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[Vaideekam] Regarding Pig and Purpose of Avatarams

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Dear All, I want to share my humble understanding of Lord Vishnu's avatarams. In an aim to make Earth inhabitable to human beings(which is the form given to best ones among earthly beings), He Himself took the shape and experimented his body ,mind and acts in order to arrive at an inference for the improvement of human gene.That is why Matcha avataram became His first incarnation as the earth was surrounded by water. Next experimentation is about ambivalent nature in the form Turtle.Then Varaha to test speed,action both in water and land. Now for human organs transplantation, pig's part only is acceptable ; not that of Chimpanzi which almost matches with human genes and shape.Then partly human;partly animal to test the symbiosis between two extreme qualities. Thus goes my understanding. Even Kalki avataram will be aimed at relieving all earthy worries and man-made problems. I respect Sriman NVS's

comment to take the essence of any thing we read & see and leave the ruffage at the right place. Dasan Dr.Sampath "Jai Simman R. Rangasamy" <rjsimman wrote: Hare Krishna.The Lord's coming as Varaha or Sveta Varaha does notmean that every pig is sacred. The Lord istranscendental, hence His appearance and body asVaraha are fully spiritual. He is the best in allcategories.Also, He came as sveta varaha or what can beapproximately

described in material terms as a wildboar. He did not appear as a domestic pig. Not every elephant is a Ganesha or every lion aNarasimha, as some commercial Indian movie dialogueswould have us believe.Pigs are also spiritual in so far as the souls encasedin the pigs' bodies are also spiritual. But the bodynevertheless is one of filth. So long as we areencaged in a material body, we do have to observeproper standards of cleanliness with regards torelating to other material bodies.This is not to say that Sanatana Dharma functions onthe level of some fanatically ritualistic bodily-basedsense of cleanliness devoid of compassion andconsideration. There are certain religionists who mayrun at the sight of a dog or a hog and shun them asdefiled creatures. But, Sanatana Dharma is not relatedto shunning an entity. It merely calls us to observethe protocol of cleanliness while extending

ourcompassion and welfare to the jiva encaged in suchbodies. Suitable behaviour is recommended, not unusualflirting or shunning.Pets and other animals have a place outside of thehome and they may be fed the Lord's remnants and caredfor. But they have no place in the home. We should notgo and consciously deal with them by way of incessantbodily affection in the name of a pompous show ofsocial equality like in the West where dogs share bedswith people, etc. We also learn from the history ofBharat Maharaja in the Srimad Bhagavatam how suchattachment can cause one to obtain an animal's body inthe next life due to absorption.We have our place and they have theirs and we co-existfor mutual benefit. But we should have a certain senseof decorum related to suchi or cleanliness in dealingwith various material bodies for bodies do influenceconsciousness.So, we do and should exercise compassion but

this isdifferent from bodily attachment which disregardsproper standards of cleanliness, both internal andexternal.The Lord's form of Varaha is totally a differentsubject matter. He is still the Lord and purelyspiritual. In fact, Varaha's hair is the original ofthe kusa grass or darbhai. I don't think ordinarydomestic pigs or wild boars give us kusa grass. So,clearly, the comparison cannot be tenable.Sometimes, we are very readily disposed to labellingsomething as superstition simply because we are unableto grasp the valid reasons behind a certain practicebased on our limited gross sensory perception. Andthis itself becomes the case for another form ofsuperstition. Subtle material and purely spiritualelements are much more finer than gross perception andthey do need a spiritual source of explanation thatoffers a larger picture of our cosmological order andpurpose. In accordance with that,

our bodily andmental decorum is regulated to maximise our spiritualbenefit. Even in terms of our gross sensoryrealisations, we have yet to understand many thingsproperly, what to speak of subtle and spiritualelements.Humbly,Your servant,Jai Simman,Singapore.________ Music UnlimitedAccess over 1 million songs.http://music./unlimited

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