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Navagraha NamaskAra Veda Mantrams : Part V for SOman/Chandran

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SrI:Dear VedAbhimAnis :





The Veda Mantram for Soman (dEvatai) is :


AapyAyasva samEtu tE viSvata: SOma rushNiyam , bhavaa vAjasya sangathE


(Meaning): Oh Chandra Bhagavann! Please extend my longevity and enhance my strength ( to perform kaimkaryams). May Your veeryam (virility) extend all over. Please bless us to have anna samruddhi ( fulness of food and provisions) .





Word by word Meaning:

AapyAyasva=(Oh Soma) Please grow further my life on this earth and my strength during this life !

tE vrushNeeyam samEtu=May Your virility spread to every corner !

vAjasya sangathE bhavaa= Please bless us with the boon of sumptous food !

The Mantram for the atidEvatai( Jalam) for SOman is :

apsu mE SOmO aBhraveedhantar-visvAni bhEshajA , agnim cha viSvaSambhuvam Apasccha viswabhEshajee:

(Meaning): Soma has said that water (jalam/Aapa:) contains in it all kinds of medicine ( healing essences) . Agni , who grants the world and its beings with all kinds of auspiciousness is inside the Jalam ( antargatam).The water is the curing medicine for all sufferings .

Word by word Meaning:

mE =for me

apsu= the Waters

viSvAn bhEshajA anta:= contain inside it all the healing potios( medicine).

(iti) Soma: aBraveet=Thus said Chandran.

ViSva sambhuvam Agnim cha =Agni , which confers all kinds of auspoiciousness on the universe is also housed inside the Jalam .

Aapa: cha ViSvabhEshaji=This water is the cure for all sorrows .

The mantram for Gowri as the Pratyati dEvatai for SOman is :

Gowree mimAya salilAni takshatyEkapadhee dhvipadhee saa chatushpadhee , ashDApadhee navapadhee BhabhUvushee sahasrAksharaa paramE vyOman

Meaning : Gowri Devi measures the universe and makes it orderly. She holds under Her sway all the animals that came out of the cosmic waters . She is the One , who is with ParamAkASa Brahman in the form of the Veda mantrams with one line( pAdham) , two lines, four lines , eight lines , nine pAdhams and those which contain one thousand letters( aksharams).

Word by Word Meaning:

Gowri= This Gowri Devi

mimAya= She measures this world and creates order.

salilAni takshati= She brings under Her control all the beings born out of water.

Saa= She

paramEvyOman ( tishtati) = resides with Brahman in the ParamAkAsam

yEkaptee dhvipatee chathushpatee BabhUvushee=and (Gowree) becomes the embodiment of mantrams with one line,two lines and four lines

ashtApatee navapatee sahasrAkshara BabhUvushee= (She also) becomes the form of mantrams with 8 paadhams,nine Paadhams and one with thousand letters .

SOma Gayatri:

Om Padma-dhwajAya vidhmahE

hEma-roopAya dheemahi

tannO SOmA: prachOdayAt

( Meaning): We mediate on that One with the lotus flower on His flag and for that we pray to the One of golden hue. May that SOman prompt us for that meditation !

Om adhidEvatA PratyadhidEvatA sahitAya SOmAya Nama:

(Meaning): Our salutations to Chandran with His adhidEvata( Jalam) and PratyadhidEvatA ( Gowree) !

(To Be Continued )

DhAsan,Oppilappan Koil V.Sadagopan






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