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Prakrutham Srimath Azhagiya Singar's approaching 79th Thirunakshathram :: Bangalore , Dec 10, 2005 :Tributes to MahA Lakshmi : Part VII

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PaarTiva Samvathsaram , Kanyaa Maasam ,

KrishNa Paksha Dhvitheeyai


Dear BhakthAs of BhagavAn Sri Lakshmi Narasimhan :


Today is the day of resumption of travel for SanyAsis after

ChAthurmAsyam stay at one place for 2 months . Srimath

Azhagiya Singar will be starting on His sanchAram now and

sends His aaseervAdhams to all of us spanning many

continents .


Let us study the Third SlOkam of Sri Sthuthi today .


adiyEn is looking for the recently released monograph

on Sri Sthuthi edited by Dr.V.N.VedAantha Desikan

and released by HH Srimath Poundarikapuram

Andavan . adiyEn would like to borrow this monograph

from any one who might have it for a week and return it .

Thank you for possible help to entrich this mandha mathi's

commentary .


Third SlOkam of Swamy Desikan's Sri Sthuthi


sthOthavyathvam disathy Bhavathee dEhina: sthUyamAnA

thAmEva ThvAm anathiragathy : sthOthum aaSamsamAna:

siddhArambha : sakala bhuvana slAganeeyO bhavEyam

sEvApEksha Tava charaNayO: srEyasE kasya na syAth ?


This slOkam is recited for the fulfilment of all desired wishes .


(Meaning): Oh SrI DEvi ! When the sentient beings (dEhina: )praise You

with bhakthi , the whole world celebrates them for that good deed .

It is indeed Yourself , who grants them the glory of being recognized

by others for their good intention and execution of the deed of praising You .


adiyEn has no refuge except You . adiyEn is eager to eulogize You

of such stupendous glories . adiyEn has no doubt about my efforts

becoming fruitful. adiyEn will attain the glory of being recognized by

the people of this world for my sthuthi .There is no surprise here .

Who indeed will not gain all mangaLams , when he or she holds on to

Your sacred feet and eulogize you . Therefore , adiyEn is also going

to be blessed by You . Even if adiyEn does not have the Jn~Anam

and sakthi to praise You in a befitting manner , the very desire to

praise You will give me the power to complete this effort and

shower adiyEn with all mangaLams .


Additional Observations on the Third slOkam


There are three threads of thought here.


1) Bhavathee dEhibhi: sthUyamAnA sthOthvyathvam disathy .


Oh SrI Devi ! As the people praise You with steadfastnees and

Bhakthi , You bless them in turn to be recognized by others and

also be praised by the latter . Oh SrI Devi ! You elevate those

who eulogize You and make them become objects of praise

by others . Those who eulogize You gain an exalted status

as a result of Your anugraham .


2) ThAmm ThvAmEva anitara gathi: sthOthum aasamsamAna:

siddha Aarambha: sakala-bhuvana-slAganeeya: bhavEyam


2.1 : ThAmm ThvAmm : These are two words with immense

evocative power in the context of SrI Devi's vaibhavam !


"ThAmm ThvAmmEva " in Tamil means "appERppatta UnnayE " ( of You alone

with such kalyANa guNams ) . Continuing in Tamil , one can ask

" AvaL yeppERpattavaL ? " ( of what special auspicious attributes does

She have to be singled out ?) .


Those mahimais and Vaibhavams are " MaanAthetha PraTitha vibhavam" ( limitless

and celebrated). The whole Lakshmi Sahasra Naamam , SrI Sooktham and

Lakshmi Tantram are attempts at paying their tributes to those celebrated

guNams of the divine Consort of the Lord known as "SrI " .


She is Bhagavathy , who is defined by the same six primary guNAs that Her Lord

has : Jn~Ana , Bala , Isvarya , Sakthi , Tejas and Veeryam . She is therefore invoked

in Lakshmi Sahasra Naamam with links to the six primary guNAs as follows.

Please add PraNavam before each of the NaamAs :


ShADguNya PoorNAyai nama: , ( Having all the six GuNams of BhagavAn that define Him)

tEja: prabhAvinyai nama: ,

Aanandha-roopayai nama: ,

MahA sakthyai nama: ,

Sarva Paalinyai nama: ,


thulya seelAyai nama: , (Equal to Her Lord in all aspects: Seelam , Vrutthi and Moortham)

thulya vrutthAyai nama: ,

thulya Moorthyai nama:


Dhana Lakshmyai nama: ,

Raajya Lakshmyai nama: ,

Jaya Lakshmyai nama: ,

JyOthishE nama: ,

Kaanthimathyai nama: ,

dheeptha Moorthyai nama: ,


PrANa sakthyai nama: ,

SamhAra Sakthyai nama: ,

LOka dhAriNyai nama: ,

Visva sakthyai nama: ,

Kali Naasinyai nama: ,

Sahasra Sakthyai nama: ,


Moksha Lakshmyai nama: ,

SrImathyai nama: ,

Sabdha Sakthyai nama: ( power of Vedic Vaak ) ,

dhAridhrya bhanjinyai nama: , (Destroyer of Poverty of every kind)

agha vinAsinyai nama: , (Destroyer of Sins of all magnitudes)

Jn~AnadhAyai nama: , (Grantor of true Jn~Anam)


Praj~nAyai nama: ,

SamhithAyai nama: ,

SarvOthkrushtAyai nama: , ( YellArayum vida mEmpattavaL)

SarvathO bhadhrAya nama: ,


amrutha-vahAyai nama: ,

bhUthASrayAyai nama: , (One who has been sought as refuge by all Beings)

JyOthishmathyai nama: ,

bhava-bhanga apahAriNyai nama:

adhbhuthAyai nama: (of wonderous , mysterious and unfathomable Vaibhavam).


She is "appERpattavaL " ( of such matchless loftiness ). She is SarvalOka Priyankari

(One who bleses the whole world with Her benovolence ) .


The Three coded Lakshmi Sahsra Naamams


Three Lakshmi Sahasra Naamams speak in codes about Her guNams and give up their attempt

to praise Her explicitly : " Om Kasyai nama: , Om Yasyai nama: and Om Tasyai nama: "


The choice words (queries) are Kasyai ( for whom is the namaskAram? : yevaL poruttu ? ) ;

Tasyai nama: ( avaL poruttu= for Her of such infinite attributes ) . Yasyai nama: ( Once again

to whom are these namaskArams directed ? ) .


They are for the athyujvalai ( for the supremely radiant One ) . They are for Lakshmyai

( for MahA Lakshmi ); for VaaNyai ( the consort of HayagrIvan , the avathAram of Sriman NaarAyaNan) ,

for MedhAyai ( Lakshmi with the name of MedhA = intellect ) , for SraddhAyai ( for Lakshmi

with the name of SraddhA DEvi = mahA viswaasam ) , for KshamAyai ( for the One with

immense forbearance ) , for Bhaktha Vaathsalyai ( One who is immensely fond of Her

erring children) , nithyAyai ( for One who is eternal, one who has no beginning , middle

or end) , Visva roopAyai ( For one with the Universal form ) , for VyOma Lakshmyai

( for the Divine cosort of SrI Vaikunta NaaTan residing at VyOma Puri= Sri Vaikuntam ) ,

for NaarAyiNyai ( the divine consort of NarAyaNan ) , for Dharma-KaamArTa-MokshadhAyai

( for the one who grants one or more of the PurushArTams ) , for SarvathO-Bhadhraayai

( One who is auspicous in every direction ) , SarvathO-mukhyai ( One who is cardinal

in all tatthvams ) , and for that anantha Sriyai ( One with infinite SrEyas ).


Those Two words used by Swamy Deikan ( Thaamm ThvAmm )

open up thus a floodgate of rememberances about Her Vaibhavam .


2.2:Swamy Desikan continues : " (ThAmm ThvAmEva ) anithara gathi:

sthOthum aasamsamAna: " . Swamy Desikan adds "yEva" after "ThAmm ThvAmm"

to emphasize that he wishes to eulogize Her and Her alone . Why so ? Swamy Desikan

explains that he is one with anithara gathi ( as one with no other refuge to seek for protection=

vERu puhal aRRavanAhiya naann ) . adiyEn wishes hence to praise You alone

(ThvAmEva sthOuthum aasamsamAna: ) .


2.3: " siddhArambha: sakala bhuvana SlAganeeya: bhavEyam ": Oh Bhagavathi !

May adiyEn's fledgling efforts to praise You be fulfilled (siddha aarambha: ) .

May adiyEn as a result of such efforts to eulogize You become (bhavEyam)

worthy of praise by the entire world (sakala bhuvana slAganeeyam ) . Thou art :

" PrArTaneenAm prajAnAm SrEyOmoorthy " . Therefore this mangaLam of keerthi

landing on me as Your eulogizer is bound to come adiyEn's way . Swamy Desikan

gives another reason why such boon will come his way in the concluding section of this slOkam .

He asks there a rhetoric question , which has the built-in answer .


3) Rhetoric Question Tava charaNayO: sEvA apekshA kasya srEyasE na syAth? ".

Oh KalyANa Dhaayini ! Oh Svasthi dakshiNA ! Oh Sarva ManthrAthmikE !

For those , who wish to perform Kaimkaryam to You ( " Tava CharaNayO: sEvA apEshA "

chEtanasya ) , why would not auspiciousness come their way ( kasya na syAth) .

Answer : Ofcourse , all mangaLams including the Keerthi (fame) as the eulogizer

of SrI DEvi will come their way .


After this introduction , Swamy Desikan enters in to the detailed Sthuthi of SrI Devi .


Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan



An Appeal to AaasthikAs to support the Kaimkaryam for our Celebrated AchAryan


Following Srimath Azhagiya Singar's niyamanam , adiyEn is coordinating this

Kaimkaryam . We have recieved so far pledges and matching funds to

the tune of $5301 . We have some way to go to reach our target figure of

$15,000 ! Please join as the sishyAs of Srimath Azhagiya Singar and the BhakthAs

of Sri Lakshmi Narasimhan , the AarAdhya Moorthy of Sri Matam and

participate in this kaimkaryam .


adiyEn requests all the sishyAs and abhimAnis of SrI Matam to take part

in this kaimkaryam to honor one of the greatest YathiswarALs to continue with

His many MalOla PaadhukA sevaka kaimkaryams as He approaches

His 79th Thirunakshathram .


Please let me know of your pledges to the limit of your abilities .You can send

your tax deductible checks to Ahobila Mutt , North America now or at a future

date but not later than the Third week of November 2005 . The URL for address is :


http://www.ahobilamutt.org .


At this time , adiyEn is mostly interested in learning about your pledges .

Thank you .


SrImath Azhaagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan ,Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

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