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respected swamin,

1. i want to know whether vishwamitra and kaushiga are one and the same

gothrams or different for the purpose of marriage.

2. i also have another query regarding horoscope.if " rahu " is in second

place from lagnam of a groom's horoscope,is it necessary that " kethu " must

be in second place of bride's horoscope? what relevance does it have?



with regards



1. As per sastram " Kousiga " gothram is treated as Samana Pravara Gothram for

" Viswamithra " gothram which should be avoided for marriage.


2. First of matching horscope between bride and groom is not insisted or

instructed by sastram. Horoscope matching is started to follow since recent two

or three centuries. Sastram is strictly and very clearly instructing at " Vivaha

Padalam " as follows:


A. When a boy seeking a girl " Evalidaththil Kannukkum Manadhirkkum pidippu

earpadukindratho avalai manandhukolvadhal dharmam mudhaliyavai vrudhdhiyaagum "

which means a boy should marry a girl who attracts his mind by here appearance

and virtue. It will help to improve the Dharmam.


Also Sastram describes about the good Lakshanams of a acceptable girl in a very

detailed manner. One of the instruction is : Do not marry a girl who have the

name of a Star (out of 27 stars) or name a Nadhi (river). Also the sastram gives

a procedure to test a girls attitude. But no where it touches about the

horoscope or even star matching.


B. When a person seeking a Varan for his daughter he should be careful only for

the following seven items :

1. Kulam 2. Seelam 3. Sareeram 4. Vayadhu 5. Vidhdhai 6. Dhanam 7.Pandukkal.

I hope all of our members will know the menaning of all the above seven words.

Kulam - Gothram tradition etc.

Seelam - Keerthi Pugazh familiarity etc.

Sareeram - Body fitness physical and mental

Vayadhu - Age difference

Vidhdhai - Kalvi, Thozhil, proffession, activity etc.

Dhanam - Status

Pandhukkal - Relationship circle

Sastram also instructs with the words " Veru Ethaiyum paarkka thevaiyillai " .

We can understand that while preparation of sastram Rushis were well knew about

stars and horoscopes with the condition stated not to marry a girl with a star's


So, if it is necessary for a matching they might have included this also.

Also, in the marriage procedure, (which is given by the Rushi's itself) they

instruct a procedure to remove all dhoshams (it says there may be dhoshams with

a girl which may affect her huspand, father in law, mother in law, sister in

law, brother in law, even her own children in future and all two legs and four

legs jeevans of the huspands house. the manthram ends as " dhivipadhe sam

chathuspadhe " ) from a Kanya (little girl) using the manthram " Abhradhrugneem

Varunaapathigneem ..... Akhora Shkakshu: .... Idhmaham yathvayi ... thaam

nirdhisaami ... " like several meaningful vedha manthrams before giving the

Kooraipudavai to the girl. You might have seen the scene, placing a

" Nugaththadi " on the bride's head.

Also there is a procedure to remove dhoshams of a Varan by giving Madhuparka

dhaanam and giving a coconut in place of a cow to ran out by telling some vedha

manthram " Gowhu denubhavya maadha rudhranaam dhuhitha vasoonaam svasaa

aadhithyaanaam .... uthsrujatha! "

So, Rushis made enough protection for the newly wedded couple from their

dhoshams. Also complete marriage procedure are made to protect the couple's life

from evils and ensure the greatest pleasureful life upto the end of their life.

There are many manthrams which denotes that " We should not shed tears for any

reason even in our old ages ... " " The bride should not wokeup in the midnight

and shout for anything in [Nishi khosha: Uththaadhu anyathra ....] "


I don't have time to explain all the things but

there are sevaral hundereds of protection made by the Rushi's for our safe and

pleasureful life in prayogams.

If we abide by the Sastram we have no worry for anything from any source.

Also if you try to do some protection with your limitted manual brain, the

devadas may find some other ways to break it.


So, charanagathi to emperuman is the only best way for our protection.


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Now I wish to answer for your question about astrology still you have belief in

matching the horoscopes?!!


No need to match like that to keep the rahu in the same place in bride and

grooms horoscope which is very very difficult to find unless otherwise have a

plenty of luck. So, the dhoshasaamyam can be matched like as follows:


(I studied astrology deeply but not practicing due to many reason. One of the

reason it is instructed to lie in that art itself in some places which I hate

such anything worst in the world.)


As per astrology 1. Suryan 2. Sevvai 3. Sani 4. Rahu 5. Kethu are the dhosham

makkers by the places where they are standing from Lagnam, Chandran and Sukran.

Also the 2, 12, 4, 8 and 7th places from the respective (Lagnam, Chandran,

Sukran) places are the order of value of dhoshams increases.

So, the dhoshams made by rahu and kethu can be kept as same.

Dhosham made by Suryan is little higher than Rahu Kethu about 10%

Dhsham made by Sani can be calculated as 25% higher than that of Rahu kethu.

Dhosham made by Sevvai can be taken as 40% higher than that of rahu kethu.


Now you can calculate (approximately) the over all dhoshams of a boy and girl.

A good matching is (as per astrology) :

A girl should atleast 10% less dhosham (overall) than the propsed boy.


25% to Equal are Madhyamam and all others are Athamam.


I request members not to raise any astrological discussions in this group


I wish all the " Sri Rama Krupai with the grace of Sri Anchaneyar in the day of

Sri Hanumath Jayanthi " .


Deevalur N.V.Srinivasan

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