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Acharya vaibhavam - 65- Sri Mannaargudi Andavan Sri Ranganatha Mahadesikan Swami and Sri ViNNaaRRankarai Andavan Sri Srinivasa Mahadesikan Swami

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SrImathE Goapladesika mahadesikaya namah:

SrImathE Srinivasadesika Mahadesikaya namah:

SrImathE Ranganathadesika Mahadesikaya namah:

SrImathE Srinivasadesika Mahadesikaya namah:

SrImathE Gopalarya Mahadesikaya Namah:


Dearest all,


After Srimad Poundarikapuram Andavan Sri Srinivasa

desika Mahadesikan, Sri Ranganthadesika Mahadesikan

(RAJAMANNAR KOIL ANDAVAN) took over. In 1934, in the

month of Vaikasi on Pornami day, the AchArya’s look

finally fell kindly on the great scholar disciple from

Mannaargudi as he had decided that he should succeed

him and carry forward the intellectual and spiritual

service that he had so deftly given a new dimension



Thus Sri Mannargudi Anadavan, (followed then by sri

ViNNaaRRankarai Andavan) succeeded Sri Srinivasa

Mahadesikan (Poundarikapuram Andavan). And Prakritham

Andavan is Srimad Andavan ParavaakkOttai Gopaladesika

Mahadesikan, whose silver Jubilee celebration of his

ascent to Sanyaasa Ashramam [Acharya peetam] is being

held on February the 14th at Srirangam Divya



Let us be blessed to enjoy reading the life histories

of Sri Mannargudi Andavan and Sri ViNNaaRRankarai

Andavan Swamins.


Sri Mannargudi Andavan

(Vikrama- Vaikasi- Mrigaseersham)

(8-6-1880 - 17-11-1954)


There was in Mannaargudi one Ramanujacharya Swami, one

of the descendants in the lineage of Nadadur Ammaal,

one of the immediate disciples of Sri Bhashyakara. He

belonged to Srivatsa Gotram and was a

well known Vedic scholar. His forefathers were famed

for their proficiency in Vedic recitation which would

charm the ears of the listeners. Sri Ramanujachar

Swami organized and led the Veda Parayana Goshti

during the festivals of Sri Rajagopala Swami. He was

married to one Senkamalathammaal. To them was born on

28th Mrigasirsha, Vikrama, Vaikasi (8th June 1880)

a male child who was given the name of



After Upanayana Samskara, he started his early studies

at the feet of his father who also administered the

Pancha Samskara. Later, he learnt Vyakarana Sastras

under the famous Vyakarana Pandit Uruppattur Sri

Rangachariar Swami (who later became the 39th Pontiff

of Sri Ahobila Mutt).


In the beginning he served as Adhyaapaka in the Sastra

Patasala at Orattanad. Sri Srinivasa Gopalan married

at the early age of 10 to one Nachiyar Ammaal who

belonged to a very orthodox Sri Vaishnava family. He

arrived at Srirangam with his wife and fell at the

feet of Srimad PoundarikaPuram Andavan and was given a

room in the rear of the

Asramam. He studied under the Acharya the Grantha

Chatushtayam. At the end of his studies, he

received Bharanyasa from his Acharya. On hearing

about his proficiency in Vyakarana Sastras, the

authorities in Kerala Sanskrit College invited him

to serve as Professor of Vyakarana. Sri Srinivasa

Gopalan served in the Sanskrit College at

Pattambi for 20 years.


Then, when he completed his assignment at Pattambi, he

visited Srirangam. Srimad Poundarika Puram Andavan,

considering the Vairaghya and scholarship of Sri

Srinivasa Gopala Swami desired that he should succeed

him and accordingly he was given Preksha

Mantropadesa and admitted into the holy order of

ascetics and was given the new name of Sri

Ranganatha Maha Desikan. He was just 54. When Srimad

Poundarika Puram Andavan attained the lotus feet of

his Acharya on 20th October 1934 (*Bhava- Vaikasi-

Pournami day* ), Sri Ranganatha Maha Desikan took

charge of the Ashramam with all sincerity and



Many scholars who had intimately known and moved

with the Swami in his Purvasrama came to study

at his feet, notable among them are Sri Tatachariar

Swami of Cuddalore, and Sri Ramaswamy Iyengar of



Srimad Andavan spent his leisure hours in meditation

and Ashtakshara Japa. At the conclusion of every 10

million japam, a _Thadeeya Aaraadhana_ used to be

held. He advised the disciples to celebrate the

Tirunakshatra day of Srimad Poundarika Puram Andavan

in their own homes so that more and more

Srivaishnavas could come to know of Swami's greatness.

Srimad Andavan was averse to receiving gifts in cash

or kind. Once, when he was presented an amount of

Rs.4,000, he handed over the amount to Sri V.R.

Ramaswamy Iyengar, Advocate, Thanjavur with a request

that the money should be utilized to bring out a

new edition of Rahasya Traya Sara in Devanagari

script. The instruction was complied with and today

we have this beautiful edition in our hands with the

superb commentary of Vangeepuram Navaneetham Sri

Rama Desikachariar Swami. It remains a monument to

Swami’s vision and generosity and devotion to Swami



Srimad Andavan Ranganatha Maha Desikan attained the

lotus feet of his Acharya on 17th November 1954 (

Jaya/ Kartigai/ Krishna Saptami) when he was 75.


His Tanian reads as follows:-


Aadhya Srinidhi Yogi Labda Manuraat Sri Vaatsya


Sampraaptanguna Mantra Jaatham /

Apara Sri Vaasa Yogi Swaraat Gnaanaabdim Suguna Karam

Munivaram Sri Ranganatham Bhaje //



I take refuge at the sacred feet of Sri Ranganatha

MahA Desikan, the ocean of Jn~Anam and the treasure

house of all auspicious attributes, who received his

manthrOpadesam from the first SrinivAsa MahA

Desikan, his samAsrayaNam from Sri RaamAnuja MahA

desikan of Srivathsa gOthram and his Bhara

SamarpaNam, thuriyAsramam and Ubhaya VedAntha

Isvaryam from the other Srinivasa MahA Desikan .




(Panguni - Anusham) (19-3-1882 - 9-4-1980)


Sri Velaamur Varada Krishnamachariar Swami belonged

to Kalyana Puram near Tiruvaiyaaru. He married one

Alarmel Mangai. Both the families were steeped in

Vedic tradition. The family enjoyed the patronage of

Serfoji Raja of Thanjavur on account of their deep

dedication to Vedic tradition. They lived in a house

adjacent to Singaperumal Koil at Vennatrankarai whose

praise has been sung by Tirumangai Alwar.


The couple was blessed with a son in the cyclic year

Kara in the month of Panguni when the star

Anuradha was in the ascendant.19th March 1882. At his

birth, he was named Seshadri. He received Pancha

Samskaram from his father as well as the first lessons

in Sama Veda from his father.


He was sent to Tiruvaiyaru Vembu Sastrigal and

(Nagaraja Sastrigal), noted Sanskrit Pandits to

specialize in Sama Veda, Kavya, and Nataka.

Later, he studied and became proficient both in Yajur

Veda and Divya Prabhandam. Qualified to perform

yagnas, he was an authority in Dharma Sastras and in

the practical application of six Sutras in daily life.

He excelled in Goshti Parayana as he was endowed with

a rich mellifluous voice. At the Sama Veda

examination conducted by Pudukkottai Samasthanam, he

was declared to have passed in second

class owing to the partiality of the examiner but

when the Swami refused to accept the award

contending the verdict, the Raja ordered a

re-examination and found him to have passed in Ist

class, by which he won the acclaim of the Raja and

other Sanskrit pundits. He married Janaki, then only

7 (the daughter of Kodavasal Ramabadrachariar and

Ponnu kamalammmal) at the age of 11. Sri Velaamur

Srinivasachariar was greatly devoted to Sri Desika He

was chiefly instrumental in enabling Velliyanur

Srimad Andavan to celebrate Sri Desika Annual

festival at Neelamegha Perumal Koil. He gave to

the temple a palanquin, a number of Vahanas and

several jewels. These festivals were conducted by

him with great devotion out of the family funds.


Even after becoming an Acharya, he continued to

evince keen interest in the proper conduct of these

festivals. Today, Srimad Andavan's relations in

Purvasramam still continue to celebrate Swami Desika

Utsava with unabated interest and devotion. (Once,

when participating in a Yaga, the Ritvik in

charge of Atharvyu was indisposed and could not

attend. Within one night, our Swami learned the entire

Atharvyu mantras and acted in the place of the

absentee Ritvik and completed the Yaga successfully.

Such was his capacity to absorb and retain with

razor sharp memory and perform the role with

consummate skill.)


Some hostile persons removed the idol of Swami Desika

from the small shrine in Hara Saapa Vimochana

Perumal Koil at Tiruk Kandiyur. The father of

Srimad Srinivasa Maha Desikan took the lead in

making a new idol and installed it in the empty

shrine. Srimad Andavan in his Purvasrama used to lead

the _Adhyapaka Goshti_ during the festival days.

Srimad Srinivasa Maha Desikan in his Purvasrama

was quite well known for his philanthropy. He has

helped pious Vaishnavas in times of dire need.


Although born in a wealthy family, Sri

Srinivasachariar's mind and heart turned to

renunciation and to severing Worldly attachments. He

had already sought the feet of Gnana Vairaghya

Anushtana Sampanna Poundarika Puram Andavan and

received from his Grantha Kalakshepam, Bhara

Samarpanam, Prapatti Prayoga Upadesam, Presha Mantra

Upadesam and Sannyaasa Prayogam. Considering his

Poorvasrama financial resources as trash, he came to

Poundarika Puram Andavan Asramam as his final retreat.


After becoming the Acharya, he devoted his full

attention to the administration of the Asramam and

to the celebration, in a grand manner the

Tirunakshatra of the past Srimad Andavans.


(He helped Chaturveda Satakratu Navalpakkam Narasimha

Tatachariar, Kozhiyalam Sri Ranga Ramanuja Maha

Desikan and several others and earned their gratitude

and blessings)


The daily Aradhanams were performed with great piety

and devotion. The SaaRRumuRai congregation was indeed

an inspiring sight to the

devout. On such occasions, Srimad Andavan himself led

the Goshti giving it both grace and solemnity. He

would recite all by himself the Nighamana Adhikara of

Sri Rahasya Traya Sara of Sri Vedanta Desika. His

discourses on such occasions were listened to with

rapt attention.


It is relevant to mention that Sri Vinnatrangarai

Swami was accepted as same teacher by Sri Thenbarai

Andavan (of Peria asramam), since the latter had a

feeling of regret that he had not mastered his own

Sakha, same veda! Very interestingly, in the Sannyasa

life too, Sri Vinnatrangarai Andavan exhibited great

concern for the health (that was rapidly declining) of

Sri Thenbarai Andavan (1960's). Everyday he would

walk to and fro. What it means is that he should take

bath every time on return! Once indeed, a moving

event occurred, Sri Vennatrangarai Andavan walks to

Peria Asramam, meets Sri Kannan Swami on the way,

learnt that the latter was going to Madras on some

urgent work since the Thenbarai Andavan's health would

sustain life for some three days, but Sri

Vinnatrangarai Andavan warns the latter that it was

not so, takes him back to the Asramam and almost

influences him to take to the saffron order. Yes, it

was urgently necessary. Readers would realize the

risk, the confusion, etc. That often results on the

successor not taking over immediately without a gap in



Indeed on later occasions, Sri Vinnatrangarai Andavan

used to congratulate Sri Thirukkudanthai Andavan on

the growth, expansion, increasing affluence, etc. of

his Asramam, with a legitimate satisfaction that He

himself had worked for it by forcing Sri Kannan Swami

to accept Sannyasa at the right moment. [sri

Thirukkudanthai Andavan SathAbhsishEka Uthsavam is

held this Panguni… ]


Srimad Andavan seemed to have a premonition of his

impending death. He called to his side the then

Srikaryam, Paravakkottai Sri Rajagopalachariar Swami(

who had come to the Asramam to assist him in the

conduct of Tirunakshatra celebrations) and told him

in confidence that since his earthly life would not go

beyond the next Sravanam day which fell on the 5th

April 1980, he should be interred by the side of his

Acharya in the Brindavanam on the bank of Vada

Kaveri. Strangely enough, Srimad Andavan entered his

Jyoti at 2 pm on 9th April 1980,(* which was Siddharti

Panguni 27th, a Krishna Paksha Navami Tithi day) so

close to the last day which Srimad Andavan had himself






The Iyal Goshti of Venntran Karai Andavan was a

magnificent sight, the like of which was never seen or

heard of before. The grand procession led by the

Ahobila Mutt elephant, with the idol of Sri

Bhashyakaara at the head, passed through the streets

of Srirangam and impressed all by their colorful

variety- the Poorvaasrama son of Acharya carrying

the worn garlands of several Divya Desas, seven or

eight divisions of Veda Parayana Goshtis, their Vedic

chant piercing the sky above all the surging sea of

Srivaishnavas, devotees and disciples. The procession

stood at the Dasavataaran Sannidhi and after

Mangalaasaasana there reached the Asramam.

Ubhaya Vedaanta Vidwan Madhurantakam Sri Veera

Ragahavachariar Swami paid glowing tributes to

Srimad Andavan's many sided virtues in verse and

prose. Another glorious chapter in the history of Sri

Poundarika Puram Asramam came to a close.


His Tanian reads as follows:


Naryanaakhya Yathiraja Paadaabja Bringa

Sri Vaasa Yogi Gurunaa Arpitha Bharam Eese/

Bhakthyaaddhi Poorna Varadaarya Kripaatha Sinham

Sri Srinivasa Munivaram Aham Prapadhye //



I take refuge at the holy feet of Srinivasa Maha

Desikan who was like a honey bee at the lotus feet of

the yathi- srEshtar , Sri NaarAyaNa MahA Desikan and

performed his prapatthi at the sacred feet of

Poundarikapuram SrinivAsa MahA Desikan after receiving

his pancha samskAram rites from Sri VaradAchArya

Swami known for his Bhakthi-Jn~Ana -VairAghyam .


AchAryan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana

Acharya PadhukAngri rENu:

[dust at the feet of the Acharya paadhukA]






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