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Final Three Saama Veda PuNyAhaavachana Japa Mantrams : Part IV : ( Saamans 321, 565 and 169)

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Dear VedAbhimAnis :


Let us cover the rest of the three Saamans today .


Saaman 321( Yajur Vedam: XIII. 3 , Atharvam : IV.1.1 and V.6.1):


Brahma Jagn~Anam praTamam purastAdhvi seematha: suruchO vEna Aava:

sa BudhnyA upamA asya vishtA: sathasccha yOnimastasccha viva:


(Meaning): " In the beginning of the creation , the Supreme Lord

alone knew all the details. From all sides , this effulgent wise one

has manifested bright rays. In the mid space , our Lord has set up

beautifully the celestial bodies , which speak of His unparalleled

eminence . He is the sole cause of the today-existing and yet

non-existing (Vyaktam and avyaktam) creation .


( Comments) : Salutations are made here to the Aadhi Srushti kartha ,

the Supreme Brahman , who knows every details of creation in all

the dimensions of space and time. The mysteries of the creation

are many and the fruits of that Srushti are seen in this earth as

achEtanams ( mountains , trees , oceans etc ). On the sentient side ,

Srushti extends to the nAma roopa Prapancham with highly

evolved mamals including male and female forms with complex

organs and their support systems . The different PrANAs activate

this human machinery , the mind and the pancha kOsAs

( Sheaths such as Jn~Ana maya kOsa and Aanandhamaya kOsa ).


The Unique aspects of the mysteries behind creation are covered

furhter in HiraNyagarbha hymns ( Rg Vedam X.121 ) , Rg Vedam X.190

and Naasadiya Sutha ( Rg Vedam X.129) .


Here are some excerpts form these Creation hymns :


1) Rg Vedam : X.129.7 ( Naasadhiyam) : " He is the First origin of

this creation , whether He formed it all or did not form it. Whose eye

controls this world in the highest heaven ( paramE vyOman) ,

He verily knows it , or perhaps He knows not."


2) Rg Vedam: X.190.3 : " Dhataa , the great creator , then formed

in due order , as in previous creation , Sun and the Moon . He formed,

as usual celestial heaven and earth , the regions of the air and

the svar regions beyond.


3.1: Rg Vedam : X.121.1( HiraNyagarbhA hymns) : " In the beginning ,

there existed the Lord of divine effulgence. He was the sole Lord of all

created beings. He fixed and held up this earth and heaven. To that

Lord alone , may we offer our adoration" .


3.2: Rg Vedam : X 121.5: " By Him , the heavens are strong and

the earth is steadfast; by Him light's realm and sky-vault are

supported. By Him the regions in mid air are measured . To that

Lord alone , may we offer our adorations " .


4) In other hymns ( X.130) , the creation is described as Lord's Yajnaa

in which He alone is involved. It is pointed out that there are no limits

to this Yajna and it is spread far and wide and beyond dimensions .


This Saaman refers to this mighty creator , HiraNyagarbha , the Lord of

divine effulgence and His unique activities of creation of all sentients

and insentients.



Saaman 565 ( Rig Rk: IX.83.1) :


pavithram tE vitatam BrahmaNaspathE prabhur gAtrAni paryEsi viSvata:

atapta-tanUr na tadh AamO aSnutE SruthAsa idh vahanta: sam tadh AaSata


(Meaning) : " Oh Lord of divine enlightenment ! Your processes of

purification are widely stretched out ( in cosmos) ; You are the soverign,

who rules over the entire creation from all sides . You never get tired

in Your work . Your divine bliss is not obtainable to those

who are unripened . Only the mature ones recieve the graces

from You ".


(Comments) :This PuNyAhavachana Saaman has connections to

another HiraNyagarbha Hymn ( Rg Vedam : X.121.3 ) : " Who by His

grandeur has become the sole ruler of all the moving world that breathe

and slumbers; He who is the Lord of men and Lord of cattle; to that

Lord alone , may we offer our adoration !


An Yajur Veda mantram( YV.XL.8) refers to His soverign rulership

and His circumscribing us from all the sides this way : " He, The Lord ,

effulgent , without a body, free from wounds and sinews ,ever pure

and very much above the sins, has been circumscribing us

from all sides . He is the One with penetrating intelligence ,

extending in all parameters , self-existing ( Svayambhu) , ----".


His purification referred to in this Saaman is the power to chase

away all of our sins , once we seek His protection .He is never

tired in this work and is forever engaged in performing this work

as SiddhOpAyam . Those who seek His refuge recieve

the graces from Him and the others who are Bhagavath

dhvEshis can not access Him easily or ever.

Saaman 169( Rg Rk: IV.31.1, Yajur Vedam: XXVII.39 ,

XXXVI.1.4 and Atharvam : XX.124.1) :


kayA naSchitra Aa bhuvadUti sadhAvrudha: salhA

KayA SachishDayA vruthA


(Meaning): By what means would He who is ever augmenting ,

wonderful and friendly , come to us , and by what most effective

accomplishments on our part ?


(Comments) : A rhetorical Question is posed in this hymn

and the next one ( Rg Vedam IV.31.2) about the most effective

and the most earnest devotional offerings to be made to

the Lord for Him to come to us and bless us with all kinds of

wealth.This bounteous, munificient and blemishless Lord

is invited to rush to us , assembled in sacred places of His

worship . The singer of the Saaman asks the Lord to be

his friend and concludes : " May all Your desires be our

blessings ( asmAn viSvA abhishtaya:) ".


Two key word in this Saaman are : "SachishDayA " and "Uti".

" SachishDayA " is linked to the excellent thoughts , words

or deeds according to one commentator ( athiSayEna SrEshDyA

VaachA Praj~NayA karmaNA vaa) . Saayana comments that

these excllent words are accompanied by PoorNa Prajn~A

and deeds nourished by Prajn~A ( prajn~AvitthamayA

Prajn~A sahitham anushDeeyamAnEna karmaNA ) . Such

an observance ( anushDAnam) will result in gaining the care

and protection (Uti) of the Jagath Rakshaka Swami , our Lord .


Thus ends the PuNyAhavachana Mantra Japam in

the Kouthuma Saakhai of Saama Vedam . The unique

glories of the Lord , His easy access to BhagavathAs,

His distance from Bhaagavatha-Bhagavath dhvEshis ,

His response to Vaidhika Kaaryams , SadhAchAram ,

Sathsangam are eulogized and meditated upon .


NamO Veda PurushAya ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradAchAri Sadagopan





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Dear Sriman Madhavan :


Few years back , adiyEn has ther bhAgyam of producing

and releasing the Saama Veda Sandhya Vandhanam , Yajur

and Rg Veda SandhyA Vandhanam as a follow up on the niyamanam

of Srimath Poundareekapuram Andavan . The DVD Or VCD with

demos and corect pronunciation is available at Srirangam

(Srimath PoundarIkapuram Andavan Aasramam) .


Please request some one at Srirangam to purchase for your

family use .


NamO NaarAyaNAya ,



P.S : Sri Vaasu VaadhyAr , the Moderator of Vaideekam group

might also be able to help you .







Sunday, March 18, 2007 7:13 AM

RE: Final Three Saama Veda PuNyAhaavachana Japa Mantrams : Part IV : ( Saamans 321, 565 and 169)


Dear Sir,

Where can I get a book/cd with Saama Veda Sandhya Vandhanam procedures and Mantrams? Appreciate if you can kindly guide me on this. My son Chi. Srinivasan had his Upanayanam about a month back. He is very confused with the current book he is using since it is a common one for all Vedas and is mainly intended for Smaarthhas.


Thanks & Regards


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