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Acharya vaibhavam - 40- mantra samskAram- Rahasya thraya manthras... [nalam tharum sol... Narayana ennum naamam]

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:


Dearest all,


mantra samskAram- Learning from the Acharya the three

esoteric mantras: The initiate learns the three

Srivaishnava mantras – ashtAksharam, Dwayam and

Charama sloka with their invocatory verses. This is

the most important samskAra. This should be performed

with full devotion and dedication. These esoteric

mantras are preserved as a secret treasure and are to

be orally transmitted by the SadhAchArya to a

deserving disciple who is initiated by him. In the

ancient days, the mantra is never put in writing. It

is to be kept secret and is orally imparted from the

Teacher to sishya. The mantras contain a few majestic

syllables or words are spiritual in chjarcter

impregnated with philosophical implications.


The chanting of such mantras associated with the names

of Lord Narayana are supposed to secure the grace of

God, through which one’s paapams are removed and

thereby liberation of the soul from bondage is

secured. In view of the spiritual value of these

mantras, the initiation function is adopted by the

purpose of imparting them to the deserving sishya by

the Acharya. This is followed till date by

Srivaishnava sadhAchAryas.


Please read below Sri Anand Karalapakkam Swami’s

wonderful supplement for enjoyment.

Even though all the five samskArams are highly

important, Mantra SamskAram is the most important

amongst them. The Rahasya traya (3 secrets) mantrAs

are initiated to the sishyA. They are the

AshtAksharam, Dvayam and the Charama slokam. These are


highly potent and have deep philosophical meanings.

These are secrets and are highly precious. These are

to be learnt from the AchAryA only. The sishyAs at any

cost CANNOT tell these mantrAs (AshtAksharam and

dvayam) to others, who haven't had samAshrayanam. Only

the AchAryA who is eligible to perform samAshrayanam

to others is entitled to initiate the sishyAs with

these mantrAs.

One should be very very fortunate to receive these

mantrAs. The glories of these mantrAs have no bounds.

The potency of the mantrAs work only when it is

obtained from the AchAryA (paramparA). This is

because, without getting the link to the paramparA,

which is started by Sriman NArAyanA, one cannot obtain

the benifits of the mantrA; rather it may lead to

negative results also. PAdma purAnA says that

" sampradAya - vihInA ye mantrAs te niShphalA matAhA "

ie. " Unless mantrAs are initiated (by the AchAryA)

through the sampradAyA, it has no effect " . Anyone who

wants to become the devotee of NArAyanA must get

linked with the ParamparA. Sriman NArAyanA Himself has

clearly laid out that the paramparA is the way through

which one should approach Him.

AshtAksharam (also known as Moola Mantra, Thiru

Mantra) is extolled by great people like AzhwArs and

Rishis. This mantra originated from Lord BadriNArAyanA

of BadrinAth, chanted in Gayathri Chandas and is

addressed to Sriman NArAyanA. Since this mantra is

initiated by the Lord NArAyanA Himself, this is highly

sacred. Infact NArAyanA initiated this AshtAksharam to

Thirumangai AzhwAr also. This same AshtAksharam was

initiated to pundarIkA and PrahlAdA by sage NAradA.

Yogis practising Bhakti YogA, who were ever immersed

in seeing the wonderful form of Sriman NArAyanA, used

this secret AshtAkshara mantram as the key to their

success of God-Realisation (ie. realising NArAyanA).

AshtAkshara japam must be performed daily. AshtAkshara

japam gives all benefits that one can derive from

different mantrAs. More importantly, it facilitates

the bondage between the person performing the japam

and Sriman NArAyanA for SaranAgati (Prapatti).

This highly sacred mantra has pranavam in the

beginning. Vedic Scriptures strictly restrict the

usage of pranavam. Only men of the first three varnAs

are allowed to recite it. This pranavam cannot be used

according to ones whims and fancy. Whenever it is

referred in general public, it has to be addressed as

pranavam only. One doesn't have the right to say this

pranavam in public (unless it is a part of the

recitation of VedAs for a particular ceremony etc).

But, the same effect of AshtAksharam can be obtained

by others by reciting 'um' instead of pranavam.

Everyone can in fact chant 'Namo NArAyanA' aloud in

public (without even undergoing Pancha SamskAram). Its

a humble request to all the bhAgavathAs, that the

chanting of 'Namo NArAyanA' be propagated allover the

world. This is the real medicine for the suffering of

all the living entities swirling in the whirlpool of

SamsArA. Since this has no restriction, anyone can be

made to chant this and the soul can be saved.

Propagation of the Holy Names of NArAyanA (esp. " Namo

NArAyanA " ) is the best service for the whole society,

irrespective of caste, creed, sex etc. The Holy Name

will then make all the necessary arrangements for the

spiritual upliftment of others.

Dvaya Mantram consists of two lines. It is eulogized

as the 'Mantra RatnA' (Gem/Jewel amongst all the

MantrAs). This helps one to perform SaranAgati unto

Sriman NArAyanA. Once this mantrA is initiated by the

AchAryA, it should be recited constantly within

ourselves. It can be recited by the sishyA without

bothering about time, place etc. In fact Dvayam should

be dancing in the lips of all the SriVaishnavAs all

the time. It is in fact an instruction from BhagavAn

Ramanuja that Dvayam should be chanted for maximum

time possible.

Charama slokam is the famous 'Sarva DharmAn. . . . .

" sloka of Srimad Bhagavad GitA. It is a secret because

of its invaluable hidden truth. Sriman NArAyanA during

His Krishna AvatArA did the Gita UpadesA to all the

people through ArjunA. Since Bhakti YogA was highly

difficult even for ArjunA, KrishnA out of His Mercy

asked him (all the people) to perform 'Prapatti', as a

means of God-Realisation.

And all these recitations are to be carried out as a

kainkaryam (service) to the Divya Dampati with the

understanding that it is the ocean of dayA of Sriman

NArAyanA that was responsible for him to be selected

as an instrument in performing the kainkaryam i.e.

Sriman NArAyanA is the actual doer. These services

should be done for Lords pleasure and the fruits of

these services are to be submitted to nArAyanA. Also

one should do the duties (like SandhyA Vandanam,

Bhagavad ArAdhanam etc) according to his varnA and

AshramA, in the same spirit of kainkaryam to the Divya

Dampati (Divine Couple) as mentioned above.

Daily recitals of these mantrAs [as part of

SandhyAvandhanams] are highly essential and a Sri

VaishnavA should be immersed in these mantras and its



AsmadhAchArya paryanthAm vandhE GuruparamparAm


Namo Narayana








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