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[Vaideekam] food

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The purpose of human birth is to attain salvation and the shortest route for

this is SaraNagathi as per Sri Visishtadvaitha religion.


The restrictions in food and life style are tools that make us lead a calm and

unperturbed life . While some may be content with just the basic needs of life ,

a majority strive to have maximum material pleasure. The former adhere to the

preachings of the sampradhAyis without any question.


SamAsrayaNam is a ritual perofrmed by the AchAryan to initiate people into the

SrivaishNavite way of life. One of the five parts of the ritual is affixing the

Sudarsan and Pachajanya seals on our shoulders making us the dAsAs (slaves) of

Lord Sriman NarayaNa. The hot metal seal just touches our shoulders for a

fraction of a second and the result is like a pin prick. Our AchAryAs are

compassionate enough not to punish us. So don't worry about the pain.

SamAsrayaNam, also known as Pancha SamskAram is done to all people irrespective

of the caste. Whoever wants to become a slave of Lord Sriman Narayana , may

approach his AchAryan and get initiated into SriVaishnavism.


Ilayavilli S Boovarahan



Well explained in all manner.



Quoting tri_vikrama:


> Namaskaram,


I wonder why Iyengars/Sri Vaishnavas have been prohibited: to consume

vegetables such as: Garlic, onion, mushroom, horseradish, carrot,

brinjal,tomato, yam, cabbage, cauliflower,..etc

what is the commonsense theory/science/fact/reason behind it. I have

seen northern indian brahmins they consume anything as long as, it is

from vegetation.

In addition the Sanketis are also not consuming: any foreign

vegetables which is not a Indian origin such as : cabbage,

cauliflower, carrot, tomato.

I thaught it is not wise to skip those vegetables; according to my

cousin who is a physician and many other doctors who I have

acquainted with: all those vegetables rich with elements such as anti-

oxidant, cancer repellent, copper...

e.g carrot is very rich in vit.A, carotene...etc

Since some of us has migrated to foreign countries, now we are

introduced to new vegetables such as: brocolli, asparagus, artichoke,

celery, greens, samphire, sea weeds...various grains and cereals. Are

we allow to consume.

Some pandits told me that those vegetables are fall under the Raajasa

category and not saatviga which should be consume by

brahmins/ascetic/monk which controls

anger,greed,lust,temptation...but I have seen hundreds among us who

consume saatviga food who has great deal of


Sri Lankan Vehdaaranya sivaacharyar told me that; those prohibition

is only for ascetic/monk/brahmachary/sannyasi who also observes

celibacy and for samsary/gruhastha

And then why accepted..consuming chilly/capsicum/pepper which is a

raajasa food, and not traditionally indian origin...the spanish

brought it to India from south america..we still using it in our




Is samashrayanam restricted or endowed only to iyyengars/Sri

Vaishnava or open to anyone.

Meanwhile apart from my great grandfather none of us has taken

samashrayanam. I understood that a hot mould metal will be embosed in

the palm or upper arm/shoulder. Could someone kindly please explain

briefly about the samashrayanam rituals/process in your own

experiance and view and not copy/paste from other sites. Is it

painfull. Is it mandatory for every vaishnava to take samashrayanam.


looking forward for your kind and favourable reply



with love

Venkadeshar Trivikrama








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Namasthe, It is interesting to read both mails. Onething we have to make

very clear whether we want to follow our Sampradaya or our own wish? If our

own wish of taste we can think of which one is tasty and rich in

ABCD......... If we want to follow our Sampradaya then there should be no

question about thinking why? not? The person who is following spiritual life

food is a basic need. Our Acharyas have given clear code of conduct in their

books. Even Bhagavat Gita speaks about it. once we start asking questions

why? and not? and there is no end?


Govindarajan, Muscat.

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According to the American Dietetic Association, we have 30 or 40 brain chemicals

called neurotransmitters that are used by our 10 million brain cells. Five or

six of these transmitters are affected by the food you eat. For example, foods

high in carbohydrates (breads, grains and cereals) contain the amino acid

tryptophan, and through a series of reactions this is converted to serotonin,

which has a calming effect on our bodies. If you want to relax, or if you need

to calm down, you want to eat foods high in carbohydrates.


Bhagavad-Gita divides the food into three clear divisions. These three

categories correspond to three gunas (qualities/ properties): 1) Satva guna:

calmness, purity, and balance. According to Bhagavad Gita satvik food promotes

longevity, intelligence, strength, health, happiness, and delight. Examples of

satvik food include fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals etc. 2) Rajas guna:

activity, passion, and restlessness. Examples of rajasik foods are hot spicey

foods and slaty foods. 3) Tamas guna:sleep, ignorance, dullness, and inertia.

Meat is a tamasik food.


I give below a very informative analysis conducted by Acharya Mahapragya in Jain

School of Thinking.


According to medical science anger, moodiness, immoderacy of temperament, short

temperedness are diseases of the human mind. They originate due to an increase

in the percentage of uric acid in the body which is caused due to the reduction

of enzymes in the body which in turn depend upon a balanced diet.


According to Yoga science a balanced diet is important but what is more

important is excretion. Food is essential as it is the source of all life

activities. The body absorbs the essential ingredients from food and then

excretes the waste. But if there is any imbalance in the food intake, it results

in disrupting this natural process. The large intestines are not the only place

where waste accumulates, it does so even in each and every tiny cell of the

body. Modern dieticians believe that good health requires 80% Alkaline acids and

20 % acidic ones. Excessive eating, eating at short intervals and eating without

hunger i.e. lacking the appropriate knowledge of food results in increase of the

concentration of the acidic ........ acidic... are negative and alkaline.

........are positive elements.. In order to maintain the right proportion between

the two a third important aspect comes into picture, which is Anshan( fasting).


According to yoga science human body organs such as kidney, heart and liver are

capable of functioning for a span of 300 years. But due to improper food intake

their life span decreases. The digestive system is over burdened when there is

an excessive acidic elements in the body. Ways have been suggested to excrete

the foreign particles in the body, they are-


1) Anshan


2) Restrained eating.


3) Forgoing the desire of the taste buds.


It is true that energy is derived through food, but then dullness is also caused

due to excessive eating. Eating more than what is needed by the body reduces the

benefits of food. To digest food the digestive organs will have to work more,

the energy of the body is thus lost on this and the other body organs are thus

deprived of this essential body energy. Due to the excessive work load the

discretory organs become weak and are unable to perform their functions, and so

a lot of toxic waste accumulates in the body. To give rest to the digestive

system it is important to fast (Anshan). At least once a week it is important to

give the digestive system some rest. Not every body can perform a full day fast,

for that purpose restrained eating(unodari) or overcoming the temptations of the

taste buds ( Ras Parityag ) can also be a solution. Some other factors that can

determine the healthiness of your internal organs are age, seasons, exercises

etc. In addition to all this the place and the way the food is taken is also

very important. Food should be eaten in healthy, clean surroundings, it should

not be eaten under any sort of stress, sorrow, anxiety of any sort, nor should

food be eaten in an untimely hour. If any body eats under such circumstances

then the food will not get properly digested.


In ancient days people kept a fast on full moon nights. The astrologists believe

that human mind gets directly effected by the moon. Curiously enough according

to many researches it has been found that the number of crimes committed on full

moon nights is much more then ordinary.


Why is it is so?


This means that the moon has a direct impact on human body. The reason is that

human body is consisted of 80% fluids. And moon is a well known to effect the

motion of water on earth, on full moon nights there are high tides. Henceforth

the human body is most effected on a full moon night. It is believed that during

these days the mind and the body should be given adequate rest and a good way to

perform this is Fasting. If we have want to keep our digestive system healthy

then we will have to understand the importance of food. A day before performing

Dhyana (meditation) a light meal should be taken. On fast days it is advisable

to drink lukewarm water , lime water or a fruit juice. The next day breakfast

should be very light preferably something liquid followed by a light lunch as



A meal should be divided into four parts, two parts for food, one part for water

and one part for air. This means that one should eat less then stomachful. After

eating the stomach should feel light because then there is not too much pressure

on the digestive system. There should be atleast 3-4 hour difference between

every meal, otherwise the digestive juices will not be formed and the digestion

would thus remain incomplete thus resulting in constipation. The waste will get

collected in the large intestines and kidneys and cause acidity. Sometimes

patients suffering with gas problem complain of having heart trouble, this is

merely due to gas. This might result in breathing disorders, the immunity sytem

of the body gets reduced and the mood becomes irritable.


Another way to keep the digestive system healthy is by overcoming the desire of

the taste buds.


1) Sugar 2) Salt 3) Milk 4)Ghee 5) Oil are to be taken sometime and other times

they should be avoided. For example a day should be assigned for avoiding all

foodstuffs in which excess of ghee is present, other days should be assigned for

avoiding salt or milk or oil etc. If the percentage of any of these has

increased then by performing this the ratio of same would get balanced once

again. At least once a week the same should be performed conscientiously.


There is a deep founded relationship between the sun and our digestive system as

well. The digestive system becomes slow and weak during the night. Avoid taking

food an hour after sunset and if at all keep to very liquid diet. According to

Medical reports 10 percent of the population today suffers from acidity. In one

time too many different type of food stuffs should not be taken. The reason for

this is that the digestive system does not have the capacity to digest so many

different type of food Ras (properties).


Eating a proper diet is also an art but today the life in the metropolitan

cities has become so automated and mechanical that the food we eat and the way

we eat has also become mechanical. Today's man is so busy that he has time for

everything but time to eat. While eating he is performing multiple functions

like reading the newspaper, working, watching television or listening to and

solving family or business problems etc. By doing this the mind will not be

involved with the act of eating only the teeth and the stomach will be

performing a function. The most important thing that has to be taken care of is

that food should be eaten in a calm and relaxed state of mind. If the mind is

tensed, angry, worried, anxious, or if the food is taken very late at night then

such food will not get properly digested or not produce the digestive juices

properly. Just like our body needs health tonics so also does our mind. The food

has direct impact on our mind and our thinking. The mind is related to electric

waves and chemicals. These chemicals are formed from the food we eat. The food

we eat directly effects the body chemicals, these in turn effect all our mental

activities which effect our day to day behavior, thoughts and ultimately

actions/personality. This is all inter-related and goes in a circle, until and

unless this art is not properly understood we can ameliorate our health and

ultimately our personality.


" Food " should also be linked to " Preksha " , while having food only food should be

eaten meaning complete attention should be paid to it. Right from the first bite

that is eaten and chewed observe and feel the different taste of the food, then

feel the food passing down the throat food pipes to the intestines and the

stomach. By doing this one's awareness towards food will also get increased, our

chewing capacity will get increased, the work that our teeth and jaw is to

perform will not be left on the intestines. We will become more cognizant to the

taste and the values of the food we eat, upon practice we can even get to know

which taste belongs to which particular food. By mixing other things in

vegetables, salad, milk or any other food stuffs to increase the taste of same

we will actually reduce the natural values of the food. Gradually with time one

can even appropriate the right values of food product. We will be able to

perform the function of a doctor for the self, we can get to know which food has

what effects on the body.


The circle of life directly depends upon food we eat, just from the food one

takes it is easy to know the personality of a person. Only the food which has

been taken with the right knowledge Hit, Mit and Satvik (ie taking what is good

for the self, the quantity, and its effect on the body into consideration) is

actually healthy. Keeping this into mind, factors such as climate, one's age,

place and the requirements of one's body have to be kept in consideration.

Quantity means the awareness of what has to be eaten in how much quantity. Even

if ambrosial food is taken in too much quantity it will take tyhe form of

poison. The food which relaxes the mind and gives no immoral thought is innately

good or Satvik./The food which gives placidity and because of which no scathing

thoughts come the mind is satvik food.


For a better and healthy living the practice of taking good food is of vital

importance to the body, by and by as the practice of good food increases so also

do the juices in our body undergo a change. With that there is a major change in

one's thinking and behavior and thus a beginning to a new and beautiful life.

Then one can freely say that whatever has not happened till now has finally



- Sri Nrisimha Padasevaka


B.K.Srinivasa Ragavan



govinda rajan


Saturday, January 05, 2008 12:15 PM

Re: [Vaideekam] food



Namasthe, It is interesting to read both mails. Onething we have to make

very clear whether we want to follow our Sampradaya or our own wish? If our

own wish of taste we can think of which one is tasty and rich in

ABCD......... If we want to follow our Sampradaya then there should be no

question about thinking why? not? The person who is following spiritual life

food is a basic need. Our Acharyas have given clear code of conduct in their

books. Even Bhagavat Gita speaks about it. once we start asking questions

why? and not? and there is no end?


Govindarajan, Muscat.







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