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Download free books about SpiritualityCheck the following library linkhttp://www.purebhakti.com/library/index.shtmlInternational Gaudiya Vedanta Trust offers the following books:These books will answer all your questions about the meditation and yoga. Please know that these books are the best books in the world. These books are like the sun that shows light in the darkness of the material existence. Especially Jaiva-Dharma is the best book ever written. It contains the essence of all the Vedas (800+Pages).1. English - Secrets of Undiscovered Self - Rs. 20 / $22. English - The Way of Love - Rs. 20 / $ 53. Hindi / English - Jaiva Dharma - Rs 120 / $104. Bhagavat Gita As It Is - Rs 140 / $105. Hindi - Sri Krishna Lila Amrtam - The Secrets of Sri Krishna appearance - Rs 40 / $26. Hindi - Sri Bhagavad-gita-sara - The essence of Bhagavad Gita - Rs. 40 / $2 7.

Kannada - One Hundred and Eight Questions about Spiritual Life - Rs. 30 / $28. Kannda - pritiya magra - the Way of Love - Rs. 30 / $29. Kannada - Bhagavad-gita-sara (Essence of Bhagavad Gita) - Rs. 40 / $310.Tamil - Bhagavad-gita-sara (Essence of Bhagavad Gita) - Rs. 40 / $412. Coloring book for children - Rs. 140 / $ 10 (Has 10 incarnations of Bhagavan with verses of Sri Jayadeva Gosvami)13. English - Going beyond Vaikuntha - Rs. 200 / $ 10 (Means of reaching to the highest planet in the spiritual sky).14. English - Secret Truths of Srimad Bhagavatam Rs. 200 / $10 (The secrets that are revealed by our Acharyas)These books are published by Srila Narayana Maharaja who has travelled around the world 27 times. He has disciples in more than 60 countries. He is 87 years of age. He has been in the renounced order of life for more than 55 years. He is one of the greates acharyas (spiritual masters who lead by example).All prices are

inclusive of shipping and handling.ATTENTION ALL THE SPIRITUALISTS!!!!Jaiva Dharma is the most wonderful book on spirituality that has been ever written. It would be impossible to glorify this book fully.Jaiva Dharma (800+ pages) is the best book on Vedic culture. It contains the essence of Vedas, Upanisads, Puranas, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Agamas, Nigamas, Itihasas and so on. It is like the ocean in a small jar. It will answer your every single question about Spiritual Life and Meditation.Please order your copy right now. (Rs. 120 or $ 5.99 inclusive of shipping and handling)JAIVA DHARMA – NOW AVAILABLE!Please email vishnudaivata for your copy of Jaiva DharmaOr You can send a money order in the name of Sri Madana Mohana BrahmachariMadana Mohana BrahmachariSri Ranganatha Gaudiya Matha,Near Nritya Grama Kuteeram, Hessarghatta, Bangalore - 560 088Karnataka, IndiaPhone: (080) 284 66

760http://www.rangagaudiya.comRegards,Swami B.V. Vishnu DaivataYOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY.Lord Kapila said:"Therefore, without being agitated any more, I shall deliver myself from the darkness of nescience with the help of my friend, clear consciousness. Simply by keeping the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu in my mind, I shall be saved from entering into the wombs of many mothers for repeated birth and death."The miseries of material existence begin from the very day when the spirit soul takes shelter in the ovum and sperm of the mother and father, they continue after he is born from the womb, and then they are further prolonged. We do not know where the suffering ends. It does not end, however, by one’s changing his body. The change of body is taking place at every moment, but that does not mean that we are improving from the fetal condition of life to a more comfortable condition. The best thing is,

therefore, to develop Krishna consciousness. Here it is stated, upasadita-vishnu-padaù. This means realization of Krishna consciousness. One who is intelligent, by the grace of the Lord, and develops Krishna consciousness, is successful in his life because simply by keeping himself in Krishna consciousness, he will be saved from the repetition of birth and death.[On September 21, 2001, when Srila Narayana Maharaja returned to Mathura after his two-week preaching tour in Jaipur and Delhi, he received 5,000 newly published copies of Jaiva Dharma by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. Over forty years earlier he had translated Jaiva Dharma from the original Bengali into Hindi, and then recently, under his guidance, his disciples translated his Hindi version into English. Now, on the evening after his return, Srila Maharaja held a ceremony inaugurating the new publication. During the ceremony he spoke about the significance and glory of Jaiva Dharma, thanked and blessed the

devotees who assisted in its publication, and after expressing his appreciation to them individually, presented each of them with a copy. Regarding Jaiva Dharma, our Srila Prabhupada said in September 23, 1969, on the divine appearance day of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, "Bhaktivinoda Thakura happens to be one of the acaryas, and he has left behind him many books. Caitanya-siksamrta and Jaiva Dharma are very important books. They are in Bengali and Sanskrit. And he has prepared many books of songs. We are trying to present Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s books in English, and gradually you will get them. So our adoration, our worship is to Bhaktivinoda Thakura today so that he may bless us to peacefully make progress in Krsna consciousness. Acarya-upasana. Simply by the blessings of the acaryas we can make very rapid progress." Regarding Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's books in general, a conversation took place with Prabhupada on May 13,

1975:"Paramahamsa: Srila Prabhupada, I remember once I heard a tape where you told us that we should not try to read the books of the previous acaryas.Amogha: That we should not try to read Bhaktivinoda's books or earlier books of other acaryas. So I was just wondering…Prabhupada: I never said that.Amogha: You didn't say that? Oh.Prabhupada: How is that?Amogha: I thought you said that we should not read the previous acarya's books.Prabhupada: No, you should read. Amogha: We should.Prabhupada: It is a misunderstanding…..we are following the previous acaryas. I never said that." The following is a transcription of the inauguration speech given by Srila Narayana Maharaja on September 21, 2001:]I'm very happy and satisfied that Jaiva Dharma of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has been published and printed in English. It has come from my Hindi translation, and this translation was approved by my Gurudeva, Srila

Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja. It was also approved by Srila Bhakti Pramoda Puri Maharaja, all my God-brothers, and several senior disciples of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. Srila Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja ordered me to translate this book into Hindi. Therefore, in order to read and understand it well, I studied Bengali grammar and language. Later, when Guru Maharaja saw my translation, he wrote a preface, and in that preface he sprinkled his causeless mercy upon me. Jaiva Dharma is a very authentic book for understanding tattva (established philosophical truths), sadhana (the process to attain the perfection of krsna-prema), and sadhya (krsna- prema). Those who will read it under the guidance of any well-trained and qualified Vaisnava will know its glories. When I first published it in Hindi, I thought that it must also be translated into English for the benefit of the entire world, for it will bring

about a revolution. Surely now, when it will be distributed throughout the world, that revolution of new thought will come. At that time all will realize that what I am telling about tattva and bhakti, and sadhana and bhajana is true to the extreme. The wrong impressions about jiva-tattva, bhakti-tattva, and all other important truths will be clarified. The siddhanta of Jaiva Dharma is very deep, and those who have spent time with me were able to untie the knots which bound those deep meanings. There are so many English editions of Jaiva Dharma, but most of them have not presented the philosophy clearly. There are many errors in them, and I think those errors will be corrected by this book. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura adopted the same process accepted by Vyasadeva in Srimad Bhagavatam. In Jaiva Dharma he presented tattva in such an interesting way that it appears like a novel. It is not a novel, however. Everything in it is true

history. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura saw everything in his Samadhi and then he wrote it down. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura realized all of the written documents of Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, the teachings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and the teachings of all the acaryas in His line. He was very expert in rasa-tattva (the science of the relationship between Krsna and the gopis), and the entire Bhaktirasamrta-sindhu and Ujjvala-nilamani is there in Jaiva Dharma. We cannot understand mahabhava (the pinnacle of devotion found only in the gopis) in Ujjvala-nilamani and other books of that nature. They are too difficult for common devotees. Here in Jaiva Dharma, therefore, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has put all such books into very simple language. He has put the ocean in a jar. If anyone wants to enter into the spiritual realm, they should read this book, Jaiva Dharma,

thoroughly. They should read it not only one time, but one hundred times, under the guidance of a high-class realized Vaisnava. Otherwise, it is not possible to enter into its deep meanings. In Caitanya-caritamrta (Antya-lila 5.131) it is stated that you should read Srimad Bhagavatam under the guidance of the bona fide Vaisnava, and this fact is also true in relation to Jaiva Dharma. Then you can realize its truths. I am therefore very happy and satisfied by the publication of this book. To those who have helped with the publication of Jaiva Dharma as chief editors, translators, advisors, English and Sanskrit editors, proofreaders, layout persons, computer specialists, and to those who have helped with finances, I want to give my heartly blessings. I pray to Krsna and I pray to Gadadhara Pandita Prabhu who is manifest as Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. I request them to sprinkle their mercy on those who helped me in any way. I will pray

that the mercy of Sri Guru, Gauranga, and Sri Sri Radha-Vinoda-bihari will fall upon them.Gaura-premanande [in that inauguration ceremony Srila Maharaja told one of the devotees to whom he presented a book, "I would like 40, 000 books distributed as soon as possible." Then, a few days later he told the devotees accompanying him on his morning walk, " I would like to see Jaiva Dharma in all the major western languages as soon as possible."]http://www.purebhakti.comhttp://www.pbwebcast.comImportance of Sri Tulasi-deviSrila Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada states in the purport of the verse (11.55) of Bhagavat-gita As It Is“Anyone who has land-in India, at least, any poor man has a certain amount of land-can utilize that for Krsna by growing flowers to offer Him. He can sow tulasi plants because tulasi leaves are very important, and Krsna has recommended this in Bhagavad-gita. Krsna desires that one offer Him either a leaf, or

a flower, or a little water-and He is satisfied. This leaf especially refers to the tulasi So one can sow tulasi leaves and pour water on the plant. Thus, even the poorest man can engage in the service of Krsna. These are some of the examples of how one can engage in working for Krsna.”Health Benefits of tulasi“Even those persons who have no relation with transcendental devotion and transcendental moods, whether in India or elsewhere, worship tulasi.”Even those persons who have no relation with transcendental devotion and transcendental moods, whether in India or elsewhere, worship tulasi. For instance, in America, people are planting tulasi everywhere–in their gardens, rooftops and so on. They have discovered that if tulasi is planted somewhere, then, by her influence, any dangerous germs in that vicinity are automatically killed. Also, by wearing tulasi beads around the neck, blood pressure is automatically controlled. Nowadays there is no

medicine for cancer. However, they are now researching and finding out, that if one takes tulasi with Ganges water, and touches it to a salagrama-sila, it manifests a potency that can reduce the effects of cancer. In fact, it has even been stated in scripture that all types of diseases can be eradicated just by the aroma of tulasi. These are all worldly things, but nevertheless they are extremely helpful for the body.Benefits of wearing tulasi neck-beads If anyone is wearing tulasi beads around his neck, various diseases will automatically be checked. Not only that, even on the subtle platform so much benefit can be derived by wearing tulasi. For instance, one may have many problems that would normally cause so much mental agitation. However, by the potency and grace of tulasi devi, these problems become inconsequential. Again, these are all material considerations, but nevertheless tulasi is so helpful in these matters.Transcendental Benefits of

tulasiAs for transcendental matters, tulasi gives so much knowledge. She purifies our heart and words. If tulasi is present, she also imbues in one the tendency to chant Krsna’s names and remember His pastimes, along with the tendency to serve Him. Why? Because Vrnda-devi is one of the dearest sakhis of Krsna in Vrndavana. She is so powerful that she manages to keep Vrndavana very beautiful. Therefore, the name of that forest where Radha and Krsna play has been named after Vrnda devi.Tulasi is so sweet and fragrant that even the bees don’t go to any other flowers–including the lotus flower. Rather, they always go to the tulasi manjaris and leaves, because there is so much madhu, honey, there. That honey helps our heart, body, mind and soul. That honey is beneficial on all levels, and that is why Krsna doesn’t accept any foodstuffs without tulasi leaves or manjaris. If there is nothing to offer Krsna, you can offer tulasi manjaris with a glass of water. That

is why Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ordered Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, "You are renounced, and therefore you have nothing to give. You eat rotten, rejected rice, and so you can’t offer that to salagrama or Giriraja. But you can give very fresh tulasi leaves with soft manjaris, and Krsna will happily accept that above anything else. Advaita Acarya desired Krsna to descend into this world and He discovered a way. What was that? He offered tulasi leaves, manjaris, and Ganga jala (water) to salagrama. He then began weeping to Krsna. With loud crying He said, "You should please be merciful. If You don’t come by My worshipping You, then I will destroy the whole world". By this offering, Krsna became so pleased that He descended in the form of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was the result of worshipping Krsna with tulasi. But we do not know all these things.Great sages, such as the four bachelor-devotees Sanaka, Sanatana, Sananda

and Sanat-kumara, were attracted by the fragrance of flowers and tulasi leaves anointed with the pulp of sandalwood offered at the lotus feet of the Lord. Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.15.19) states:“When the breeze carrying the aroma of tulasi leaves from the toes of the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead entered the nostrils of those sages, they experienced a change both in body and in mind, even though they were attached to the impersonal Brahman understanding.”Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.3.23) states:“The person who has not at any time received the dust of the feet of the Lord's pure devotee upon his head is certainly a dead body. And the person who has never experienced the aroma of the tulasi leaves from the lotus feet of the Lord is also a dead body, although breathing.”Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.15.19) states:“Although flowering plants like the mandara, kunda, kurabaka, utpala, campaka, arna, punnaga, nagakesara, bakula, lily

and parijata are full of transcendental fragrance, they are still conscious of the austerities performed by tulasi, for tulasi is given special preference by the Lord, who garlands Himself with tulasi leaves.”The importance of tulasi leaves is very clearly mentioned here. Tulasi plants and their leaves are very important in devotional service. Devotees are recommended to water the tulasi tree every day and collect the leaves to worship the Lord. One time an atheistic svami remarked, “What is the use of watering the tulasi plant? It is better to water eggplant. By watering the eggplant one can get some fruits, but what is the use of watering the tulasi?” These foolish creatures, unacquainted with devotional service, sometimes play havoc with the education of people in general.Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.15.12) states:“The goddesses of fortune worship the Lord in their own gardens by offering tulasi leaves on the coral-paved banks of transcendental

reservoirs of water. While offering worship to the Lord, they can see on the water the reflection of their beautiful faces with raised noses, and it appears that they have become more beautiful because of the Lord’s kissing their faces.”The proper standard for neck-beadsIf anyone wants to serve Krsna, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu, and wants to chant hari-nama, then he should surely wear tulasi. Our neck beads should be pure tulasi. Don’t put any pearls in between the tulasi beads. Only use tulasi. And they should not be too small. Ladies prefer small beads, but they should be the proper size, and then it will be powerful. Sometimes I see devotees put Ganges water and ghee (clarified butter) on the beads; but tulasi is as sacred as Ganges and Yamuna water. There is no need to purify the beads with water or ghee.How to serve tulasi-deviTherefore, if anyone wants Krsna bhakti, then remember tulasi dekhiya jurao prana, madhava

tosani jani. Have you heard this before? Tulasi, or Vrnda, is always serving Radha and Krsna conjugal in Goloka Vrndavana. Vrndavana is named after Vrnda. All of Vrndavana was the property of Vrnda, and she offered it to the lotus feet of Srimati Radhika. So, if anyone wants to have pure bhakti, then they should certainly keep tulasi plants, wear tulasi beads, chant on tulasi, do parikrama (circumambulation) of her at least four times [daily], and water her as needed. If you put too much water while watering her, then you are committing an offense. Don’t water her on Dvadasi (the day after Ekadasi), and don’t pick her leaves on Dvadasi. We should not touch her in the night-time, because she sleeps at night. She wakes up in the brahma muhurta, at about 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. From that time on one can touch her, but in the evening from about 8:00 p.m. or 9:00 p.m., one should not touch her. We should quickly develop so much honour and sraddha (faith) for

tulasi.Worshipping tulasi-devi is one of 64 limbs of devotional serviceThe sins of men are destroyed by worshipping, meditating upon and offering obeisances to the asvattha or banyan tree, tulasi, the myrobalan tree, cows, the brahmanas and the Vaisnvavas. This is confirmed in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.2.110), quoting from the Skanda Purana:asvattha-tulasi-dhatri-go-bhumi-sura-vaisnvavahpujitah pranatah dhyatahksapayanti nrnam aghamThose who are eligible for the practice of vaidhi-bhakti, while residing in this material world, are obliged to various living entities for the maintenance of their livelihood. They are obliged to trees that provide shade like the banyan, to trees that provide fruits like the myrobalan, to trees that are worthy of worship like tulasi, to beneficial animals like the cow, to the brahmanas who give instructions on religious principles and preserve the integrity of society, and to the Vaisnavas, who are

devotees of the Lord. They should worship, meditate upon and offer respect to all of these. By such activities they can protect their existence.Asvattha tree (the banyan tree)In Bhagavad-gita (10.26) Sri Bhagavan has declared the banyan tree to be a manifestation of His splendour or opulence: “asvatthah sarva-vrksanam – of trees, I am the banyan tree.”TulasiSri Bhagavan does not accept grains, water or any other food items if they are not offered with tulasi leaves. Simply by offering a tulasi leaf and a palmful of water, the Lord becomes so pleased that He sells Himself unto the hands of the devotee. This is stated in Hari-bhakti-vilasa (11.261), quoting from the Gautamiya-tantra:tulasi-dala-matrena jalasya culukena vavikrinite svam atmanam bhaktebhyo bhakta-vatsalahIn Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.2.204), there is the following quote from the Skanda Purana

regarding the service of sri tulasi: drsta sprsta tatha dhyatakirtita namita srutaropita sevita nityampujita tulasi subhaOne should serve tulasi in nine ways: by seeing, touching, meditating, offering obeisances, performing kirtana, hearing her glories, planting, watering and offering worship.In Hari-bhakti-vilasa (9.104), it is stated:ya drsta nikhilagha-sangha-samani sprsta vapuh-pavaniroganam abhivandita nirasani siktantaka-trasinipratyasatti vidhayini bhagavatah krsnasya samropitanyasta tac-carane vimukti-phalada tasyai sri tulasyai namahO tulasi, I offer my respectful obeisances unto you. Simply by seeing you all sins are destroyed. Simply by touching you one’s body is purified. By offering obeisances unto you all diseases are driven away. By offering water unto you the fear of death is dispelled. By planting you one obtains proximity to the Lord. By offering you unto the lotus feet of Sri Krsna, one

obtains a special type of mukti, the rare fruit of prema-bhakti. In the scriptures, various mantras have been given (1) to bathe tulasi, (2) to pick her leaves, (3) to circumambulate her and (4) to offer obeisances unto her. (1) Sri-tulasi-snana-mantra(mantra for bathing tulasi)govinda-vallabham devimbhakti-caitanya-karinimsnapayami jagad-dhatrimvisnu-bhakti-pradayinamO Devi, beloved of Govinda, you awaken the consciousness towards the service of the Lord and bestow krsna-bhakti. I bathe you, O tulasi, who are the mother of the universe.This mantra should be uttered while offering water to sri-tulasi.(2) Sri-tulasi-cayana-mantra(mantra for picking tulasi leaves)tulasy amrta janmasi sada tvam kesava-priyakesavarthe vicinvami varada bhava sobhaneHari-bhakti-vilasa (7.347), quoted from the Skanda PuranaO tulasi of effulgent beauty,

you have been produced from nectar during the churning of the milk ocean. You are always dear to Lord Kesava. I pick your leaves only for the worship of Sri Krsna. May you bestow upon me the benediction that my worship of Krsna will obtain success.This mantra should be uttered while picking the leaves of sri-tulasi.(3) Sri-tulasi-pradaksina-mantra(mantra for circumambulating tulasi)yani kani ca papani brahma-hatyadikani catat sarvam vilayam yati tulasi! tvat pradaksinat Hari-bhakti-vilasa (12.19)O tulasi-devi, by circumambulating you all types of sins are driven away, including the killing of a brahmana. One should recite this mantra while circumambulating tulasi four times.(4) Sri-tulasi-pranama-mantra(mantra for offering obeisances unto tulasi)vrndayai tulasi-devyaipriyayai kesavasya cakrsna-bhakti-prade

devi!satyavatyai namo namahO Vrnda-devi, O tulasi-devi! You are very dear to Lord Kesava. O Devi Satyavati, you bestow krsna-bhakti. I offer repeated obeisances unto you.Question: If a person is offering tulasi and he has no guru, Krsna will still accept?Answer: Krsna will be pleased and send a guru. http://www.purebhakti.com (The home of pure devotion)http://www.pbwebcast.com (Tons of Videos and Audios from the greatest spiritual master of Bhakti-Yoga)http://www.rangagaudiya.com (Our Bangalore Sanctuary - please visit us in Bangalore)http://www.bvml.org (Collection of nice articles about Bhakti)http://www.bhaktistudies.com (Learn free Sanskrit and hear free classess on Bhagavad-gita etc.)Guru-bhakti is the backbone of devotion. If you do not have a sad-guru, then check out

http://www.purebhakti.comhttp://www.rangagaudiya.comvedic_culturehttp://www.pbwebcast.comhttp://www.purebhakti.comAlways chant the maha-mantra for this age:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareSwami B.V. Vishnu Daivatavishnudaivata

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