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[Vaideekam] Birth & Shastram

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Dear Vaasu Vadhyar,


Just from the curiosity point of you am asking & also to understand the

background so that i can explain these things to my kid(s) in future.


How the concept of " theetu " originated?

Why there is " theetu " for birth and death?

Is there any other situtation when one gets theetu apart from birth and


On what grounds the number of days being calculated for different types of

" theetu " ?

How may types of " theetu " are there? Different types of theetu have

different timeframe?


If you feel that these questions are beyond the groups scope you may



Thanks & Regards,

R. Aravamudan [Arvind]





" brahmanena shadango vedha: nishkaaranena adhyethavya: gneya: anushteyascha | "

" Kutha: Kutha: Ithi prudhyathi kouthaskutha: "

Those Slokas point out, that if a thing has been told in Sastram, that should be

followed without making any question.

We should have that much of merit and respect on Sastrams.

The questioners are called as 'Kausthukas' and 'Haidhukas'.

If you believe Sastram you should do it.

If you do not believe you can leave it, there is no loss for Sastras.



The above are not my own words, they were taken out from some explanation given

at the beginning of " Srimath Rahasya Thrya Saaram " of Swami Desikan for the

below Sloka of " Upothghathathikaaram " .


" Karma brahmathmake shastre kausthuskuthanivarthkaan|

Vandhe hasthigireeshasya veethishodhakakinkaraan|| "


Now I try to explain the theetu as much as I can,

I don't know the example what I had given is correct or not.


Now let us think :

A cow is yielding milk when its calf came near for eating milk, it is happening

due to a feeling or emotion undergone in the body of the cow.

If we here the death message of somebody who is very close to us, automatically

our eyes are shedding tears, it also due to a secretion which secretes in our


We don't have more than five sense organs, but there are some more senses. Birds

and insects are having some different senses to find out there food (which is

away in 1000s of kilometers) and its location using those type of senses.


Like that some secretion will there in our body while hearing the death message

of our blood relations (Pangaalees). Also the same or some other type may

secrete by hearing birth.

Those secretion may produce some disturbance to devadas presence or activity.

So, the Rushis might have announced it to avoid doing deva kaaryam while a man

is in theetu.


So, we should obey the Sastram if we are able to get the reason or not.

If we are able to go in depth in religious or Sastras we can able to know the

reasons step by step.

Theetu is a big chapter I am going to do a searchable database for it to find

the period of theetu by clicking some data. It will take another five months to

complete it.


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R.Srinivasan wrote:



> Dear Vaasu Vadhyar,


> Regarding theetu you may also reveal what is in sastra book, what is

> in sampradayas and where practised now adays especially at places like

> Mysore, Kanchi, Navalpakkam, then desangal like srirangam, madurai,

> tanjore etc., also in the database. For raja seva if one has died then

> theetu should not be practised. dhurmaranam also similar. These may

> also be explainde


> Dasan

> R.srinivasan





There is no 'Desachara difference' in period of theetu for death or birth. They

are same for all brahmins.


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Dear AasthikAs :


As Sriman NVS Swamy graciously pointed out ,

(1) theettu is a big subject and (2)SaashthrAs should be

respected (3) JyOthisham and astrology are

different .


I will just record a few thoughts in a not too organized

manner to share some thoughts.


Our AchAryaas have recognized

the presence of those who want to know more

with questions like Why , How , what for etc .

They have also warned us not to get carried away too

far with such inquiries . As one who has been exposed to

both Scientific , rational method thru my six degrees in Science including


Doctoral degree from the World's greastest Engineering

Educational Institution , Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

and 26 years work as a Research Scientist at IBM Research Division

and exposure to Vaideeka ways ( Bruhaspathy family for

multiple generations originating from PoundarIkapuram ) ,

I am beginning to understand the reasons for not having answers

to all the questions by following exclusively one route or the other

( Scientific or Saasthraic ) . I will any day trust

Swamy Desikan and his wonderful insights to conduct our lives

and AchAryA's anushtAnams rather than sterile science inspite of

its majesty and sweep . Let us take the best outputs from

Science and blend it with our own AchAryAs' upadEsams

to lead a harmonious life .


Yukthi Vaadhams have to be used as needed without stumbling ,

when one rides on these two horses .There may come a time

to some one , who would rather ride on one horse or the other

and feel fulfilled .


One has to put things in perspective and roll time back to when

it all started . This will put the necessity for AachAram in perspective .

Our PoorvALs were very compassionate, caring and insightful ones .

They understood personal hygiene and transmittal of infectious diseases ,

when there were no antibiotics and emergency wards .By following their

AchAram and ways laid out by their elders , they lived meaningful and long

lives ( Veda PrAyam) with purpose and KshEmam at every level

( personal, Family , their ancient Village , City and Raajyam) .


Now coming back to the scinetific and emotional side of theetu ,

there were a lot of exposure of infection to the Mother , who had

given birth . Purpeural fever and risk to the Mother and infant's lives

were real .The new Mother was confined to prasavam quarters for

ten days to reduce the infection from the relatives ( mingling

with the general population) reaching them . The mother's bodies were

allowed to rest and recoup with loving care in an emotionally

stable environment . The realtives were observing the theettu

in this context .All boils down to the microbes and maintain

an infection free environment as much as possible . Just compare

what is happening today .Modern G & O practises has averted

some of these calamities waiting to happen . Imagine what happened

in Europe from a host of devastating diseases in the middle ages and before

due to crowded society not being able to defend itself thru proper

quarentines .


In India ( even few decades ago) many lived in villages and rarely

travelled even farther than 25 miles beyond their places of residence .

Bullock carts had to be assembled for a day long journey to a neighboring

town . Every body knew everybody else and the marriages were organized

in tight circles . Even today , there are villages like NaavalpAkkam ,

where generations of scholars have lived without too much movement

outside except for travel to dhivya dEsams for Veda PaarAyaNam etc.

Students come to these scholars and stay in Guru Kulam mode .


Today with the advances in international travel made possible by Jet

travel, drug resistant TB , AIDs , Asian Flu and pandemics

are brought to one's doors very quickly .Our AchAram based on Vaideekam

roots was the first line of defense against these lurking dangers . Not


outside ( ParAnnam) was another line of defense . When they say ,

wash your hands often and scrub yourself well before surgery

in hospitals and doctors follow those instructions , the common ground

is the avoidance of infections and their spreadings in the commnity .

It is well established that the best places to be exposed to infections

are the hospitals .


Death Theettu : other than the emotional side of coping with personal loss

of different degrees of intensity , there were health related questions when

some one passes away in joint families , which was in vogue in

those days . Immediate cremation was a necessity and house cleaning

was needed . No food was consumed in the houses untill

the immediate rites were taken care off . The (emotional and geographic)

degrees of

seperation from the deceased ( diseased) also guided the number of days

that one has to observe death theettu . It is very elaborate and sensible .

The Ahobila Matam Ahnikam book authored by the current Jeeyar

has a whole chapter on the Theetus and asouchams . You are

welcome to refer to it . adiyEn will also cover these items

in Ahobilavalli e-books .


One can go on and on ; I will however stop here and wait for

the well researched data base that Sriman NVS Swamy is planning

to construct in a few months time . Meanwhile , on behalf of all of us,

adiyEn thanks Sriman NVS Swamy for his single handed , tireless

Kaimkaryams that he does to serve the community of AasthikAs from

such divergent backgrounds ever so patiently .


NamO Sri NrusimhAya ,

Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan






Thanks sriman Sadagopachar swamin,

He well explained both scientifically and Sampradayam base, everything behind

the birth and death theetu.

Swami is supporting me (every one like me) in a critical situation like this.

Some can understood the facts behind a thing, but few (like swamy Sadagopachar)

only can explain it to others in good manner. For me it is too dificult to

explain things in English for which I have not practiced so far.

Again thanks to Swamin.


Yesterday I read a Sloka in " Neethi Sastram "

" Jyauthisham vyvahaarancha praayaschithhtham chikithsanam|

vinaa shasthrena yo bruyaaththamaahu: braahma ghaathukam|| "

-- Sloka No: 179


It means Jyothisham, vyavahaaram, praayaschiththam, Chikithsai (vaidhyam) told

without shastram will attain the paapam equal to brahma haththi (Killing a



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