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Swamy Desika SahasranAmams : ( Thiruvaheendhrapuram MahA MaNtapa Kaimkaryam in fornt of Lord HayagrIvan's sannidhi): 535-544 / Part VI

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Dear Swamy Desika BhakthAs :


We will study TEN of Swamy Desika Sahasra Naamams( 535- 544 ) today :


535. VaikhAnasAkhya tantra pramANathva vivruthikshamAya nama:


( Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who could defend that Vaikhnasa

Tantram is also an equally valid pramANam like PaancharAthram .


In performing the AarAdhanam for the Lord , VaikhAnasam is as valid a tantram

as PaancharAthram . There is no mutual antagonism between the two . BhagavAn

accepts the AarAdhanam at Thirumalai according to VaikhAnasam and at Srirangam

according to PaancharAthram . Swamy AlavanthAr and other AchAryAs have

established both as PramANams . There are interpolations (Prakshipthams)

in both Aagamams added by vishamis from one Aagamic side to criticize

the other for the sake of sva-paksha sTApanam ; It is Swamy Desikan's opinion

that they were inserted by vested interests with ulterior motives . Both Aagamams

are PramANams according to Swamy Desikan .


536. VaikhAnasaagama anyOnya Saamkarya sakthi bhanjakAya nama:


(Meaning) : Salutations to the AchAryan , who instructed us that

the two Aagamams should not be mixed up (i-e) If Prathishtai was done

with PaacharAthram , it can not be changed for convenience or

other reasons in to VaikhAnasam . Such sAnkaryam is unacceptable .

This kind of Saankaryam happens at a few temples in U.S.A.


537. SrI PaancharAthra sarvOpajeevyathva ukthi vichakshaNAya Nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who established that PaancharAthram

can be resorted to by all adhikAris unlike VaikhAnasam . Only those born in

VaikhAnasa Paramparai can have adhikAram to practise VaikhAnasam .

Although VaikhAnasa Aagamic practioners can enter to PaancharAthra

mode of worship , the reverse is not allowed . Only those born in VaikhAnasa

families can practise VaikhAnasam , whereas any one can be initiated in to

PaancharAthram through DheekshA to perform Bhagavadh AarAdhanam .


538. SoothrAnthara-sTApitArchA-tantra poojAvidhAyakAya nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who instructed us that a Moorthy

which has been consecrated by VaikhAnasa Aagamam can be worshipped

with PaancharAthra Aagamic methods . This is allowed by VaikhAnasam .

Once the Prathishtai is done by PaacharAthra Aagamam , VaikhAnasam

should not be introduced later .


539. SaivAgamAdhyamAnathva samsTApana vichakshaNAya nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who had the skills to prove that

Saiva Aagamams are not PramANams .


In Brahma Soothram , Saiva Matham is criticized in Paasupadha adhikaraNam

and the Saiva Aagamams are rejected with many pramANams for the AarAdhanam

of the Lord .


540. prAkpravruttha parityAgOthkrushtAgama nirOdhakAya nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who did not accept the shift over

from higher Tantram to a lower tantram and pointed out that such a change

is a dhOsham in Bhagavath AarAdhanam . In temples worshipped by Rishis ,

the Paaramparya Kramam ( the ancient mode of worship be it VaikhAnasam or

PaancharAthram ) should not be changed . In Svayam Vyatha (Self-manifested)

dhivya dEsams , abndoning the existing AarAdhanam in the lower tantram or

SiddhAntham in favor of a higher tantram or siddhAntham is permitted .


541. sAthvikAdhi vibhAga adheena aagama amAnathApahAya nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who refuted the approach to declare

some of the Aagamams as invalid means of knowledge (aprAmANyam) .


Sanaka Maharishi divided the PaancharAthra Saasthrams (Aagamams )

in to three major categories :


1. Dhivyam (Saathvatha , Poushkara and JayAkhya samhithais ) are

those revealed by BhagavAn Himself and spread by BrahmA , Indhran et al.


JayAkhya Samhithai is followed at Kaanchipuram VaradarAjar's temple .

Same dhivya samhithai is followed at Sri RanganAtha Temple at Pomona , NY .


2. Mounam with its three sub-categories of (a) Saathvikam , Raajasam

and Taamasam . These PaancharAthra Saasthrams were created by

Maharishis known for their exalted tapas .


Saathvikams are those samhithais , which deal with meanings provided by

BhagavAn and grasped by Rishis as Veda Manthrams (Mantra dhrashtAs) .


Raajasam is an admixture containing the meanings blessed by the Lord

along with the knowledge gained by the DevAs or Rishis through the power

of Yogam . These are made by DevAs or Rishis .


Taamasam are those , which are revealed by the Rishis from their power of

yOgam alone .


3. Pourusham : These are Saasthrams made by men without yOga Siddhi .

In these Pourusha Saasthrams , contradictory (Viruddha ) items (amsams)

should be discarded . Pourusha Samhithai alone should not be used to

perform consecration of ArchA Moorthys .


Iswaram , BhAradhwAjam and JayOttharam are examples of Saatvikams .

SanathkumAram , Paadhmam are examples of Raajasams .Pancha PraSnam ,

Sukha PraSnam are Taamasa Samhithais .


542. PoorvAgamOthkrushta-mArga vidhAnasugathipradhAya nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who accepted the change to

the higher division of tantram such as dhivyam by those , who seek Moksha

phalan rapidly . This change is permitted for special adhikAris like Mumukshus

and not for others . Nonmumukshus ( Bhubhukshus) should stay with

the current Aaagama tantram , whatever it is . In Svyam Vyaktha kshEthrams

like Srirangam, Thirumalai , SrimushNam , NaimichAraNyam , VaanamAmalai ,

SaaLagrAmam , Pushkaram and JagannATa Puri , such changes to higher

tantrams are permitted at all times .


543. svayam-vyakthaadhi bhavanatAratamya vidhAyakAya nama:


( Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who established in his

PaanchrAthra RakshA Grantham that specific Pooja Kramam should

be maintained . For instance in Svayam Vyaktha KshEthram , Samhithais

belonging to the Dhivyam classification should be used . In Aarsham temples ,

the kramam iniitated by Rishis should be maintained . In the rest of the three

kinds of temples , the rules for switching up or down discussed in the previous

sections should be observed .


There are five kinds of temples , where PaancharAthra Aagamam is followed .

These are : (1) the 8 Svyam Vyaktha KshEthrams mentioned in the above NaamA.

(2) Dhivyam : These are KshEthrams , where BhagavAn manifested in response to

the prayers of DevAs (e.g) Kaanchipuram , where Brahma Devan's prayers were

answered , (3) Aarsham : KshEthrams , where the Lord responded to the prayers of

Rishis (e.g)., ThiruvallikkENi , (4) Maanusham : Temples built for the worship by

BhakthAs , Kings, Prabhus , where every one can worship as at POmona , NY

and (5) VaishNavam :Temples such as those for the worship by ParamaikAnthi

VaishNavAs at NaavalpAkkam .


544 . Deva-poojA mukhya gouNAdhikAri vyAkruthi-kshamAya Nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who can classify the the different

kinds of AdhikAris , who can perform consecration (PrathishtA ) and PoojA .


The Mukhya or PradhAna ( highest in rank ) adhikAri is the one , who has

been blessed with yEkAyana Veda SaakhA on which PaancharAthra

Saashtram is based . They are known as Mukhya-Kalpa adhikAri.


The next rank is occupied by Anukalpa adhikAri . There are also BrAhmaNAs.

They did not get SamskAram through yEkAyana Veda Saakhai but by other

routes (reethis) . They gain PaancharAthra Dheekshai and are recognized as

GouNa adhikAris.


Those who do not have yEkAyana SamskAram or PaancharAthra Dheekshai

are not fit for performing worship ( anadhikAris). The classiification in to

Mukhya and GouNa adhikAris is only for performing AarAdhanam at the five

kinds of temples ; for AarAdhanam at one's own house , this classification of

Mukhya and GouNa adhikAris is not applicable.

Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


( P.S) : Please do not forget your support for the ongoing Kaimkaryam

to complete the construction of the MahA Mantapam on Oushadha Giri

for the SeVArthees of Lord HayagrIvan . A samarpaNam of $75 would permit

coverage of 10 Square feet of the Mantapam and the Pathway

around the Mantapam . A contribution of Rs.50,000 will have

your family name inscribed in the special Marble slab .

Please refer to the following web site for details :




namasthrEthA vibhakthAnAm AathmAnamantharAthmanE

pAyAdhapAyAdh bhavathO bhava BhandhavidhAyakAth


--- Satha DhUshaNi Vaadham : 38


NamO Sri Yoga HayagrIvAya !

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