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Acharya vaibhvam.... - 3 - Our religion is based on Vedas

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SrImathE Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya nama:

Dearest all,


Our religion is based on Vedas. It is based on the

three authoritative scriptures referred to as

Prastaana Trayam and they are:


-Vedas (Sruti) - Poorva & Uttara Mimaamsa together.

-Bhagavat Gita

-Brahma Sutras - Of Veda Vyasa Bhagavan.


Sruthi means that which is heard (through the ears).

The Vedas were originally taught by Lord Sriman

Narayana to four faced Brahma orally. From thereon

the Vedas came down from the Guru to the students

orally only. The Guru teaches the Vedas to the

students. Thus the student hears the Veda from the

teacher. Veda is Apourusheyam (unauthored -not

authored by anybody). Veda is eternal, and has no date

of origin and end. Veda is the only ultimate authority

and hence has no MISTAKES at all. The sruthi vAkhyams

(statements) do not and contradict with each

other(unlike our statements:-) If they appear so to

us, it reflects our lack of understanding of sruthis

and not their flaws (where there are no flaws).


Vedas are also called Nigama and Amnaaya. Nigama means

a settled text or work, which is handed down from the

Guru to the student from time immemorial. Amnaaya

means what is learnt by the student, by frequent

repetition of the text; and also by frequently

thinking over the same. [extract from the book Dialog

on Hinduism]


As long as any philosophy is in conformity with

Statements (encompassed) in these three scriptures,

and more so to Vedas, then, that needs to be

considered as VaidIka philosophy. Any philosophy which

contradicts Vedic statement is considered non-vaidIka.


Vedas are the starting point of all our philosophies.

Like all Sanskrit literature, Vedas also include prose

and poetry. Though the texts convey meaning, its

shabhda is very important. Vedas were used prominently

for yagna or yaagas. Everyone knew the Vedas in full

once upon a time. Gradually it became difficult to

learn the Vedas by a single person. Hence Veda Vyasa

divided and compiled the Vedas into four parts knows

Rg, Yajur Sama and Atharva veda. Each Veda is further

divided into samhithas, BrahmaNaas, AraNyaka, and

Upanishads. Samhitha and BraahmaNaas are used mostly

in yagnas and covers mantras as well as procedure for

them. Aranyaka covers mostly worship of God. It is

Upanishad that discusses nature, soul, praktithi,

Paramaathma and their relationships.


As mentioned earlier, Starting from Chathur mukha

BrahmA, the promotion and propagation of Vedas has

been mostly through sages and their disciples. A

peculiar aspect of Veda has been all information

relating to any topic can not be found at one place.

As a result, the interpretation of statements in Vedas

has not been uniform, leading misinterpretations or

conflicts / contradictions, though it is not true when

viewed as a whole.


The advaita school of thought gives prominence to

abEdha sruthis or statements of Vedas that indicate

soul and Parabrahman are One. Similarly, the Dwaita

school of though gives prominence to bhEdha sruthis or

statements that Soul and Parabrahman are different

and distinct. There are also other statements in Vedas

that link these two seemingly contradicting statements

called Ghataka sruthis.


Thus Dwaita, Advaita and VisishtAdvaita mathams follow

the above doctrines of bhEdha, abhEdha and Ghataka

sruthis respectively. Other than these three- Sri

UttamUr Swamy adds that there are other two religions

[or mathams] called DwaithAdvaitham and

SudhhAdvaitham. DwaithAdvaitham is Nimbarkar and

SuddhAdvaitham is Vallabhacharya matham.


Nimbarkar’s and Vallabhacharya are also vaishnavic

mathams only. Nimbarkar 12th century CE, developed

Vaishnava cult under the name of Sanatkumara Narada

sampradaya which is similar in respects to that of

Ramanuja. He maintains that Brahman is Radha-Krishna,

possessing the six principal attributes namely jnAna,

bhala, aishwarya, veerya shakthi and thEjas. He was

also influenced by Paancha raathra agama although he

did not advocate temple worship. He has accepted

Prapatthi [or Saranagati] as a means of moksha. He had

a large number of followers who have spread the Radha

Krishna cult which is a type of Vaishnavism.


Vallabhacharya born in 1478 CE advocated another type

whereby the Bhagavatha purana of Lord Krishna is the

highest Brahman, as the Supreme Godhead with a divine

body [vigraha] made of Bliss [Anandha]. he has also

advanced the path of devotion [bhakti] as the only

means of attaining moksham. [from Sri SMS Chari’s book

on Vaishnavism]


Thus from the above it is clear that all religions

were basically accepting vishNu as the Supreme God and

thus are devotees of VishNu. Thus they are all

Vaishnavas. Advaithas however do not accept any

personal Brahman as their Brahman is NirguNa,

nirvisEsha Brahman..,Brahman without any attributes,

any form, any visEshams. Though they [advaitins]

accept VishNu superior to other devathas including

Rudran, their Brahman is formless, nameless and

attribute-less. Thus they can not be categorized as

Vaishnavas [says Sri UttamUr Swamy in his article

Yathi pathi mahimai].


Thus the Moola pravarrthakars for these Vaishnava

mathams are: if we try to analyze:

For all these religions- it should be Sarva prathama

Muru- Sriman Narayanan. Then from Him who is next in

acharya lineage…


For Sri Bhagavad Ramanuja matham- it Sri Lakshmi Devi;


Sri Madhva matham – Chathur mukha BrahmA;

Sri Nimbarka matham- Sanaka et al

Sri Vallabhcharya matham- Rudran

This- nobody can deny.


Thus our matham Sri Ramanuja matham is Srivaishnavam

as it is from Sriman Narayanan and from Sri

Mahalakshmi. It is hence SRI VAISHNAVAM. The Bhashyam

is Sri Bhashyam. The Most merciful Divya Dampathi is

Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan and VishNu pathni Sri

Mahalakshmi is our God.


The wealth – the real wealth thus lies here. Our

great AchAryAs have preserved the traditions unbroken

through the ages and aglow with ever-fresh relevance

to changing circumstances.


To learn, to know, to enjoy and to serve the Acharyas

and Dhivya Dampathi is or duty and that we can do only

by taking refuge at our SadAchArya’s feet. One such

magnificent most merciful acharyan is His Holiness Sri

Gopaladesika Mahadesikan. Let me place my head again

and again at the lotus feet of asmadhAcharyan His

Holiness Srimad PaRavakkOttai Andavan Sri Gopaladesika

Mahadesikan Swami…


More later….


asmadhAchArya paryanthAm vandhE GuruparamparAm


Namo Narayana








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