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SrivilliputthUr Aadi Pooram : August 8, 2005/ Part XIII (GodhA Sthuthi)

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GodhAm udhArAm sthuma: ( Let us eulogize the Generous GodhA ) !


Andal Mutthangi Kaimkaryam is making progress . It looks like

the Mutthangi SamarpaNam would take place on Aug 3 instead of on

Aug 8(Aadi Pooram day) . I will keep you posted . Please take part

in this kaimkaryam and recieve ANDAL's blessings ! I will not be

appealing for funds in the first round beyond Friday , July 15 . We still

have the Mutthangis to be prepared for Sri RangamannAr and

PeriyAzhwAr . That will be stage II of the Kaimkaryam after Adi Pooram .


SlOkam 21 :Exchange of Garlands between GodhA and RanganAthan


Here Swamy Desikan addresses GodhA as " VasudhE " to remind us that

She is the amsam of BhU Devi . Swamy Desikan refers to the great love

between GodhA Devi and RanganAthan ( Ranga Iswarasya Tava cha

PraNaya anubhandham ) . That led to the divine wedding between them .

During that wedding , the exchange of garalnds between the divine

couple took place ( anyOnya malaya parivrutthi ) . The friends and

relatives (as raskikAs) from both the bride's and bridegroom's side

enjoyed immensely this auspicious scene ( maalya parivrutthim

abhishtuvantha: rasikA : ) . They took sides on that occasion

to position either Ranganathan's superiority over GodhA

or Godhai being superior to RanganAthan ; others considered

both as being equal in their vaibhavams . They argued about their

positions noisily ( RasikA: nyUna adhikathva samathA vishayai:

vivAdhai: vaachalayanthi) . Swamy Desikan reminds us that

these noisy debates echoed around the world ( VivAdhai:

thrilOkeem vaachalayanthy ) .


SlOkam 22: The Neck of Lord RanganAthan gaining the multihue


GodhE ! YOur Lord's ThirumEni (Sacred body ) , which confers auspiciousness

on those who bow before Him has the hue of dark blue rainy cloud

(PraNamathAm MaangaLyadham Madhu-Vairi gAthram ) . As His

consort , You stay right next to Him . GodhE ! Your hue is tender green like

panic grass / aruham pull ( dhUrvAdhaLa prathimayA Tava dEha kAnthi).

MahA Lakshmi , who resides on the chest of the Lord has a golden hue

( gOrOchana ruchirayA IndhirAyA: ruchA ) . When these green and golden hues

mingle with His dark blue ThirumEni , His neck takes on the man y colors

seen on a peacock's neck ( SikhAvaLa kaNDaSObham aaseeth) .


SlOkam 23: GodhA's anugraham to the ruling Kings of the Land


Here , Swamy Desikan addresses GodhA as Maatha: ( Mother) .

Oh compassionate Mother! when ancient kings like Manu worship

Your Lord with MahA Lakshmi and Yourself with the flowers prescribed

in the aagamAs , they enjoy their rulerships (nijam aadhirAjyam)for

a very long time . Your anugraham made that dream come true for them .

The flowers used in the Aagamic worship are : Ahimsai , Sathyam ,

Brahmacharyam ,Soucham and Tapas ( nonviolence , truthfulness,

celebacy ,cleanliness and penance ) . Those kings enjoyed their

kingdoms for extended periods of times through such Aagamic

worship of Your Lord and both of You ( ThvayA KamalayA cha

samEyivAmsam archyam NaaTam niyamai: nigama prasoonai:

samarchya nijam aadhirAjyam chiram niraviaSan ) . The phalan

for worship with Nigama Prasoonam ( aagamic flowers) of the dhivya

dampathis for the ancient kings is the blessings of long rulership as

their empires .


SlOkam 24: Godhai pleading with Her Lord on behalf of the sinners


The Bhaddha Jeevans continue piling up a vast assembly of sins

and suffer hence in SamsAram .They keep on accumulating more sins .

MahA Lakshmi keeps on interceding on behalf of these sinners

and pleads with the Lord to forgive their trespasses . When the Lord

gets tired of listening to those persistent pleas , He turns His face

away and then He sees You there making similar pleas . The Lord

gives up and responds favorably to the SipArsu of MahA Lakshmi .

If both of You as the Compassionate Mothers do not intervene with

Your Lord , where is the chance for the erring chEthanams to redeem

themselves ? (athra pArsvE Ramaa asi ; parathra paarsvE , GodhE ,

Thvamasi) . Ramaa pleads for the the aardhrAparAdhi janams .

Her goal is to protect them from the Lord's anger over the trespasses

of Your Lord's Saasthrams ( Tathra aardhrAparAdhini api abhirakshaNArTam

RamayA RangEswarasya VinivEdhyamAnam ) .You are on the oppositee side .

Our Lord turns His face towards You to escape from the pressures of

RamA's pleadings . He is hoping that You will agree with His position .

He has no such luck . You support MahA Lakshmi's pleadings and

add Your own . Our Lord gives up and accepts the recommendations

of MahA lakshmi .


SlOkam 25: RanganAthan losing His independence through GodhA's Brow movement


GodhE ! Your compassion for the suffering samsAris is illustrious. Your Lord

wants to keep His impartiality by granting the appropriate phalans for the PuNyams

and Paapams of chEthanams . For that purpose , He strives to maintain His

independence (Svatantram) . You have the sankalpam to protect these sinners

from Your Lord's anger and wish to move the Lord to Your side . You exercise

your charms and express them through the different kinds of movements of

Your eye brows . Your Lord takes the cues from there and loses His svatantram

utterly and ends up protecting the sinners and sets them on the path to Moksham .

You win . You become thus the primary reasoning behind the Lord's DayA .


SlOkam 26: Godhai becoming the rejuveanting nectar for SamsAra tApams


GodhE ! Your Lord is the dark rainy cloud (KaaLa MEgham) . MahA Lakshmi

is the lightning that announces the onset of the outpouring of rain from

that Kaala mEgham . You are created as a river of nectar from that outpouring .

to serve as a rejuvenating flow of nectar to destroy the poison of SamsAram .

Those blessed ones , who read and reflect on Your divine Sri Sookthis

are freed from their samsAric afflictions and are saved . Our Lord is

the KrushNAmBhudham ( Kaala mEgham) . Periya PirAtti (Sriranga Naayaki)

is taDithguNavathy ( like the bright , golden streak of lightninng ). The rain

that comes forth form that KaaLa mEgham is the Suvrushti named Bhagavath

KrupA . GodhE ! You become the river of nectar (SudhA Nadhi) and those

who immerse themselves in You quench quickly the unbearable heat of

SamsAram and the effects of that poison ( dhourgathya dhurvisha vinAsa

SudhA Nadheem ThvAm prapadhya santha: taapAn achirENa Samayanthy).


SlOkam 27: Godhai staying as the Mother of the Universe


It is only natural that You as my loving Mother protect me even

when I committ aparAdhams . You become my protectress

and make me the object of Your affection and save me ( Thvam

Jaatha aparAdham api mAmm anukampya gOpthree asi).

This is only natural for You as KaaruNya Moorthy ( idham

BhavathyA: yuktham ) . As the compassionate and loving

Mother , you nourish Your infants with Your breast milk

even if the angry infant bites Your breasts ( Jananee !

dhashta payOdharA api , Thvam vAthsalya nirbharathayA

KumAram sthanyEna vardhayaty) .


SlOkam 28: DhyAna SlOkam of Godhai


May Godha , the daughter of PeriyAzhwAr adorning a red lilly flower

in one of Her hands , who is slightly bent from the weight of

Her breasts and is an ocean of affection for Her children be present

in our hearts always ! She has the hue of Indhra neelam gem (sapphire)

and has Her Lord under Her control through the gift of the fragrant

garlands that she wore on Her dark , curly tresses . May this GodhA

PirAtti shine in our hearts always ! She is SathamaNi neela ( having

the hue of sapphire ) ; She has a beautiful red Alli pushpam in one of

Her hands ( ChAru KalhAra hasthA ). Her frame is slightly bent from

the weight of her breasts ( sthana-bhara namithAngee) . She is an ocean

of Vaathsalyam for us ( Saandhra Vaathsalya sindhu: ) .She is the daughter of

VishNu Chittar ( VishNuchitthAthmajaa) . She has under Her control Her

Lord through the garlands that She wore on Her KONDai ( aLaga vinihithAbhi:

sragbhi: aakrushta NaaTaa ); May that GodhA reside in our hearts

( GodhA na: hrudhi vilasathu).

SlOkam 29: Phala Sruthi


This sthOthram arose from poet VenkatEsan out of his well blossomed Bhakthi

for Godha. Whoever recites this GodhA sthuthi with multisided beauty will become

very dear to the Lord of Srirangam, who is forever associated with Sri RanganAyaki .

That blessed person will have the BhAgyam of performing kaimkaryam at

the sacred feet of the Sri RanganAthan forever .


Our SrivilliputthUr ANDAL ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

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