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Sri Srinivaasa Vaibhavam- Thirumangai AzhwAr. anubhavam.. Periya Thirumozhi 1.8.6

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest all,


Let us continue to enjoy Thirumangai AzhwAr’s Periya

Thirumozhi. Today’s verse is Periya Thourmizh 1.8.6.


kalayaami kalidhvamsam kavim lOkadhivaakaram

yaSya kObi: prakaaSaabir aavidhyam niHatham thama:


I meditate on the Poet, who is like the Sun for the

whole world, to destroy the darkness of ignorance

(a~jnAnam) with his word and who destroys the Kali



eNdisaigaLumEzhulagamumvaangkip ponvayiRRilpeydhu,



oNdiRalavuNanuratthugirvaittavan oLLeyiRRodu,

thiNdiRalariyaayavan thiruvEngkadamadainNeNYchamE!



ThiruvEmkatamudaiyaan is the One who ate the whole

Universe. The One who (once), in order to protect the

seven directions, seven worlds during mahApraLayam

(Cosmic cycle), ate them and retained them in His

stomach and lied down on a small Banyan leaf- the One

who removed the sorrow of the white moon)- the One who

appeared as Narasimhan (Lion-faced Lord) and tore the

chest of hiraNyan with sharp nails to kill him- Such

Greatest Emperumaan is at ThiruvEmkatam mountain. Oh

mind! Reach there.


Vaamanan – The Lord who has the entire Universe- all

worlds, all oceans, everything in Prakruti [Cosmic

matter] went a Bramachari Boy and begged for three

measures of earth… all for the sake of His devotees.

He stoops down to any level for mere protection and

saving of His asrithars. His kalyANa guNA of

sowseelyam is to be cherished and enjoyed forever by

us and then only we can comprehend His Parathvam.


Such greatest Lord who not only owns it; He knows how

to protect the property as well. Some people know how

to get the materials; but not to save/protect or

sustain them. They are not capable of.. Our Sarva

shakthan also protects these seven worlds; oceans,

mountains, by retaining them all in His stomach during

cosmic dissolution. He has them in tact and nothing

gets disturbed.


The Lord who reclines on Banyan leaf as an infant

retaining these seven worlds in His stomach, places

His toe finger in His stomach… is enjoyed by

Poorvacharyas in the commentary that He is now

checking the universe after bringing them in… similar

to the person who measures at the place where he gets

and brings the material to home- and checks with the

same measure if the quantity is correct and in tact.

Similarly The Lord who had got the property from Bhali

by measuring with His Feet, now has all the worlds in

his stomach safely placed. He wants to ensure that

they are all in place and hence wants to measure with

the same Feet again and tries to push the toe into His

mouth… - a great enjoyment..


He is the One who removed the sorrow of the moon. He

is the Lord who appeared as Narasimhan and saved His

bhaktha Prahalada from HiraNyakasipu.


HiraNyakasipu asked:


Oh Prahalada, if He is there everywhere, why is He not

here- present in this pillar? Let me cut your head and

let me see how your most worshippable Lord comes to

protect you. With terrible anger,

hiraNyakasipu struck his fist against the pillar.



sound, which appeared to crack the covering of the

universe. It reached even the abodes of Brahma.

Demi-gods thought the planets are getting destroyed.


Sri NammAzhwAr's ThiruvAymozhi describes wonderfully:


" engum uLan KaNNan enRa maganik kaayndhu/

inghu illaiyaa? enRu iraNiyan thooN pudaippa,

" anghu " , " appozhudhE " avan veeyat thOnRiya

" en " Singapiraan perumai aarayum seermaitthE..


what an anubhavam and emotional narration of MaaRan..!

Prahalada says.. enghum uLan. (KaNNan is there

everywhere) IraNiyan asks " inghu illaiyaa? (is He not


The Bhagawathas say " He is everywhere.

The athiest asks in negative.

Bhagawatha is affirmative and positive.

anghu- (Then and there..-Immediately), appozhudhE,

avan veeyatthOnRiya..what a word! en- My Singapiraan-

ennudaiya Singapiraan- My Lord Nrusimhan-

ArAyum seermaitthE- Can His graetness be measured and

comprehended? (Never)


HiraNyakasipu studied the form of the Lord:


It was extremely fearsome, because of His angry eyes,

like molten gold, shining mane, which added ferocity

to the face, His deadly sharp teeth, His razor sharp

tongue, the erect ears, the cave like nostrils and the

mouth, slightly parted jaws, the whole body so huge

that it touched the sky, short neck and thick, broad

chest, thin waist and the body hairs like the rays of

moon. Long arms spread in all directions;


Just a small insect falls forcefully into the fire,

the insignificant creature becomes invisible,

HiraNyakasipu attacked the Lord, who was full of

effulgence. Like Garuda plays with the snake by slowly

releasing and again catching, the Lord left him a

little by letting him come back to fight;

HiraNyakasipu thought he is winning.


Making a huge noise, shrill sound of laughter, the

Great Lord Sri Narasihman who is extremely strong and

powerful, captured HiraNyakasipu, and with the great

speed, He hit him on the strong chest. With great

speed, HiraNyakasipu was tossed sometimes in the sky

and sometimes in the earth, he kept his eyes closed

because of fear of the Lord and His laughter.


Lord Sri Narasingan placed HiraNyakasipu on His lap

supporting him with His thighs, in the doorway, at

twilight and effortlessly and very easily tore open

the demon to pieces with His sharp nails.


Lord Sri Narsimhan's mouth and mane were sprinkled

with blood, His fearsome, fierce eyes, full of anger,

were just impossible to look at. Licking the edge of

the mouth with his tongue, simply threw the body

aside. He killed the asura effortlessly. Such most

merciful Lord is here standing at ThiruvEnkatam for

saving us..


Thirumangai AzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana






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