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Navagraha NamaskAra Veda Mantrams : Part V for Budhan

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SrI:Dear VedAbhimAnis :







The Veda Mantram for Budhan (dEvatai) is :


Mantram for the Devatai:Budhan


UdhBhddhyasvAgnE prati jAgruhyEna-mishDApoortE sagum-srujEthAmayam cha, puna: kruNvagumstvA pitaram yuvAna-manvatAgumseet thvayi tanyumEtam


Meaning: Oh Agni blessing Your devotees! Please awaken and cast Your benovolent glances on adiyEn . Please awaken the yajamAnan as well so he can engage in auspicious activities . Both of you together should perform the subha kAryam of IshtA Poorty Yajn~am . Oh

adhikAri for this Yajn~am ! May Agni bless You to be young forever and serve as the good father in Your family and be the source of good progeny .


This is a prayer by AchAryan on behalf of the YajamAnan.


Word by Word Meaning :


Agne !=Oh Agni who blesses Your devotees with the elevation of their worldly and spiritual status !


udhBuddhyasva= Please awaken adiyEn for casting Your MangaLa dhrushti on adiyEn.


yEtam pratijAgruhi=Please awaken the YajamAnan and instill in him the desire to engage in auspicious activities .


ayam cha ishtApoortE sagumsrujEtAm= May both yourself and the YajamAnan

perform ishtA poorta kaimkaryam.


tvA pitaram yuvAnam=Oh YajamAna ! May You be youthful and be the Father of the household


puna: kruNvan= performing more and more auspicious deeds


thvayi yEtam tantum anvAthAgumseet=

and May Bhudhan grow further Your progeny !





The Mantram for the atidEvatai( Trivikramar) for Budhan is :

idham VishNurvichakramE trEdhA nidadhE padham , smUDamasya paagumsurE

(Meaning): VishNu measured this earth as Trivikraman. He placed His sacred feet in three ways.The entire uiverse is under the dust from His auspicious feet.

Word by word Meaning:

idham VishNu: =This VishNu

vichakramE=measured .

Padham trEdhA nidadhE=( for that purpose , He placed His feet in three ways .

asya bhAgumsurE samUDam=The whole world is held under the speck of a dust from His sacred feet .

The mantram for VishNu as the Pratyati dEvatai for Budhan is :

VishNO rarADamasi VishNO: prushtamasi VishNO: jn~aptrEsthO syUrasi ishNOrdhruvamasi VaishNavamasi VishNavE tvaa

Meaning : This mantram is about the homage to the Pratyati Devatai for Budhan : VishNu.Please eulogize Budhan at the entrance of His Yaaga Mantapam as VishNu's forehead (lalADam). Please salute him as VishNu's rear at the back of that Mantapam. Please view Him as the legs of VishNu , when the two entrance posts are seen.Consider the binding ropes as hte Naadis of VishNu. Meditate on the binding knots formed by the ropes as the firm grantis of VishNu.You shine as the embodiment of VishNu. adiyEn prostrates before You as the representative (Pratinidhi) of VishNu BhagavAn.

Word by Word Meaning:

VishNO: raraaDamasi=( This is a prayer to be made at the steps of the Yaaga Mantapam): You are like the broad forehead of VishNu.

VishNO: Prushtamasi=( The prayer at the backside of this Mantapam) :You are like the rear of Lord VishNu.

VishNO: jn~aptrE stta:= ( The prayer at the pillars holding the Mantapam): You are like the Lords's strong legs ( that measured effortlessly the entire universe).

VishNO: syUrasi=( The prayer for the ropes binding the auxillaries): You are like the esoteric naadis of VishNu.

VishNO: dhruvamasi =( The prayer on seeing the knots made from the ropes): You are like the grantis of VishNu.

VaishNavamasi= You shine the entire body of VishNu( VishNumayam).

VishNavE Thvaa=adiyEn salutes You as the representative of VishNu .

Budha Gayatri:

Om Gaja-dhwajAya vidhmahE, Sukha hastAya dheemahi, tannO Budha: PrachOdayAt

We meditate upon that Budhan with the elephant symbol in His flag. For that purpose we mediate on the One with Sukha mudhrai on His hand . May that Budhan prompt us for that meditation !

Om adhidEvatA PratyadhidEvatA sahitAya BudhAya Nama:

(Meaning): Our salutations to Budhan with His adhidEvata( Trivikrama) and PratyadhidEvatA ( VishNu) !

(To Be Continued )

DhAsan,Oppilappan Koil V.Sadagopan






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Dear swamin,

In the manthras for pratyadi devata vishnu some typographical error it



















dEvatai for Budhan is :


rarADamasi VishNO: prushtamasi VishNO: jn~aptrEsthO syUrasi

ishNOrdhruvamasi VaishNavamasi VishNavE tvaa

VishNO: syUrasi=
















This i sonly clerical missing. One more doubt  Whether swa sakha is

different like jaiminiya sama veda 

paushkara atharvana vedha then they also should follow only these krsna

yajur veda manthras only?.  Each graha has separate varna, anga,

malyambaradaram, dhavaja patam, direction,  while doing avahanam,

separate dhanya, vasthra etc., which is not clear to people. If

possible the same be mentioned at the end. continued by specific

dasavathara stothra stanzas.;




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