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Pranaam swami,


Quote " due to deafness,muteness,blindness & insanity, or one who fail

to do the SV exceeding 7 days, shall adhere punar-ubhanayanam "


In conjunction, what are the rules that has been stipulated in the

particular scripts: for those who: neglected or non-concordance or

non-consistence in performing SV: for the reason of tiredness,

illness, travelling abroad or long journey, working during the hours,

change of sleeping patern due to designation, imprisoned, fugitive or

perhaps being indolent. Exceeding 7 days or less/more.


Is it, Punar-Ubhanayanam means re-baptising(Ubhanayanam-poonool

kalyaanam)?, as such do we have to conduct again the whole-expensive-

time consuming Ubhanayanam rituals? Have u ever came a cross of have

conducted such events(punar-ubhanayanam)?


In such case, is that means; one who neglected the routines exceeding

the time limits will astray their braamanatvam thus have to redo the

ubhanayanam or start from the scratch.


Kindly please light my ignorance.






I never came across such Punarupanayanam ritual,

but I never have a chance to meet such a dare person to accept his fault?!!

Also punarupanaynam is not such a lengthy one as normal.


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Pranaam swami,


Thank you very much for the soonest reply. Meanwhile, Pardon me

swamy! I am one of them, nevertheless I do not want to defend for my

non consistency, due to my profession..I am an aviation engineer

hence..regular..travelling...working lenthy hours..mostly during the

low circadian periods, excessive work pressure and tiredness, quite

often I miss the SV for more then 3 weeks, therefore what will be the

penalty, punishments or solutions for the failure of observing the


Do I have to adhere the punarubhanayanam? are all the

accaaryars/purohits knew about this punar-ubhanayanam regulations,

End of this year I will be in a stable position and working hours, I

live in UK.


kindly please light me in details.





Yes, If you do the punarupanayanam, as per shastram you will get relief of all

dhoshams and you should not bear the guilty feeling after knowing the shastram.

I will give you the punarupanayana prayogam later.

Send your remember request to my personal email ID.


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