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Acharya vaibhvam.... - 4

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Tirumalai Echambadi Varadhan







Madhavakkannan V

; ; acharya ; nama-singapore ; oppiliappan ; parakalamatham ; ; desikasampradaya ; bakthi-indonesia

Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:45 AM

Acharya vaibhvam.... - 4 - Necessity of performing Trikaala sandhyAvandhanam



SrI:SrImathE Gopaladseika mahadesikaya nama:Dearest all,Before we start to enjoy the series: quick reminder ofour attitudes [especially mine: ) ] I used to always think: I've read, studied andexperienced so much in my life, so it's rare that I'mexposed to completely new material. We miss out on newinformation thereby and new lessons we think wealready know. One of the things the seminar leadersaid that really got my attention was, "If you knowit, you live it. If you don't LIVE it, you don't KNOWit." Pretty powerful, don't you think?.. We all knowABOUT things. But unless we've integrated somethinginto our lives, it isn't really ours.Anyway- enough said: Thus our matham Sri Ramanujamatham is Srivaishnavam as it is from Sriman Narayananand from Sri Mahalakshmi. It is hence SRI VAISHNAVAM.The Brahma suthra commentary is called Sri Bhashyam. The Most merciful Divya Dampathi Sriya: Pathi SrimanNarayanan and VishNu pathni Sri Mahalakshmi is ourGod. It is not that Sri Ramanuja founded or establishedthis VisishtAdvaita philosophy. He only expounded thesame. He has interpreted Stuthi vAkhyams and BrahmaSuthras /GitA based on Sage Vyasa, Tankar, Dramida, etal and his predecessors - namely Sri Nammazhwar, SriNathamuni, Sri Yamunacharya’s works. Thus to summarize: there are abhEdha sruthis, bhEdhasruthis and Ghataka sruthis.Advaita- Monism is based on AbhEda sruthis;Dwaita- Dualism is based on bhEda sruthisVisishtAdvaita- based on Ghataka sruthis (encompassingboth bhEdha and abhEdha sruthis)Thus, all the three philosophies are based on Vedicstatements. Before we explore any further and enjoythe prasthAna thrayam i.e. Vedas, GitA and Brahmasoothras, I would like to mention the necessity andrelevance of our nithya karma anushtAnam… especiallySandhyavandhanam.Performance of Sandhyavandhanam three times a day –the essence of which is Gayatri japam- is veryimportant and essential. His Holiness SrimadPaRavakOTtai Andavan never ever compromises on thisrequirement from his sishyas and abhimaanis who visitand prostrate at His feet to check if they are doingtrikala sandhyavandhanam. Sri Muralidhar Rangaswamy once wrote his anubhavamenjoying and witnessing Swami’s instructions to athird person [AP- Another person]. <quote>His Holiness always enquires thus: "Do you perform TrikAla Sandhya ?" AP (remorsefully): "No. I somehow gave it up"H.H. "How did this happen?"AP "Work pressure left no time for this"H.H. "Did you give up your meals due to workpressure?"AP "No"H.H. "Partaking of daily meals is a Vedic rite.Consequently, traivarnikas cannot perform this rite withoutperforming Sandyavandanam. The Smritis declare SandhyahIna: nithya ashuchi (He who does not perform regular Sandhyavandanam isforever impure. Therefore, he is unfit to perform anyritual. Therefore, one who is impure forfeits hisright to daily meals! Furthermore, a Chandala is onewho is exempt from performing Sandyavandanam. This isdue to his profession. Therefore, he is called a janmachandala. However, a Brahmin who gives up performanceof Trikala Sandhya becomes a Karma Chandala (He whobecomes a chandala by failing to perform the ritesenjoined for a Brahmin). This is a miserable state forhim, as a result of which he becomes undeserving ofthe title BrahmaNa. A true friend is one who is very much concerned abouthis comrade's welfare. He need not provide his comradewith expensive gifts to show displayaffection/concern. However, the greatest service hecan render for his comrade is the performance ofSandya of the latter's behalf, when the latter is in astate that does not permit him to do his daily duties(BrahmaNatvattai kApAthi kudukarradu). Lord Narayana has declared in that the Shastras(Shruti and Smriti) are verily His commands. Thosewho violate these commands are verily traitors andeven if they are His Bhaktas, they do not endear themselves to Him. In this respect the Lord acts verymuch in the manner of a father concerned about thewelfare of his children. There is no doubt that theLord has utmost affection for his children. Will a father tolerate it if his children do not go to schooland study well? Absolutely not. The Lord's statement with respect toanushtanam is similar. The foremost Mantrams of Vedicorigin are Gayathri and Ashtaksharam. The former isnecessarily a prelude to the latter in terms of recitation. Thus Gayathri Mantram plays apivotal role in realizing Lord Narayana. <unquote>Hence the sandhyAvandhanam is nithya karma and isagnyA karma… It is mandatory. It is as per saasthircinjunctions. SaasthrAs are equal to 1000 mothers… Itis so concerned of our welfare and our betterment andstipulates such to do and not to do lists… One mustabide by saasthras. If a person violates the SAstra'sorder, then he will get punishment as a result ofbhagavath-nigraham; BhagavAn Sriman Narayanan himself has stated that"Sruthi: smruthi: mamaiva AagnyA ya: thAm ullangyavarthathE | AagnyAchhEthi mama drohI madbhakthO(a)pina vaishNava: ||".So.. let us not fail in our duty to performSandhyavandhanam. asmadhAchArya paryanthAm vandhE GuruparamparAmRegardsNamo NarayanadAsan________Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail beta.http://new.mail.

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