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Navagraha NamaskAra Veda Mantrams : Part IX for Ketu

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SrI:Dear VedAbhimAnis :
















The Veda Mantram for Ketu (dEvatai) is :


Ketum kruNvanna kEtavE pESO maryaa apESasE , samushadhbhi-rajAyathaa:


Meaning: Oh Eternal Ketu ! You shine in a resplendent manner with your beams of light and grant riches to us , who are bereft of wealth .


Word by Word Meaning :


amaryaa:= Oh Deathless Ketu !


akEtavE = (for us) without lustre(kaanti)


kEtum = (you grant us) kaanti


apESE = (for us) without wealth


pESa:= (You give us ) wealth.


kruNvan Thvam = You bless us


ushadhbhi:= with Your rays of light


sam ajAyathaa:= ( You shine in )

many splenderous forms ( while granting us all these boons).





The Mantram for the atidEvatai(Brahmaa) for Ketu is :

Brahmaa dEvAnAm padhavee: kaveenAm rishir-viprANAm mahishO mrugANAm ,SyEnO grudhrANAm savdhitir-vanAnagum sOma: pavitramtyEti rEbhan

Word by word Meaning:

BrahmA dEvAnAm= You are Brahmaa among the dEvAs

padhavee: kaveenAm= You are the most gifted among the poets

rishi viprANAm= You are a Rishi among the Brahmins

mahisha: mrugANAm= You are the strong Buffalo among the animals

SyEna: grudhrANAm= You are the strong eagle among the groups of Eagles

svadhiti: vanAnAm= Among the tools to cut , You are the sharp axe

rEbhan Soma:= The Soma rasam eulogized by the Veda mantrams

pavitram atyEti=surpasses every thing in sacredness . You match that (soma rasam) also in sacredness.


The mantram for as the Pratyati dEvatai (Chitra Guptan)for Ketu is:

sachitra chitram chitayantam asmE chitrakshatram chitratamam vayOdhaam, chandram rayim puruveeram Bruhantam chandra chandrAbhir-gruNatE yuvasava

Meaning:Oh Most renowned Chitragupta who gladdens the people of the world like the Chandran ! For us who eulogize You with sweet stOtrams , Please bless us with multifarious iswaryams and valuable boons that yield food, sukham and heroic progeny .

Word by Word Meaning:

sachitra chandra =Oh Famous ChitrguptA , who delights the world as Chandran !

chandrAbhi: gruNatE asmE =For us who eulogize You with sweet stutis

chitram = of different kinds

chitayantam= (and) most noble

chitratamam=(as well as) valuable

vayOdhAm= yielding food/annam

chandram=and that gives sukham

puruveeram= heroic progeny

rayim= ( all the above) wealth

yuvasva= Please grant !

Ketu Gayatri:

Om asvadhvajAya vidhmahE

SoolahastAya dheemahi

tannO Ketu: prachOdayAt

(Meaning): We meditate upon that Ketu with the symbol of horse in His flag . For that purpose ,we reflect on the hand holding a trident . May that Ketu prompt us for that meditation !

adhidEvatA pratyadhidEvatA sahitAya KetavE nama:

(Meaning): Our salutations to Ketu with His adhidEvata( Brahma) and Pratyadhi-dEvatA ( Chitra Gupta) !

There are individual Navagraha stotrams, kavacham and ashtottara naamAvaLis available for the nine grahams for use in Navagraha poojaas.

May Sriman Narayana , the Lord of Navagrahams bless You all !

Navagraha Mantrams Completed.

DhAsan,Oppilappan Koil V.Sadagopan






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