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Srimath Azhagiya Singar SathaabhishEkam Special series : 80.11 / SRI ACHYUTHA SATHAKAM : PART 11 / SLOKAM 21-25

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Marghazhi Month : Day 3




Dear BhakthAs of Thiruvaheendhrapuram Achyuthan:


Let us study 5 more slOkams ( 21- 25) today .


SlOkam 21


ithi sarvEshAm samAna: SathyasTithO

Daasa sathya sadhaa paripoorNa:

kaTam vahasi pakshapAtham PaaNDava--

PramukhEshu prEshaNamapi sahamAna:


(Meaning according to D.R.Swamy ):DaasaSathya ! Being thus impartial

towards one and all , always taking Thy stand in truth , and ever full and

complete , why and how dost thou evince partiality towards PaNDavAs

and their like , putting up with being sent on errands ?


(Comments ): In the previous slOkam , Swamy Desikan observed : Achyuthan is

One who has no partiality and treats every one equally . Here Swamy Desikan

asks : You are Daasa Sthyan . You are Samadarsi . There is nothing that You

wish that You can not get (avAptha samastha Kaaman) . You are ParipoorNan .

Even with all these celebrated Vaibhavams , the PaaNDavAs sent You as their

messenger to the court of DhuryOdhanan .You became a charioteer to Arjunan .

You performed the duties as PaaNDava dhUthan and PaarTa-Saarathy with

patience and happiness . It appears that You have been partial here to

the PaaNDavAs. How can we understand Your projecting Yourself as

an impartial One , who treats every one equal ? How do You explain this ?


The answer is true to His words as Natha Sathyan . He tried to intervene

and avoid the Yuddham but the heartless KouravAs would not concede

even an area the size of a pin head to the PaaNDavAs and wanted to keep

all the Iswaryams that they gained illicitly through gambling . The Lord had also

promised to correct the injustices done to Dhroupadhy in the court of

KouravAs . He offered Himself without weapons to both KouravAs and

PaaNDavAs . KouravAs rejected that offer and chose the armies of

the Lord from DhvArakai . Arjuna opted for the Lord without weapons .

The Lord treated them as equal . Our Lord also had His promise to

BhUmi DEvi to reduce the burden of carrying many dushtAs like

DuryOdhana and his supporters . He delivered that promise as

Natha Sathyan to His Devi as well .


SlOkam 22


vishamE KarmamargE vipariskhalathAm vihvalitha karaNAnAm

NaaTa nikhilAmanya: nAsthy Thvannathasathya hasthAlamBha:


( Meaning according to D.R.Swamy ): My Lord ! Natha Sathya !

To all those , who fumble in the course of pursuing karma-mArga

and having staggering and trembling faculties , there is no one

but Thee to extend a helping hand .


(Comments): Here Swamy Desikan salutes the Lord as Aapath BhAndhavan

and salutes the Lord as the One , who comes to the rescue of those following

the ardous steps of Karma Yogam . During their upAsanA , the SaadhakAs

choosing Karma Yoga ( and Jn~Ana , Bhakthi yOgAs as well ) experience

difficulties that make them grieve and shudder . They get disillusioned .

During those times none but the Lord comes to their rescue by giving

His helping hand to lift them out of their miseries . " His is the only help

available and possible ".


" VishamE Karma MaargE " refers to the mysterious ( Vichithram)

and tough Karma Maargam that requires enormous discipline

to control the mind , body and speech . As one falters during

the pursuit of Karma yOgam , one is overcome with sorrow

arising from lack of progress towards the goal . The indhriyams

of the Saadhaka weaken and tremble ( vipariskhalathAm vihvalitha

KaraNAnAm nikhilAnAm ) . There is no helping hand to lift them out of

their despondency except the Lord ( Thvath anyA: hastha AalamBha:

na asthi ).


SlOkam 23


Jn ~Anasya kOavishya: Achyutha KaruNaastava kO dhUrasTitha:

sakthE: kOathibhara: tasmAth khalu upAyas-ThvamEva svayam siddha:


(Meaning according to D.R.Swamy ): Achyutha! Which object is beyond

Thy comprehension ? Who is there beyond the reach of Thy Mercy ?

Which load is too heavy for Thy sakthi ( prowess) ? None .


( Comments ): Oh AchyuthA ! Thou art Omniscient , Omnipotent

and the most compassionate . You are Sarvaj~nan , whose Jn~Anam

grasps every thing and sees all vasthus at the same time as Sarva Sakthan .

Your matchless KaaruNyam is like a flood that reaches out to all ,

wherever they are . There is no one outside its reach . There is no burden

that You can not bear as an omnipotent Lord . Therefore, You become

the true SiddhOpAya ("Svayam siddha upAyam") .


Siddha means complete in itself , perfect , ever existing , never failing

and always at hand . This quality of the Lord is SvabhAvikam ( innate

and inherent) . UpAyam means of liberation to gain Moksham .

SiidhOpAyam is the UpAyam that exists even before we engage in

the practise of SaadhyOpAyams like Bhakthi and Prapatthi Yogams .

There are Karma , Jn~Ana , Bhakthi Yogams as well as Prapatthi

Yogam . The Lord is the One (SiddhOpAyan) , who grants the fruits of

all these Yogams ( UpAya anushtAnam /SaadhyOpAyams ) .


SlOkam 24


sankalpa-karNadhAra: Kinkara-sathya bhavasAgarE athigabheerE

anagasthvam khalu pOtha AathmAnam krupA sameeraNEna prayuktha:


Daasa-Sathya ! Thou art a faultless (efficent) ship for men , plying in

the very deep ocean of SamsAra , having Thy will as the pilot and

Thy KaruNaa as the wafting/propelling wind .


( Comments): Achyuthan is the safe and strong ship plying in the dangerous

ocean of SamsAram . His will (sanklapam ) is the pilot of the ship . His unfailing

Sahaja KaaruNyam is the one that wafts the ship across the SamsAric ocean .

In the 38th slOkam of DayA Sathakam , Swamy Desikan reminds us of

the Lord serving as the safe boat to ferry us across the terrible ocean of

SamsAram : " Thvam bhava jaladhi gathAnAm pOthapAthree bhavithreee ".


SlOkam 25


Achyutha na dhadhathi mOksham Isvara bhAvEna bhAvithA ithara surA:

rAthrim parivarthayithum laksham-AlEkhya dinakaraNAmapi na kshamam


(Meaning according to D.R.Swamy ) : Achyutha! Other dEvAs regarded as

IswarAs can not grant Moksham . Even a batch of pictures of the Sun are

incompetent to do away with the night (drive away the darkness).


( Comments): For the Jeevan , which desires Moksha siddhi , the one and only

God who can grant this boon is Achyutha NaarAyaNan . No other gods have

the power to grant Moksham to Mumukshus . No other god by Himself or

groups of gods as a collective assembly can confer the boon of Moksham .

Their claim to be Moksham grantors is like thousands of pictures of the Sun

drawn by an artist failing to confer warmth on earth . The real Sun alone can

give warmth to the land . Similarly , Sriman NaarAyaNan alone can

assure Moksham and not any one else . Swamy Desikan has already

referred to His uniqueness in the 22nd slOkam of Achyutha Sathakam

( Thvattha: nAnyOasthi hasthAlamBha: ) and elaborates here that central

doctrine associated with our Lord .


Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

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