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Paranthaman Panjangam[2009-2010] - Thought

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Dear Vaideekam Group members,


I am sending this note after hearing that Paranthaman Panjangam is ready for the year Virodhi Varusham [for the year 2009-2010].


We all are blessed to be part of the Vaideekam group and year after year, Sriman.NVS swamy is publishing the Paranthaman panjangam for our benefit.


Every year he prints many copies and distribute the same to everyone free of cost. It is our duty to partake in the noble cause of Sri.NVS swamin. He is continuing his service without any favour and inspite of many difficulty that he is having, but we, as group members, must join him in his efforts wherever possible.


I am sure VaAsu Mama may not be getting enough contribution to cover the cost of printing and may I requst all of us to do our mite by contributing any amount [ofcourse, you will undrestand that minimum of 5 or 10$ per group member will be better ]. Also it will be nice if any of our group members come forward with a good proposal for the next year printing by having good sponsorship


Let us all join in improving the "Dhaarmika activities" through this valuable group. Also remember that Panjangam Dhanam is one of the dhanams we must be doing every year.If any of us would like to know of the printing cost details, please contact VaAsu mama and I am sure he will come forward with the necessary details for us to come out with good sponsorship / proposal.


This group is always FREE and the information / service provided by Sri.NVS swamin is FREE but I hope this request from mine will be of little help to him.


Remember the famous word 'YES. WE CAN DO IT'.





I hope VaAsu mama will approve this message.






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