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Raghavayadhaveeyam-slokas10 and 11

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thAnavAth apakA umAbhA rAmE kAnanadha Asa sA

yA lathA avrdDHasEvaka kaikEyee mahathA ahaha


Kaikeyi,emaciated, lost all pleasures, grown pale became like a creeper and gave up serving the king, being upset about the abhisheka of Rama and caused the exile of Rama to the forest.


ThAnavAth-because of emaciation,( thanu means reducing) lathA- (like) a creeper.

apakA-devoid of pleasure.( ka means sukha and the particle apa denotes devoid of)

umAbhA- pale.

ramE kAnanadhA-one who caused Rama to go to forest.

sA Asa- she was mahadha- disapproving the abhisheka (maham abhishEkOthsavam khandayathi ithi)

avrddDHa sEvakA- not doing the seva of the old king.

ahaha- meaning alas!


sloka in reverse


haha dhAhamayee kEkaikAvAsEdDhavrthAlayA

sA sadhAnanakA AmErA bhAmA kOpadhavAnathA


Sathyabhama, who has beautiful face, became inflamed with anger as with forest fire, very much upset and agitated bolted the door of her abode, where the peacocks used to live and play, to bar the attendents.



dhAhamayee- agitated,dhAha means santhapa, burning grief.

kekaikavasEdDHavrthAlaya- kEkAnAm-of the peacocks, EkAvAsah-main abode, iddhah-shining, vrtha- closed(with doors locked) Alaya-residence. The house which is always shining with peacocks who have made it their abode and who live and play there was bolted .

sadhAnanakA- sath +AnanaakA- with good face, meaning beautiful face.

AmEra-Amasya-of illness,irA- land,she was in the state of illness, became agitated.

kOpadhavAnathA- kOpa Eva dhavah-anger is the forest fire, thEna AnathA empowered with anger like forest fire.


sloka 11


varamAnadhasathyAsahreethapithrAdharAth ahO

bhAsvarah sTHiraDHeerah apahArOrAh vanagAmee asou


It is a wonder that Rama who is lustrous and valiant and firm, went to the forest, unadorned, out of regard for his father who was ashamed of discarding the word given, being noble.


Aho denotes wonder.

varamAnadhasathyAsahreethapithrAdharath- vara means noble, mAnadha is the one respected, sathyAsa is discarding the truth, sathya, meaning going against the word given.Hree is shame hreetha is one who is ashamed. pithrAdhrath means out of regard for his father.

Rama is described as bhAsvara,luminous coupled with apahArOrah, and it is meaningful. The latter word is split as apahAra +urah,meaning the chest bereft of mukthahara, pearl necklace and the word stands for all ornaments.So the two adjectives together mean that Rama is luminous even without any ornament.


sTHiradheerah -valiant and courageous.asou VanagAmee-he went to the forest


sloka in reverse


somyagAnavarArOhAparah dheerah sThirasvabhAvah

hO dharAth athra Apithahree sathyAsadhanam Ara vA


In Dvaraka, Krishna, who is of firm nature and valiant, attached to his wife, endowed with a flair for music, approached the residence of Bhama, ashamed of his action, as though in fear.


somyagAnavarArOha means Sathyabhama, one endowed with a flaire for music. The word parah denotes Krishna who is attached to her.

Dheera, valiant and sthirasvabhAva means firm nature.

ho otherwise hah, which changes into ho in accordance with metrical requirement, means Hari, that is Krishna and vA is used in the meaning of iva, as though, dharAth, from fear.

Apithahree means acquired shame, ashamed.

Ara - went.









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