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Lakshmi Sahasram: 17.4

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Dear MahA Lakshmi BhakthAs:



In the Fourth slOkam of Naama Vaibhava sTaBakam , ArasANippAlai Kavi

instructs us that the sankeerthanam of our Divine Mother's naamAs will

banish our AasA-Paasams and mohams driven by manO vikArams ( Kaamams

caused by ManmathA's arrows) :



gaNDA-visEsha-ninadham kuhanA-piSAchyA:

kOpAnala-praSama-sAnthva-vachO MurArE:

kE nAma nAma na japanthy tavABdhikanyE


The key words of this slOkam are: aBdhi KanyE ! Tava nAma kE nAma na Japanthy ?


The poet asks here a rhetorical question ( Oh Daughter of the Ocean ! who indeed will not

meditate on Your divine names ?) and answers in the affirmative : Every one does !


Your nAmAs are boon granting and wish yielding in many ways and hence there would be

no one , who will stay away from reciting and reflecting on the vaibhavam of Your nAmAs .


Anvaya Kramam: aBdhi kanyE ! Pancha ishu chApala palAyana siddha manthram ,

kuhanA piSAchyA: gaNDA visEsha ninadham MurArE: kOpa anala praSama

sAnthva vacha: Tava nAma kE naama na japanthy ?


ABdhi KanyE = Oh Daughter of the Ocean !


Pancha ishu chApala palAyana siddha mantram = Your nAmam is a siddha manthram that

drives away the distortions to the mind caused by the five flower arrows of Manmathan.

We would have to recall in this context the differences between siddha manthram and

sAdhya manthram based on our understanding of siddhOpAyam and SaadhyOpAyam

dealt in detail in Swamy Desikan's Srimath Rahasya Thraya Saaram .


KuhanA piSAchyA: ganDA visEsha ninAdhm ( ninAdha mantram) = It is the sunAdham from

the ringing of a special kind of bell that drives away the ghost of deception ( vanchanai)

that deludes and tricks the mind to travel in paths forbidden by the Saasthrams of BhagavAn .

To relate to KuhanA piSAsu , we can think about PuthanA , who came to infant KrishNA's

side to breast feed Him with her poisonous milk and she got destroyed in turn . When the sound

of the bell in the form of Your divine names like PadhmA , IndhirA , LakshmI are heard ,

the categories of ghouls and ghosts coming under the name of PiSAsu take flight and never

return to their favorite places in the minds of SamsAris.This nAdham is an unique kind of peeling of the bell.

It is the announcement of Dayaa Devi from the top of the hills of ThiruvEnkatam declaring war on

these PisAsus and chasing them away from their special perches . This is indeed a VisEsha

gaNDA ninadham . This could also be considered as the Powerful rakshaNa manthram

arising from the AchAryan next to the Lord (MahA Lakshmi) in our Guru Paramparai .


MurArE: kOpa anala praSama sAnthathva vacha: = The sound of this manthram ( Your naama

ucchAraNam) is extraordinarily effective in quenching the fires of anger that the Lord has

over the many and repeated transgressions of the bhaddha Jeevans . The nAmAs of Yours

gaNDA naadhams ) have the PurushAkAram effect and the Lord's anger is quelled . The way

in which the intercession in favor of the offending jeevan is achieved by MahA Lakshmi and

Her amsa bhUthais ( BhU , GodhA and NeeLA and Dayaa Devis) is described at great length in

Sri Sthuthi , BhU Sthuthi and GodhA sthuthi . The bhakthAs are referred to the e-books on Sri ,

BhU and GodhA sthuthis and Dayaa Sathakam at the Sundara Simham web site :


http://www.sundarasimham.org/ebooks/ebook1.htm (Sri Sthuthi)


http://www.sundarasimham.org/ebooks/ebook2.htm (BhU Sthuthi)


http://www.sundarasimham.org/ebooks/ebook3.htm ( GodhA Sthuthi)


http://www.sundarasimham.org/ebooks/ebook16.htm ( Dayaa Sathakam )


Tava nAma kE nAma na japanthy ? = who indeed would not recite

Your auspicious and powerful nAmAs to gain the soubhAgyams

and ultimately sath-gathi ? Engagement in the recitation of Your

dhivya Naamams will destroy the disaster yielding kAmams ,

Mohams and banish the anger of Your Lord over our daring

acts that defy His commands ( Aj~NA Ullanganam) .


( Addiitonal Commentary on the words and passages ):


1. Pancha Ishu : Manmathan , the son of the Lord is the Pancha BhANan ( Five flower arrows

that he uses to kindle kAmams). Even ANDAL prays to him to unite Her with Her Lord in

the first decad of Her NaacchiyAr Thirumozhi .


2. Pancha chApa ishu chApalam = the longings between the lovers , the joy and

the sorrow caused from union and seperation ( samslEsham and vislEsham) , the mental agony

to be reunited , the anxieties caused by seperation are grouped under the word " ChApaLam".

These are chApala vikArams as long as they are not centered on the Lord to seek His companionship.


3. Pancha ishu chApala palAyana siddha mantram= These destructive ChApalams caused by

the five arrows of Manmanthan that keeps us away from the Lord are driven away by

the siddha mantram of Your nAmAs.They are tAraka , pOshaka , ujjevana mantrams.

Reciting them is equivalent to the efforts of ManthrOpAsakan , who is engaged in dhyAnam of

His upAsanaa Murthy after performing purascharaNam with niyamams and nishtais.On recitation

of Your nAmAs, the chapalams run away , the desires of a negative kind are burnt to their roots.

The effect of " maRRai namm kAmangaL mARRElO yem paavai " is gained by the reciter. It is

the sidhda Manthram that has existed forever ; it s a Prasiddha mantram . It helps us to travel

in "gathi visEsham " of archirAdhi mArgam and enjoy the boon of ParipoorNa BrahmAnandham

at the Supreme abode of the dhivya dampathis.


When one recites Her sahasra NaamAs like "Lakshmi , Padhmaa , Indhiraa " , Manmathan recognizes

that the reciter is eulogizing his own dear Mother and does not cause any buddhi chApalyam to

the reciter. He creates the Saanthi rasam instead of SrungAra rasam in the mind of the reciter.


4. Guhanaa = Vanchanai , deceptive acts causing delusion ( chittha bramai) : Guhanaa is like

a hiding ghost( PisAsu, BhUtham , bad spirit , Mohini ) and can cause serious damage leading all

the way upto untimely death . The recitation of Your names such as "SarOjaa , HariNee , ChandrA ,

Padhmini , SaarngiNee, VaishNavee et al " have the same effect as the ringing of the GaNDA

during Bhagavath AarAdhanam , when all ill meaning spirits ( asura sakthis) are chased away .

This is the GaNDA viSEsha nAdham . It is also equivalent to the Naadham generated by

BhagavAn's Paadhuakais , which is nothing but the sound of AchAryAn. The Naadha Paddhathi of

Sri Ranganatha PadhukA sahasram celebrates the glories of that naadham in 100 verses

(SlOkams381-480) :




5. MurArE: kOpa anala praSama sAnthathva vacha: = The sound of Your nAmAs quench the raging fire of

the Lord's anger ( MurAri kOpa analam) . The just anger of Your Lord over our many and unceasing trespasses

is in the form of nigraha krOdhAgni . That gets quenched by the potent fire extinguisher represented by

the power of Your auspicious names.Your Lord's anugraha sakthi sprouts forth and forgives the aparAdhis.


6. kE naama nAma: = Who indeed will not perform Your nAma japam ? Even those , who do not have

the patience and discipline ( niyama nishtais) will recite Your dhivya nAmAs since they constitute a siddha

manthram.The sinners , the punyasAlis , the powerful , the feeble minded ones , all of them , recite Your

nAmAs to derive the benefits ( freedom from the anger of Your Lord ).


Sriman KaNNan Swamy's Tamil summary of this slOkam is beautiful to include here:


Manmathan sey manacchapalam mARRividum mantiram

mOsadiyAm mOhini mEl mOthuhira mani oliyAm

Murararipuvin muLLsinatthai muRiyadikkum muthu mozhiyAm

muRikadalin mahaL peyarai mozhiyAthAr yevar uLarO ?


Srimathyai MahA Lakshmyai NamO nama:

Daasan , Oppiliapan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan













Sreemathyai MahA Lakshmyai Nama:

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan





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