence of electronical media etc.,

The real spiritual knowledge

can satisfy all these requirements. The human incarnation of the God is

before the eyes. All the bonds with family and wealth are before the eyes

and liberation from such bonds called salvation is also before eyes.

# limited family or unlimited




One can experience God through

the human incarnation in this world itself and in this very life itself.

Infinite love and bliss derived from the special divine knowledge preached

by the human incarnation are enjoyed here itself. Enjoyment of love and

bliss is the goal of any worldly bond. This is called Jeevanmukti, which

means the salvation here itself while you are alive.

# means whether they dont

have appetite, thirst, likes dislikes etc.,?



Whatever one achieved while

alive only, continues with the soul after the death also. Thus perception

is the basis for the invisible future also.

# This can be mere belief but may not

be real.



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